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Chapter Four.

  I woke up to the strong fragrance of jasmine tea, and then I took in my surrounding and from what I could see whomever owns this room was were very rich , the bed wasa king size canopy bed , with a green marble floor , above was a chandelier and the size of the room thrice the size of my room , my eyes darted across the room , where was I ? , how did I get here ?, now that I thought about it , all the memories of what happened yesterday came crashing down on me , grandma telling me about my true identity , being attacked by bektus , given a book - which I had to find later- , grandmas death , thinking about it made feel a painful ache in my chest , I brought my hands and placed it on my chest where I felt the pain more , I couldn't believe grandma was gone , with everything that happened and that is going to happen , how do I move , my one purpose of living just died ,the only one who motivated me , even when I never knew my parents I had never felt that way , there was never a day I gave up with her by my side , but now I think I had already given up , should I? What will I be living for?
   Am being hunted by people I knew nothing about, what if they wanted to kill me .. yeah I think they wanted to kill me, then it's better I die before they get to me, maybe they had already gotten to me, but why would the person who brought me here kill those creatures were they not working for them, they was only one way to find out and that is by looking for a way out of here with the book.
   I had to find the book, and with that thought in mind, I got up from the bed and discovered, I was in new cloth, particularly a red sleeveless dress, who changed my clothes? How long have been here? , I thought with a grimace, that's not important now, I saw a cupboard beside the bed and opened the first row, searching for the book but couldn't find it as I was about to open the second row I felt a presence behind me so I  immediately turned to crash into a wall, wait ... It was not a wall but a .... Chest? I took a step back and was stopped by the cupboard as I took a closer look at the most handsome male I have ever seen in my life, he had green piercing eyes that could see through me, and he had blond long hair that he pulled into a short ponytail, he had wonderful tan skin filled with muscles that almost -emphasis on almost  - made me drool, he wore a tank top that perked up all his muscles and sweatpants that made me identify his long legs, I think I was probably drooling by now, just watching him, he was very tall so I was gazing up at him, but I was snapped out of my starring competition when I heard his hoarse masculine voice
   " You should be resting now lady Luna," he said with a grin on his face like he was amused by me starring at him, I straightened up and looked him straight in the eye
   " How long have you been there? , Who are you? , I deserve to know where you are keeping me and why ?" I asked daringly
  " Hmmm feisty aren't you, you should be glad I saved your life "
He said turning his back on me to work towards the door, but I wasn't going to let him leave, I had so many questions and I needed to leave this room if not this place, where is this place?
" Who are you and what do want from me ?"
I demanded, but at that he let a smirk spread his lip 
   " If I had wanted anything from you, then I wouldn't have warned you from the start, you have no idea, do you? "
   That struck me hard what did he mean by he warned me
   " How do you know me and what do you mean by you warned me, " I asked
" Oh you are so clueless, I was sent to find you which believe me is the hardest mission I've ever been given, you always move like you had no home, I will explain everything to you later, don't worry about the book I have it with me, and I know you are already eighteen which means your powers are awake, you will need training, for now, rest and get ready, the maids will bring you more clothes ... Believe me when I tell you we are not your enemy, there's someone far worse out there " that the last statement brought a creepy tingle up my spine, this tingle was not totally a bad one but the one that told me that what he said was the truth, it all made sense now ... Why I wasn't killed yet. I wanted to leave this place but I felt and knew I was nowhere no near home and I wouldn't be able to find my way home so the best idea was to do as he says .... Wait I didn't even know his name.
" What is your name ?"
  " Hadrian, you are in fallen astral of the astral society, this is your world, get settled," he said with a poker face, his eyes seemed sad and emotionless like they had a bitter story to tell and for some reason, I wanted to know that story, I want to know why a handsome man like Hadrian would be so sad, there's this tugging in my heart that I should know but why I had never met him, I didn't even know if I could trust him but yet I felt I could, I needed answers, I was really confused.
  " And I already know you, Luna daughter of late king Killian and Ani of the astral society empire, you do realize you are royalty, right ?"
  I didn't care about royalty, I only cared about the fact that he knew my parents
  " Wait you knew my parents ?"
I asked
" I'm a prince here in fallen astral, so let's just say back when I was little and your father was still alive, I attended some banquet at the high court and I got to see him now please get ready we have a long way ahead "
  After saying that he immediately vanished into thin air like he was never there, I gasped trying to wrap my head around the fact that he was a prince and he just literally disappeared in front of me, this was too much, I took a stumblingly step back, massaging my scalp because seriously all this was giving me a migraine, wait what if he was like me, he has magic there's no other way he could do that and if that be true I think I had already found who my teacher was going to be.
Done yay...
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    Duming Ambong



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    Deden Alcoser

    please help me


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    Mark O. Arcilla

    nice one


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