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Chapter 16 The Burn

After my classes I walked towards my room. I took a bath and wore my sleeping clothes. I sat at my bed for a moment thinking of what just happened today. Life is really a mystery. Hidden secrets are coming out but I can sense danger coming as well. Thinking of their powers, I think we could overcome the disaster I saw in my dreams last time but I am so confused when it started? How it become like that? What is the root of the disaster that may happen on this earth?
There are so many questions keep rushing on my head but I can’t help but wonder, do we have an enemy?
How? Why?
My intuition never made mistakes. I'm trying myself not to use my power, I promised dad to keep it the best that I can... so, I'm trying to be unnoticeable. I cannot let people know about my power, I could not just reveal it despite of everything that I saw.
Today, I've seen students with special abilities that are really hard to believe. What might be the other secrets hidden from here? I can sense more...
~"He's flash, with supernatural speed only a swoosh of air is seen. He's the strongest, that with just his bare hand he can crash anything... He's more than a metal." ~
What was that!? Why do Elena's words pop into my head? I have photographic memory so everything is fresh, wait- her description to the guy... It's-
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I opened it and revealed the caretaker holding a tray of food. Told you! Everything is free and they just deliver the food. I took it.
"Thank you." I said smiling.
He nodded and walked out. Owkay... He's the same person who delivers my food and he just does the same, he never smiles back! Hmmm... creepy.
After eating I stayed on my bed reading some books until my eyelids get heavy.
Tomorrow is another day. I hope it will turn out good.
The next day, I woke up early and took a bath, when I got to hold my uniform a vision popped on my head.
~~I can see myself in front of a building, It's the Fighters Building... I looked at my watch, 11:35 am, then suddenly I smelled smoke, I looked to see where it was coming... the Laboratory and it's on fire! Not long after, it affects the whole building. Then, students are screaming... others are crying for their dead friends... some are injured... I looked at my watch again...~~
"Oh shit! That will be today!" My heart keeps on racing so fast, I can’t let my power be revealed, however I couldn’t let someone die because of things I could prevent from happening.
I always wore my watch and it stated the time and date, so if I could see myself in the future I always looked at it. 11:35 am, 35 minutes after the bell rang for lunch break, the fire will start.
Hours went fast and my class already started. The teacher was discussing his lesson but my mind was flying somewhere. I don't want to get involved but I can't help myself glancing at my watch!
However, it's lunch break. How come students are inside that building? I have to find out... I can't let students die for something I can prevent from happening.
I have to do it without getting suspicious.
*Ring!* The bell rings.
"Class dismissed." The teacher said ending his lesson.
"Thank you Sir." We all said in chorus.
*Twinkle twinkle little star-* I answered the phone.
"Sup Stella! I have a great place where we can enjoy our lunch today!" I exclaimed happily but the truth is, I'm so tense. I hope I can make everything alright without getting myself suspicious.
"You really knew it's me hah." She laughed "That would be great! Oh, I'm so excited!"
"May I know what place it is?" Elena asked, smiling from the phone.
Good, they were together.
"It's a garden surrounded by flowers. I don't know what it's called though."
"Ow! I know that! The Wheels Garden! That place is truly awesome! Just a perfect place for our bonding because only a few students go there. Well, most of the time no one goes there." Elena stated.
"Why?" Curiosity filled me.
"Because of a legend, they said a white lady is lurking around the area. They named her Matilda." She said, trying to sound scary.
"Oh my gosh, I can meet a ghost! That is awesome! I'm looking forward to it!" Stella beamed excitedly and I laughed.
"Okay then, let's see each other at the field. I'll be waiting." I stated. Time is running and I'm calculating every bit of it.
"Sure, we'll go get our lunch. See you!" Stella said and ended the call.
I went to the field and waited for a moment.
"Kelly, here we come!!" Stella shouted holding a tray of foods while Elena is smiling also holding a tray of foods.
Perfect! 11:20 am, 15 minutes is just enough. We'll get there on time.
I walked towards them. "Hey girls! I missed you two!" I smiled widely as I held their hands, careful not to spill the food.
"Wow hah, we just saw each other yesterday." Stella laughed followed by Elena.
I smiled "Let's go?" as I took a bottle of water from Stella's trey.
Just after I held it a vision popped up, ~~11:35 am, a small fire started at the laboratory, no casualties yet.~~ Good. I drink some water from the bottle.
"Yup! Towards Matilda!" Elena exclaimed.
And Stella laughed while I gave a reassuring smile more for myself.
"Stella, can I help you with the trey? I really wanted to carry it, though. I hope you don't mind.” Knowing that I will need her today so I offered to get the tray.
"Of course I don't mind but-" I cut her off as I took the tray from her.
Stella’s power is water, she can take the fire out and with Elena, I knew the disaster that might happen today will be prevented.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed.
"By the way, where is that Wheels Garden located?" Stella suddenly asked.
"It's at the back of the Fighters building." Elena answered.
"Ohhhh." Stella nodded in understanding.
I looked at my watch, exactly at 11:35 when we got in front of the Fighters building and I saw a glimpse of smoke coming out, it's starting. As we walked closer,
"Agh! Help!!" We hear someone scream. The two immediately looked to where it was coming and they saw smoke coming out from the Laboratory.
"Oh shit!" Stella ran towards it.
"Oh my gosh!" Followed by Elena losing the hold in the tray of foods which made it falls down.
Sorry girls, I used you but you will be fine, I ensure that.

Book Comment (322)

  • avatar
    Abbigail Maruquin

    Super love this story also. I recommend this story, also the heiress of dark world 🥰 the best fantasy work ever. More work to come author, thank you for this wonderful story of yours.


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    Marianne Dela Vega

    Highly recommended for those who loves reading fantasy/supernatural stories! I enjoyed reading your story author, keep up the good work!


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    I can't stop reading. Author this book is the best, I really like it👍🏻😻


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