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Chapter 6 The Class of Grade 10 - Love of St Paula Academy

Grade 10- Love Class of 2022 consists of thirty students. Most of the students here literally grew up together, classmates from Kindergarten to present. This year's class officers are as follows:
President: Dan Olivar
Vice President: Liberty Belle Morales
Secretary: Nichole Marie Madrigal
Treasurer: Martin Tuazon
Auditor: Mimilaine Cruz
P.R.O: Ashley Garcia
Sgt at Arms:
- Danilo Sotto
- Katrina Geronimo
Muse: Mikaela Valdez
Escort: Jonathan Espiritu
The list of this year's officer is posted on the class' announcement board at one side of the room. Their board is simple, clean, updated on the latest news about the school. It is assigned to Libby and Mimi. Dan looked at the board and saw that the last post was last week, before Mimi's suspension. He then looked for Libby and saw her on her laptop frowning. He walked towards her.
"Hey, Libby," he approached carefully. He hesitated upon seeing what she is doing. He saw her browsing for ball themes on her laptop and jotting down notes.
"Yeah, Dan, what's up?" Libby asked while still continuing her work.
"Do you need help with the planning?" Dan asked while pointing at what's she's doing.
"Uhm, do you have time?" She knows Dan is as busy as her. She looked up. Just then Kate showed up.
"Libby, I'd like to volunteer to be on the committee for the Prom prep," she said smiling.
"Really Kate?"Libby asked astonished. Kate is Dan's girlfriend but mostly spend time with her basketball team and Dan only. This is the first time since they've been classmates from 5th grade that she shows initiative. "That's great! Thank you so much. I'm just looking at options then I'll call on a meeting later. Will put you on list now for our excuse letter."
"Sure, just keep me posted. By the way, if we need more help, some of my team members are also willing to help," said Kate.
"Okay, will finalize this list later. I'll tell you if we will need more," Libby said beaming. She's thankful that unexpected help is coming her way. With the test, and Mimi's case, and her other errands as the class VP and now the Prom planning, she's overbooked and overworked.
"Talk to you later then," said Kate. While walking away she blew a kiss for Dan who blushed and made Libby giggled.
"Oh, Dan, you're so lucky," Libby said while facing Dan who is still blushing and fixing his hair.
"Yep, I'm one lucky guy," he said smiling. "By the way Libby, I will assign our class board to Martin, Ashley and Nikki for this month. So you can focus on Prom's prep and Mimi's case for the meantime."
"Thank you Dan. That's a big help that I wouldn't say no to. To be honest, I completely forgot about the prom. I'm too distracted nowadays."
"I know Libby. Just tell me what you need and I'll make it happen," Dan tells Libby. "For the Prom prep, my name is on the committee right? What can I do right now? Do you need my input on something? Oh, by the way, Jon and the other guys at the team - Jeff and Stan would also like to help."
"That's good," Libby said while jotting down additional names for the Prom's prep committee. "Okay, so for the committee we now have 10 from our class, 2 from 10- Faith, and one each from 10-Hope, 10-Amity, 10-Benevolence and 10-Brilliance and six from Grade 9 representatives so that's twenty three in all. I think that's enough for now."
"I agree. We may need more later but for planning I think that's number okay," Dan agrees.
"So, I'm compiling possible prom themes," explained Libby while navigating her laptop. "I've already saved some things and will create a power point presentation after our meeting with the committee later. I'm thinking we present at least three options for the school administrators and board to approve on. One - over the top, one - simple and one - in between."
"Well, that's a good start. How 'bout I scanned our school's previous prom pictures so that our theme won't overlap?" said Dan while taking out his laptop.
"That's a great idea Dan," answered Libby. "Oh, and while you're at it, can you also checked which design company the school used for the past events? I need to do a quotation for the budget and I need to know how much is their possible fee."
"Sure, will email everything to you before lunch," said Dan while standing. "I'll do this back at my seat. I think our next class is about to start." And he walked away.
Libby checked her watch. It's almost eleven o'clock. One more subject then lunch break. By lunch, she has to talk to some students for prep assignment then she has to go to the Mystery Club's room to update and check their mystery board for Mimi.
The bell rings signalling the start of their next subject. She sat up straight, put her other things in her bag, placed her notebook and pen at her desk and continue to search the net while waiting for their next teacher. After a while, in comes Mrs. Gloria Meneses - their History teacher.
"Good morning Class," she said while setting up the computer and LCD projector. She scanned the room, noting who is absent and proceeded to play something from her computer. Roman History. "Okay to continue our discussion last week, let's look now into the Roman History. I've put into a short presentation, watch it carefully then questions after." She then played her video. The class watched quietly.
Libby sat there watching. Though she has so many things in her mind, she decided to focus. The lesson might appear on their test. "Okay brain, let's watch and listen now. We'll do our other task later." Glancing around, she saw her other classmates listening intently except Dan and Kate who are whispering seriously. Her curiousity is aroused but then she saw Mrs Meneses walking towards them. "I'll just ask Dan later," she sighed then watched the video again.

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    Mikmik Lom

    ecstatic story


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    i love you


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