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CHAPTER#2: The Stockholder
[Jacob’s P.O.V]

Daddy woke me up this morning because we're going back to the massive building. Then, he suggested, that I should start familiarizing myself with what goes on inside the company's walls. So, it will be easier for me to move as I get older. He allowed me to explore the entire building, but only under the supervision of his secretary. It was fun to hang out with my dad's secretary. We got along well since she is a talkative person and she liked me. Her compliments were endless, and she expressed her desire for her unborn child to have the same facial traits as mine when he or she is born. She made my stay here a little more enjoyable by making me feel more at home. I hope daddy can do the same. I'm hoping he can make it a little more enjoyable while showing me around again.
It was 1 p.m. when I told Ms. Secretary that I was a little sleepy. She directed me to an empty conference room, claiming that I couldn't stay in Dad's office because he was too busy that day.
So, I'm hoping I don't run into Mr. Moon today. He frightens me.
I dozed off on one of the chairs in the same conference room where Mr. Moon was acting crazy.
I was half asleep when I heard someone say, "What a beautiful body this kid has."
I remember sleeping on one of the chairs, so why am I lying down?
I opened my eyes to find Mr. Moon staring at me. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth. I want to cry, but not because of the coldness that my naked body feels, but because of the fear that Mr. Moon is doing something wrong to me. I just closed my eyes and cried a lot.
My mother told me that my body should not be touched by anyone, whether it is a boy, like me, or a girl, like my sister.
"Is Mr. Moon unaware of that rule?" As my heart was pounding, I asked myself quietly.
"Don't tell anyone about this or I'll kill your entire family!" he warned me as he handed me a bag of candy.
I'm trembling while holding the sweets he gave me. I was left inside the conference room, and when he left, I ran to find the secretary, but she was nowhere to be found. As I ran, I continued to cry. Mommy might chastise me for allowing someone to touch my body. I ran and ran until I came to a stop in front of a lift. I'm not sure where the lift will stop. I was in the elevator's far corner. As I sat, I buried my face in my knees.
"I'm terrified. I'm afraid to go home. I'm terrified of the monster. I'm scared because he said he'd kill my mother, sister, daddy, and even my nanny," I said quietly in the air.
In front of me, I noticed a pair of small shoes. I slowly raise my head to see a young boy who appears to be my age.
He reached out his hand to me and said, "Stop crying."
I shook my head and buried my face in my hands once more.
I looked at him and said, "Leave me alone."
“I'm afraid I won't be able to leave you because I'm with my father," with his tiny voice, he said, "I'll go to him on the 14th floor."
He bends down and picks up a few of my candies.
I said, "That's mine."
“It's time for you to stop crying. Adults told me that a young boy shouldn't cry—like you're doing right now,” he said as he ate the candy he had picked up.
“You are free to eat as much candy as you want. That was given to me by a monster,” I said, crying again. “You must also hide,” I told him, “because the monster might do something bad to you as well.”
He simply sat next to me and continued to eat my sweets.
While eating, he asked, "Don't you want to be strong and stop that monster?"
“The monster becomes happy when he realizes you are afraid of him,” the child said, smiling at me with chocolate bits stuck between his teeth.
“I think you should stop crying right now. The 14th floor is the next floor. It's possible that the executives will notice you here." As he wipes my tears with his thumbs, he says, "You must go down immediately."
“Whenever Dad wipes my tears like this, I stop crying.” He says, "I hope it works for you as well." and the elevator door opens.
When the elevator door opened, I lifted my head, and the first person I saw was my mother's face. I dashed over to her and sobbed.
“Shhhh,” she whispered, hugging me and wiping away my tears.
“Don't cry,” she warned, “because your daddy might see you crying.”
I cried and said, "I don't want you to scold me."
I saw tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at me, but she simply smiled. Maybe she wants me to feel safe and protected when I'm in her arms.
She hugged me tightly and said, "I won't do that."
She explained, "I came here to pick you up—your daddy said I should pick you up early."
“I can't go home just yet.” I looked at mommy. "Mr. Monster might hurt the other kid,” I warned mommy, then pointed to the little boy, who was now probably with his father.
“I assume you met Mr. Lee's son. He'll be just fine,“ she said and caressed my cheeks, "The monster will never come near you or him again—Parents are always here to protect their children,” mom said as she carried me to the elevator.
I dozed off in mommy's arms.
As I opened my eyes, I heard a man's well-toned voice say, "He might be suffering from stomach ache and nausea due to the amount of lactose that the child took."
I immediately recognized my mommy's face. When she notice that I'm already awake she looked at me.
“Can you tell me where you got those candies?” she asked me as she stroked my hair.
“I-I—” In front of them, I stuttered.
