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Chapter 4 Promotion

If I touch something or someone, I suddenly pictured out unfortunate events from the past and the future, specifically the most important events. I hate it! But with this ability I'd helped people and prevented unfortunate events that should happen, making them happy for at least a bit of time they have left on earth.
This power is not a bad idea, after all, I could save people's lives.
"I can't stop it mom, you know that I can't avoid it. It just popped into my head." I stared at her intensely knowing we can't do anything about it.
"I know, but... okay, fine!" She felt defeated as she sighed, then suddenly smiled widely "You should be a detective sweetie! You can be famous!" Mom laughed trying to light up the mood.
I smile, mom is naughty too, as the saying goes 'like mother like daughter'.
"Ow, by the way, sweetie." She stopped remembering something. "I received an email, it's written there that it was for you, so I didn't bother to open it. I waited for you to come and do it yourself." She immediately went towards the dining room which I followed, confused.
She took an envelope from the table and handed it over to me. I looked at the front and saw something that is engraved... a circle with a line in the middle which divides the letter G, it must be the logo.
"Open it, sweetie." Mom pushed me excitedly as she giggled.
"Okay mom, relax! Look out for your blood pressure. Okay?" I joked.
I focused on the envelope looking at it clearly, what could it be? But when I opened it and started reading...
I gasped "OH MY GOD!" What the Heck!
Shock waves through me as mixed emotions covered my system... but, why me!? For so many students in the entire world, for goodness sake!
The email says,
"You are invited to take the entrance examination of the gifted on April 5 at exactly 7:00 am at Geniuses Academy.
Please cooperate, this is very confidential only you and your family must know." Erudite Charade Organization
The erudite Charade Organization is the highest organization that is government-owned. They hold every secret of the universe, the reality between all unproven theories and beliefs, they hold the answers. Aliens and such. They know the truth that lies beyond human beliefs.
I can feel my heart frantically beating against my chest, for over billions of students in the entire world I was chosen as one of the students to take the entrance examination of the Geniuses Academy!? O-M-G! To the highest level!
Geniuses Academy is the most special and prestigious school in the entire world according to history, but no one can enter except students and personnel invited to the Academy.
They said that the Academy holds many hidden secrets that normal people don't know. What does it mean?
Oh, wait 'till I come, I'll discover it.
Again, I keep thinking... Why me!? I know that my grades are all A+ but I don't have the influence or so just to be invited.
My father is just a worker of a known company.
"Oh My Gosh! Sweetie, you are invited by the government! Will you take the entrance exam?" My mom asked, excited to hear my answer.
I'm kinda confused, why didn't I see visions the moment I touched the letter? I saw nothing... which is unusual. Usually, everything I touch gives me visions.
I saw mom still waiting for my answer so I smiled widely "Can I?" I gave her my puppy look but then my smile disappeared as I scratched my neck feeling embarrassed. "It's just that I wanted to try new things."
"Of course sweetie! Why would you think I won't let you!?" Mom scolded but then, she smiled. "I will always be here for you and support you with anything."
I smiled and hugged her tightly "Thank you, Mom!"
"But, you have to tell your dad first." She ordered.
"Tell me what honey?" Dad's home! I immediately ran to him and hugged him tightly.
He laughs.
"Miss you, dad," I said with longings even just for a day that we separated, I missed him already.
"I miss you too, baby girl." He replied softly.
"How about me? Hmmp!" Mom acted childishly crossing her arms on her chest, I smiled.
Dad carefully walked towards her with love and longings in his eyes.
"Of course! You too honey. I miss you." He said sweetly to mom, slowly caressing her arms. I felt like closing my eyes not to see their lovey-dovey moments.
"Ehhh, fine. But… you seem too early today." Mom said with curiosity in her sweet voice.
The atmosphere is getting sweeter, might sense ant not long after. Am I still intended to be here?
"I want to pay back my debt from most of the time that I wasn't here. I've been too busy with my work that I barely have time with the two precious girls of my life..." he lowly explained and I could see the sincerity in him.
"Really!?" Mom and I cheered happily.
"Of course! I already got my... promotion!" Dad exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Oh my gosh! That's good news!" Mom immediately hugged dad and so I walked towards them hugging them both.
"Congratulations dad," I said and they hugged me back.
I do not wish for more, having this wonderful family, I feel complete and safe. This is home. Dad is very much understanding and too caring, despite of his busy works, he never forgets about us, he always works for us to have a better life.
Mom pulled out of the hug, smiling widely "I think I'll be cooking your favorite dish today, it calls for a celebration!" She yelled.
"Really mom!? Yehey!" I jumped out of joy as Dad and I made a high five because we just have the same favorite dish! A Fish fillet!
This is what family feels like, and that is why this house is full of love because we share a sense of care and happiness.

Book Comment (322)

  • avatar
    Abbigail Maruquin

    Super love this story also. I recommend this story, also the heiress of dark world 🥰 the best fantasy work ever. More work to come author, thank you for this wonderful story of yours.


  • avatar
    Marianne Dela Vega

    Highly recommended for those who loves reading fantasy/supernatural stories! I enjoyed reading your story author, keep up the good work!


  • avatar

    I can't stop reading. Author this book is the best, I really like it👍🏻😻


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