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Chapter 5

Lyca made a fist and looked at the men around her. She isn't sure if she will acknowledge them, but since she doesn't know them, Lyca decides not to. "If you were the black wolf from last night, you already know I don't want to die... But I won't stay here because of that! As I've already said, I have a very important job to do!"
Xavier stopped leaving the house after Lyca said that, but he didn't turn around or say anything. So, she spoke up again. "Also, thanks for being so kind... I'll pay you all back when the time is right. "
Xavier said, "Yes," and left the house.
"Princess, don't be afraid to go back or call for Xavier if you feel like something is wrong with your body. Since he made you, he knows how to make you feel better."
"What are these guys doing? I can't believe I'll meet a man like this in my whole life. How can they say crazy things and not feel bad?" Lyca said this as she kept walking.
Xavier looks at Snow as she walks away, his worry for her still there.
"If it bothers you, you can go after her..." Kai said as he patted Xavier on the arm. As the Beta of the group and a close friend of Xavier's, he understands how he thinks.
Since what happened to Lyca last night, Xavier has been distraught.
He doesn't know why he went crazy last night, but luckily he got himself back together before something worse happened. "Did you notice anything when you moved last night?" As he looked at Kai, Xavier asked.
Kai moved his head no, "Nothing, except for you; we didn't see anything out of the ordinary... Also, you said last night that there are people in the forest besides Lyca. Do you think they are working for the princess or trying to get her?"
He just shook his head. "I don't know, to be honest. Last night, I smelled someone, but I lost my senses while running, and by the time I came to, it was too late. "He signed his name with despair.
Kai couldn't help but sigh when he saw how upset Xavier was. "The moon looked strange last night. I can also feel a mix of dark energy in the air... Could what happened last night have been caused by the evil witch?!"
Xavier mutters a curse. "I've given that some thought, but what does the bad witch have to do with Lyca?" He said something and gasped for air, then walked away without thinking.
"I have to remind you that there is a red moon tonight... So if you don't want to be found, you should stay out of sight..." Kai reminded him when he saw Xavier leave the yard.
Xavier gives a hand signal. Xavier will never forget, so Kai doesn't have to tell him. "Lyca can't go anywhere else... In addition to the pain of shifting, there is a high chance of being caught by an evil witch, "He mumbled as he walked in the same direction as Lyca.
On the other hand, the six men who were left in the cabin started getting ready for the red moon as well.
Except for Xavier, the other five have trouble controlling their wolf when it's time. So, the six must find a quiet place to chain themselves up.
"Xavier isn't here. Don't tell me he won't come with us tonight!" The youngest of the pack, Kayden, asked. He has the big lock that will be used on him in his hands.
"Don't worry about the alpha, kid. He can handle himself... You should be worried about yourself since you almost died the last time." Adam, who is the leader of the group, sneers. He is holding his lock, just like the other.
The other person laughed and got up to leave. The quiet place is in a cave near their house that is hard to find. Since Xavier isn't there, they have to chain themselves together.
"This Night is going to be long and hard..." Kai said as he helped the other person.
"What worries me about Kai is Xavier... Last night he went blank. What if it keeps happening?" Adam said something that made everyone stop talking.
Kai signed and stated. "Xavier is good at what he does... Let's just trust him; he is our leader, after all."
Lyca is walking carefully on the other side of the forest, but she isn't sure if she is on the right path. "...Once I'm out of here, it'll be easy to find Matthew's kingdom," Lyca said to herself to cheer herself up. She didn't know how long she had been walking, but her throat was already dry, and her clothes were wet from sweat.
Because of this, Lyca decided to take a break. Right where she was, she heard the sound of water. "Oh, thank god! I will feel better! "She ran after the sound of running water, which made her very happy.
"What's happening? I can hear the water well, but I can't see it." Lyca said that she was surprised, but she kept walking anyway. More than two hours later, Lyca saw a stream. She said, "Finally!" and got so excited that she forgot her worries and question.
Lyca was utterly taken aback by what she saw. "Wow! I didn't know that the dark forest had a beautiful view, or maybe I had already left the dense forest?!" When Lyca saw that this was a chance, she didn't waste time. She went down to the clean stream right away. Lyca was having so much fun that she didn't notice that the sun had gone down.
Crickets and other bugs make "eek" and "eek" sounds.
Lyca's happy laugh stopped, and so did her breathing. She tried to hear what was going on around her. "What's happening? What sound is that?" Lyca moaned as her eyes grew wide with fear.
Lyca got out of the water while putting her hands over her ears. "What's going on with me? What's making all that noise?" She said it in a whisper. The noise Lyca hears gets louder as time goes on. Her heartbeat and fast breathing are also giving her a terrible headache.
Then she thinks back to what Xavier said earlier. "Oh my god, is he being honest?" Lyca said when she felt a tightness in her chest.
Lyca thinks about what the guy said earlier and starts to shake. "Princess, don't be afraid to go back or call for Xavier if you feel like something is wrong with your body. Since he made you, he knows how to make you feel better."
Lyca didn't waste any time. Instead, she yelled as loud as she could. "Xavier!"

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    good novel


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    John Stephen Villahermosa



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