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Chapter 10

“Wait,” Aunt Russo suddenly put her hand up, signaling us to stop whatever we’re doing, “ay Dios mio! They’re breaking the barrier!”
“You can feel that?” I asked, which is admittingly, a really dumb question. She nodded. I don’t know how to help except for one. So, I ran outside ignoring Rory’s calling. When I got there, there were 4 women wearing the same black trench coat and the same royal blue shoes, all their arms raised up and their hands praying over the house. They’re saying a spell in Latin, and I can see the enchanted barrier’s glow slowly revealing the house.
“Hey!” I shouted and the four of them stopped speaking then their heads turned to my direction. I was breathing heavily then I saw Rory and Aunt Russo ran towards me. The leader of the coven puts her hands down, she walks towards us then a strong gush of wind spread throughout the area. Rory’s standing in front of me, “back off, Lydia!”
Lydia was covering her face then puts her arm down, “hello Rory, nice to see you, too.”
“Get the hell out of my property!” I yelled, “you’re not welcome here.” Then she said a simple phrase, I don’t know, I think it’s Greek. My stomach suddenly felt burning, I started coughing up blood. I fell to the ground with Rory supporting my head, she was crying. Then, my heart stopped. Rory was down on her knees, crying over me. She slowly put my head down on the ground and started chanting, “adiuro vos nocumentum aliorum. Adiuro te, Lydia, aliis nocendi. Adiuro vos nocumentum aliorum. Adiuro te, Lydia, aliis nocendi,’ she slowly stood up and continued those chants over and over.
Everything was dark. I can’t hear the witches anymore. Am I dead? I thought, then a faint male voice started whispering, “get up. Mia, I said get up! They need you. And no, you’re not dead. Just get your ass up and help them!”
Aunt Russo, who was fighting the other 3 witches raised her hand, made a hand gesture, and whispered, “morietur dolore.” The witches dropped dead. Rory was mid chanting when she heard them drop to the ground and stopped. Lydia, the coven leader, saw her sisters die before her eyes. “NO!” she screamed, anger rose within her then she lifted her hand about to cast a spell on Aunt Russo when suddenly, Lydia fell to the ground. She was shot on the forehead. Rory’s hands were lifted when she gasped, thinking she killed her. “I said, you’re not welcome here,” I said, breathing heavily, with my gun pointed at Lydia’s direction. Both of them turned their heads to me, “witch killing bullets,” I said as I put my gun down. “Mia,” Rory whispered then she ran towards me giving me the tightest hug.
A slow clap came from the shadows as two men walked out behind huge debris. “That, that was amazing!” the guy with an Australian accent said. Rory’s face changed, she was happy crying one minute because I’m alive and now she’s angry as hell, “where the hell have you been?!” she roared. “Rory, we were –“ the other guy was about to explain when Rory held up her hand. “I gave you one job! That’s to help us out!”
The two men looked at each other then apologized to Rory. She just nodded and motioned for them to come closer to her and Aunt Russo. Rory and Aunt Russo raised their hands while the two men half lifting their arms, hands facing them, and they all chanted some kind of spell or prayer. It was probably both ‘cause I heard one of the guys saying “God”. As they were chanting, the winds started blowing hard and thunder started rolling out on the sky. I covered my face with my arm to keep the dust from getting in my eyes, and as abruptly as they came, the winds and thunder disappeared. I lowered my arm to see them talking to each other, the guy with the familiar voice was looking at me then he looked back at Rory and Aunt Russo.
Rory told us to get back inside to rest and get cleaned up.
Aunt Russo got busy with cooking that she has made, not one, but three different dishes. She was trying her best not to show us any vulnerability, but I know deep down she wanted to breakdown. “So, uhm, let’s see. This right here is Orange Chicken, and this one, this one is my favorite, my grandmother’s ossobuco,” her voice was about to break, and her eyes were tearing up, “and this is Mia’s favorite, her mom’s risotto.” Then she let the tears fall down. “Auntie,” Rory empathetically said, and walked towards her aunt. I got up and grabbed a glass of water to give to her. I gave her a hug, “thank you,” I whispered. She hugged me tightly while sobbing, “thank God you’re alive!”
Rory took Aunt Russo to her room to let the old lady rest. She left me with the two guys I’ve never seen in my life, which is kind of really dangerous right now, come to think of it. Then I noticed something, the guy with an Australian accent has a scar on his eyebrow and he’s wearing black. From his shirt to his pants and shoes. He also has a short messy brown hair and gray eyes. The other guy who seemed to have a positive vibe is wearing lighter colors. Light brown shirt, a light denim pants, and his shoes, well, he’s wearing some dark brown combat boots. But his black hair is nicely groomed, and his green eyes were mesmerizing. “Too tired to eat?” gray eyes said. “Uhm, no, I was just thinking,” I said.
“About how it’s none of your business,” I know I came too strong but green eyes thought it was funny. “You got some competition here, brother,” he said. “Brother?”
“Yeah, we, uh, we’re brothers.”
“Different parents? I mean, he’s Australian and you’re not.”
“Well, uhm…”
“They’re angels,” Rory walked towards one of the dining chair and sat. I looked at her like she was crazy and started laughing. “What? Angels are real. So is God,” she said, then I laughed even harder. “If angels are real then why the hell aren’t they helping with the apocalypse, huh? Why are they letting people like me go out there saving other people’s lives? And if God is real, then why the hell did he let my father die?” I said with tears in my eyes, “I lost both of my parents and my grandparents. If they were real, they’re not good at their jobs at keeping us safe.” I stood up from my chair and walked out.

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    Hael Mendoza



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