I can't even say his name. Even my mouth can't stand saying the Monster's name.
‘Don't tell anyone, or I'll murder your entire family!'
‘Don't tell anyone, or I'll murder your entire family!'
‘Don't tell anyone, or I'll murder your entire family!'
I could hear his voice inside my head. I began to cry, but then I noticed a moon on the ceiling of my hospital room. I pointed it out.
“Moon—” I muttered as my body shook and then passed out.
This is the longest time I've ever spent in a hospital. Mommy explained that it was due to my lactose intolerance. The effects of lactose intolerance on my body are so severe. The nightmares that I have when I'm asleep are something that some doctors bring up to me. Always the same bad dream—the Moon eating me alive—is what I tell them every time. Although I had eaten and cleared my mind before going to bed, those nightmares didn't go away and neither did my stomach aches.
I miss my daddy and my older sister. I also starting to miss going to class. It's a good thing my teacher won't be mad at me for not going to school. My mood was lifted by the fact that school hasn't started yet.
My class had been in session for a few months. I have good grades and actively participate in school activities and extracurricular activities. For the time being, I rarely visit the company that daddy owns. He never insisted that my presence should there every day. He stated that those few visits were sufficient for me to become acquainted with how things work inside the Aromatized. When I get to see him after school, there were always these two men who look like MIB because they are dressed in black suits. They were always by my side. When I stop walking, they will stop as well. It was a good thing that I never ran into Mr. Moon and his secretary again, whenever I went to see Daddy yet I never also see daddy's secretary again.
“Vice-President Lee,” My attention was drawn to the sound of footsteps behind me and also from the voice, so I turned around to see who had come.
"Hmmm? Where did I last see that Mr.?" I asked myself quietly.
I saw him talking to someone, I can't barely hear what they are talking about but on the way it looks, they must be having a business conversation.
"If that's the case, then why does everyone call him Vice-President?" I once again look at them. Mr. Lee glanced at me after he ended his conversation with someone.
After seeing me, Vice President Lee turned around and walked up to me.
"I'd like to say hello to you, Young Master Seo. Does everything seem to be alright with you now?" He patted my head and said, "The monster Mr. Moon will never step foot in this building again."
I looked at him so confused.
I don't know what exactly happened and what's the reason Mr. Moon will never be able to enter this building again. Is it even true that he works here as the nose? If it's true why did he left, if he's one of The most important person inside Aromatized?
I stare at Mr. Lee for a moment before smiling and nodding at him.
'How did he know that Mr. Moon was a satanic creature?' I was going to ask Vice President Lee about it but he was already walking away from me.
[Three-person point of view]
That night, shortly after Jacob's sister stormed out of her mother's room. Chairman Seo overheard everything his daughter confessed to her mother. He blamed himself for not doing anything during the pass. He should never have let that old Moon into his business again. It was his fault because despite knowing about Mr. Moon's background, he still managed to join hands only thinking about the company's growth.
He has no weaknesses as a Chairman, but not having any weaknesses was also a weakness. Mr. Moon is the type of person who will always pull someone down to the bottom of the pit just because they want to. As a Chairman, a father, and a human being, he understands that he must put an end to these wrongful acts immediately. He got in touch with the board of directors and the executives to go over everything. They discussed arresting Mr. Moon in the afternoon, but without evidence, this will not be possible.
He arrived prepared the next morning.
He's not being cruel to him. Except for his son, what he does will keep everyone safe.
“Thank you for being here, brother,” he said to Mr. Lee, a former military comrade.
“Don't be concerned. I've always wanted to be a member of the Aromatized board of directors, but I never imagined being second to you,” he said, chuckling slightly.
He patted the Chairman's shoulders.
“No one can now harm our sons. You must visit your son. He must be in a state of shock,” he says as he excuses himself from the Chairman's presence.
Perhaps getting detained for Mr. Moon is not the most equitable decision. He could kill that old Moon with his two hands if he was merely a terrible man.
Mr. Moon is arrested by the Board of Directors for a slew of crimes against children of all genders, as well as theft and corruption within the company. Mr. Lee purchased all his sold shares.
Mr. Moon was also charged with a $200,000 fine and 24 years in prison.
“I'm sorry, son,” he said as he walked into his son's hospital room.
“That's all I can do to protect you...” he said as he walked away.

Book Comment (303)

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    i love the story,, my feeling like a roller coster when read this story


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    Try Sha

    I love their story


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