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Chapter 15 Introduction

I felt my cheeks burning out of embarrassment! That guy from yesterday again!?
I immediately turned my body before he saw me and faced the girls instead. Stella held the face of an angry bird while Elena held the face of... longings? What's wrong with them!?
There are four damn handsome guys walking in the road! Their posture screams confidence and they are very intimidating! I felt my cheeks blushed when I saw the guy from yesterday, I just feel so embarrassed.
I see... the girls become lost amazons because of them. Tch. I know they're handsome- no, they're fucking handsome! But, I will never lose myself for that.
"That stupid jerk!" Stella stated in her deadly voice while looking at those guys, specifically at one of those guys.
So, I followed her eyes to see a guy wearing a headphone. He looks like a playboy though. He must be the guy who made the ice creams fall out of her hold that day.
"Those guys are members of Super 5, the most famous students in this school. The unbreakable and undefeated." I suddenly turned towards Elena the moment I heard her talk.
"What do you mean?" Stella's anger suddenly turned into curiosity.
"If every school had student leaders. We also have it here, and the Super 5 are the leaders... they have control over all students." Stella and I gasped.
What the! They must be incredibly strong!
I looked at them as they went into the field where some boys were playing soccer, they were wearing white neckties meaning they belong to a Special Course. No wonder they are leaders because they have special powers. Many girls are circling them, taking pictures or trying their best to flirt and seduce the boys while some are handing gifts or whatever it is. Unfortunately they got ignored as the boys looked straight like they had their own world.
"So you're saying that they have incredible powers!?" Stella asked, still shocked.
I can't blame her, I'm too surprised from what I just heard.
How strong could they be?
She nodded "They are also graduating students... James Wilson. The blonde guy, he's known as calm and charming. His power is electricity. Known as thunder." James Wilson... He was the guy who approached me yesterday.
"Kenneth Marquez," she continued but I caught a glimpse of her eyes, it held sadness for a moment "the guy wearing a headphone. He was known as a playboy. He can control any metallic materials." She stopped for a moment and I could sense Stella's anger once again.
I should not be mistaken, that Kenneth Marquez is the guy I saw in the vision I had from Elena earlier... How is she related to that guy?
"Josh Walter, the cute guy with eyeglasses." I saw her biting her inside cheek hiding a smile.
"What's his power?" Stella asked excitedly.
"He can teleport to any place he wants." She answered.
"O-M-G! For real!?" "Really!?" Stella and I both exclaimed and she nodded.
"That's so cooool!" Stella and I beamed in sync. When we realized it all, we laughed.
"Okay, let's continue." Elena stated and we turned in silence to listen. "John Roberts, the red haired guy, he's an expert in using weapons."
"And?" I asked, there's more to it the moment I saw him.
"He's the protector of the group because he can make a strong barrier that cannot easily be broken." She stated and I gasped.
"Are you saying that his power is a shield?" Stella asked and she nodded.
"How did they become the Super 5 if there are only four of them?" I suddenly asked.
"No, there are 5 of them." She answered that her voice began serious all of a sudden.
"Who's the other one? Is he invisible?" Stella asked with sparkling eyes.
Suddenly, Elena laughed "No." And she lowly coughed sensing our curiosity as she turned serious again. "Okay, Vincent Herraño-"
"Ouch!" My head suddenly ached as I closed my eyes and a shadow of a man popped on my head.
Who is it? And... What's with the name?
"Hey, are you okay?" "What's wrong?" Stella and Elena asked in concern.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I smiled at them "My head just suddenly ached for a moment." I added.
"Ow okay, but are you feeling well now?" Elena asked, her voice held worry.
"Yes of course! Proceed now please." I demanded, smiling widely.
"Okay, as I was saying... Vincent Herraño is the leader of the Super 5." My forehead furrowed while Stella gasped.
"He must be the strongest." Stella murmured but we still heard it.
Elena nodded. "He's also the most powerful known in this Academy." her voice held serious as her eyes looked beyond straight.
"What's his power?" I asked.
"He's the flash, with supernatural speed only a swoosh of air is seen. He's the strongest, that with just his bare hand he can crash anything... He's more than a metal." She stated.
Stella and I were speechless. Why does my heart hammers so fast against my chest? Why do I feel tense? What's happening to me??
"OMG! We're going to be late for our afternoon class if we stay here much longer." Elena exclaimed after looking at her watch.
"You're right! I had so much fun with you girls. Thank you! I have to go." I stated.
"Me too. Well, we're all going. Let's do this next time." Stella said.
And we went on our own classes but before I got away from the field I saw 4 members of the Super 5 walking away from the field. The soccer game has already ended... or they end it?
Well, it doesn't matter. What matters for me is Vincent Herraño. Who is that guy... to me? I haven't seen his face but hearing his name seems like we're... connected.
Agh! Instead of thinking about the guy I haven't seen. I focused myself on the class. The teacher just kept on talking until the class ended and it took hours! I'm so bored! But, these students here don't seem to care as they love listening to the boring teacher. I sighed.

Book Comment (322)

  • avatar
    Abbigail Maruquin

    Super love this story also. I recommend this story, also the heiress of dark world 🥰 the best fantasy work ever. More work to come author, thank you for this wonderful story of yours.


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    Marianne Dela Vega

    Highly recommended for those who loves reading fantasy/supernatural stories! I enjoyed reading your story author, keep up the good work!


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    I can't stop reading. Author this book is the best, I really like it👍🏻😻


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