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Chapter 6

When he hears his name, Xavier sprints away as quickly as the wind. Even though he was following Lyca, he chose to maintain his distance. However, Xavier's attention was drawn to another odor, and as a result, Xavier decided to investigate where the odor originated. However, before he could get very far, he heard Lyca calling his name and she stopped him.
"Damn it! It began, but there was still a long way to go. There is still light from the moon!" As Xavier watched Lyca convulse on the ground, he made the assertion.
"Ahhh!!!" Lyca wailed out in agony as she continued to cry out in convulsions. Because the discomfort is present throughout her entire body, she is unsure of which part of her body to touch first.
"I'm here... Don't be concerned, "Xavier murmured something as soon as he got within hearing distance. He did not waste any time and picked up Lyca right away. Xavier hushed, "—We need to go to a safe place," and started running as quickly as he could.
Lyca looks at Xavier as she sobs and struggles to catch her breath. "... What exactly is going on with me? What have you done to torment me?" The look of venom that spread across Lyca's face was accompanied by the chattering of her teeth.
"Keep your strength to yourself! You were warned earlier, and since you went ahead and did this anyway, you must now bear the consequences." Xavier responded as he continued to look in every direction.
"Damn you! I can't die! I have sworn that I will not give up until I have avenged myself and reclaimed the castle!" Lyca made this assertion. She is consumed by her suffering, but Lyca's rage serves to fortify her. "... I watched as that wicked witch took the life of my father in front of me! So I can't die like this!"
Xavier maintained his silence as he descended into a cavern that was surrounded by waterfalls.
"... Anger can help you, but it's not enough to make you forget the pain," Xavier said as he stripped off his clothing. "... Anger can help you,"
"... The next few moments are crucial for you; as I told you earlier, your body will suffer but remember—Embrace the pain and accept your fate... That is the only way for you to survive," Xavier explained as he removed Lyca's clothes. "... The next few moments are crucial for you; as I told you earlier, your body will suffer but remember—Embrace the pain and accept your fate."
Lyca is unable to stop Xavier from stripping her because she lacks the strength to do so. The only thing that makes sense to her is that the pain is getting worse.
"crackle, crackle!" the bones of Lyca started to break down.
As soon as Xavier saw what was happening, he did not waste any time and quickly shifted into his wolf form. Because he is used to doing things in this manner, it only takes him a minute to finish making the adjustment.
In the meantime, Lyca caught a glimpse of the black wolf despite her vision is hazy.
(It appears that Xavier is not exaggerating... it has been determined that he is the wolf that was seen last night...) Lyca's internal monologue, which she carried out while clenching her fists and biting the corner of her lip.
"Aww-woo!" Xavier gave a low growl and moved closer to Lyca. He began licking the wounds that were all over her body.
Although the pain is still present, it is not as bad as it was before... Lyca is feeling a modicum of relief; she has no idea what is going on, but Xavier's licking brings her a great deal of comfort; although the discomfort is still present, it is not as bad as it was before...
Xavier licked her until her appearance was gradually altered, and after each rip in her flesh, he immediately moved on to the next. Lyca had a porcelain complexion and white fur when she first appeared, but then she began to show signs of having fangs and claws.
"Aw- woo!!"
A stunning sight for the human eye is provided by the brilliant illumination of the blood moon in the night sky. On the other hand, it has the opposite effect on some people, such as the Xavier group...
One soul is restless throughout the castle, and that soul is none other than Queen Annabelle.
"Ahh! More would be great! Put all of the young ladies in the crate!" Queen Annabelle let out a scream before releasing her hold on the young woman.
The security guard hastily brought in two more young women. The guard was so terrified that he was unable to raise his eyes when he said, "Your highness, only these two are left." The soldier was terrified because the floor was covered in the bodies of dry corpses that were scattered about.
Queen Annabelle sprang into action and immediately strangled the two women who were being carried by the guard. While she was in the process of sucking the life force out of the two women, she asked, "—What about Albert?!!"
The two guards glanced at each other before taking a few steps back, and then one of the guards responded with a voice that was shaking. "Your highness, up to this point, we still haven't received any news from him... it's possible that he is still looking for the dear princess..."
Annabelle's face darkened. "Useless! Why hasn't he been able to catch a glimpse of the princess yet? Because Lyca never leaves the castle, she has no idea what is going on in the world beyond the kingdom." Following these comments, she knocked the two girls down from the floor, which, in the same manner as the previous action, rendered their lifeless corpses.
Both of the guards jumped, but neither of them dared to run away. "Your Majesty, there is an excellent chance that the princess went into the deep woods... Possibly because of this, Sir Albert has not yet made his way back, "stuttered out a statement was one of the security guards.
After a brief pause for thought, Queen Annabelle muttered, "It seems as though the searching for the princess will take longer..." and then she issued an order. "—rally the forces, and make a beeline for the village! Tell the parents that anyone who sends their maidens to the castle will be rewarded with something."
Both of the guards hastily exit the room with Queen Annabelle...
"Should I be concerned about this? If Snow is in the thick of the woods, there's nothing for me to do but wait... Because it is unlikely that she will run into the prince there, I shouldn't let my nerves get the best of me..." Queen Annabelle murmurs to herself as she makes her way to her chamber.
"My love... Where have you been? I've been waiting for you, like forever..."
The gloomy expression that was previously present on Queen Annabelle's face became less prominent. "My love... Have you been thinking about me?"
It's time to head back to the cave where Lyca and Xavier were hiding... The only sounds that can be heard are those of the falling water in the waterfalls and the chirping of insects that are located all around. The environment as a whole is very quiet.
"It's finished... for the time being, you can rest..." Xavier murmured something to Lyca as he gently stroked her hair.
Lyca was so worn out that she had no strength left to move. "... No, I need to get dressed; a lady can't sleep with a man like this..." Lyca's voice could hardly be heard because of how exhausted she was; even her push seemed to be a caress on Xavier's chest. "... No, I need to get dressed; a lady can't sleep with a man like this..."
Lyca, however, feels ashamed due to her position as the princess and the innocent lady. She is doing this on purpose so that she can get a better sense of Xavier's body.
Xavier let out a sigh; he was too exhausted and sleepy, just like Lyca. "Princess, you are at liberty to pursue any interests that you currently have. But if you rule me, I'm sorry—I'm not going anywhere because I'm too lazy "Xavier asserted himself in a composed manner while closing his eyes.
Lyca was at a loss for words in response to Xavier's impolite behavior as her mind began to form an annoying feeling for him. She mumbled, "You impolite beast..." just before she passed out and became unconscious.
A sneer appeared on Xavier's face as he put his arm around Lyca. As he hugged Lyca even more tightly, he continued to say, "Little princess, welcome to my world..."

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    good novel


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    John Stephen Villahermosa



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