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Liberty Belle

Liberty Belle


Chapter 1 Libby

The sound of school bells echoed throughout the entire school. In seconds the corridors and hallways is filled with students coming out from their classrooms. Some go directly to their lockers to gather their things, other are hanging out by the door waiting for their friends while a few groups went to their assigned club rooms.
It was the last bell for the day. Four o'clock in the afternoon signals the last subject for the day. You can see a girl zoomed downstairs where the club rooms are located. She entered happily to a door with a signage - Mystery Club. She seems excited while flopping down on one of the couch in the rooms. She rummaged through her bags and smiling widely, unfolded a note.
"Mimi is innocent. She's framed" The note said. Mimi is Mimilaine Cruz - the smartest girl in their school. She's always on top in terms of academic performance. If there's a quizbee competition or an academic conference, expect that she's always a participant. Then last week, someone stole the key test papers for Grade 10's midterm exam. Upon investigation, the evidence and possible witness points toward Mimi. Especially when one of the test papers was found inside her locker. The school was in chaos, no one could believe it. That incident costs Mimi's almost expulsion. Without the help of some teachers, she almost got kicked out. But given that Mimi gave so much academic awards for the school, the school board decided to just suspend her for a month.
"She's innocent. I knew it!" exclaimed Libby. Mimi is one of Libby's close friends. Libby is Liberty Belle Morales. Libby is one of the school leaders. She's the school's go-to organizer in every event, the school's Master of Ceremonies, the stage manager of every school play, and the head of the Mystery Club. "I need to find who sent me this note. For sure, he or she can points me who framed Mimi. Oh, I can't wait to tell Mimi. She's been crying since last week."
"Libby?" called a guy outside the door.
Libby walked to the door and opened it. "Hey Dan!" she said upon seeing the guy. She signaled him to come in. "Sit down," she motioned the couch. Dan sat down but looks nervous about something. "So what's up Dan? What brought you here?" asked Libby.
"Uhmm.. Libby, you know the rules of all our clubs?" Dan asked her nervously. He can see Libby forming a frown. "Each club should sign at least 6 members or the Club President will disband your club and forfeits your key to your club room."
"So, what's your point Dan?" Libby cuts off Dan. "Are you saying that you want to disband our club?" she asked quite aggressively. Dan is the Club's elected President. Currently there are 10 approved clubs - Math Club, Science Club, English Club, Photography Club, Dance Club, Choir, Sports Club, Book Club, Homeroom Club and their Mystery Club. Dan is head of the Photography Club but they are great friends since Kindergarten.
"No, of course not Libby," Dan answered while still sweating. "It's just that since Mimi is suspended and Jim and Gary resigned from your club, Lian, George, Nate and Ike already graduated, you only has 5 active members. And some of the pending clubs is asking for a status update"
"Mimi is only suspended Dan," Libby said in frustration. "And I'm also in the process of recruiting new members. Our club members already started looking since last week. Don't worry about it, wil give you an updated list by the end of the week ok? Besides, Mimi might come back early"
"Uh, what do you mean?" Dan asked curiously.
"Huh? Oh, nothing. I might just has a way to prove that Mimi is innocent," she answered sweetly.
"What? Are you sure, Libby?" Dan got excited from Libby's news.
"Don't tell anyone yet," Libby told Dan quietly while showing him the note. "I found it inside my locker while getting my things for my last subject".
"Who could it be?" Dan frowned. "Why let Mimi take the fall and got suspended first? If the person who wrote this has an evidence to prove Mimi's innocence, we need to find it."
"Relax Dan," said Libby. "We will do that. But we need to plan everything. And don't tell anybody else okay? I want to be sure first."
"Sure Libby. I don't want to give Mimi false hope also." answered Dan. "By the way, have you spoken to Aunt Tessie?"
Aunt Tessie is Mimi's mom. She's one of the nicest person you'll ever meet. She always bring them snacks when she visits the school.
"Not yet Dan. I'm planning to go to their house later. Why? Did she say something?" Libby asked Dan.
"I heard the school board is planning to withdrew the scholarship grant for Mimi. They said that because of this cheating incident, they are now in doubt of Mimi's previous achievements." Dan narrated sadly. "And now Aunt Tessie is looking for ways to still support Mimi's school expenses. Once Mimi is back from suspension, they need to pay her full tuition for this school year."
"Oh no. I have to move faster to clear Mimi's name. So that Aunt Tessie won't be too stressed out." Libby sighed.
"Yeah, don't worry Libby, I'll help you. Also, let's ask the Mystery Club members for help. I'm sure they will gladly lend a hand." suggested Dan.
" True, true. Mimi is also their friend." says Libby while texting. "I'll send a message to our group now so we can plan ahead."
"Okay, update me later?" asked Dan while walking toward the door. "Need to do some errands now. Bye, see you." and Dan closed the door behind him.
Libby pull out her notebook and jot something down.
NEED TO CLEAR MIMI'S NAME ASAP. And recruit new members. As she gather her things, she's planning on her next steps. As she was walking and closing the door of their club, she heard a beep. She checked her phone. It was a text from an unknown number. It reads: "Not all your friends are your FRIENDS."
"Hmmm.. we'll see."

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    Mikmik Lom

    ecstatic story


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