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chapter 7

Alex is out of her element since that night Andy told her about that secret. She wanted to confront Nick but she can’t find a perfect time for that because Lia is always staying at their home.
Alex ended up agreeing to a project that she didn’t even look at the details or even the profile of the model. All that she knows is it will be in California for 7 days with 1 day of vacation.
“Alexandria!” Mr. Gideon shouted at her. He’s been calling her name numerous times already but Alex is staring blankly somewhere. “Are you okay? Or did something happen to you?”
“My bad. Just thinking of some stuffs. By the way who will our model for this project?” Alex askS that makes Mr. Gideon shake his head. And on cue the door of the meeting room opens that makes them all to turn their heads.
“Mama!” Andy run to her. She’s with Lia and Andrei that makes her confuse as to why they are there.
“What are you doing here?” She Lia who sits beside her carrying Andrei while Andy sits on her lap.
The production team and Mr. Gideon is looking at them with surprised look. Alex is so close to the kids that they didn’t expect.
“You didn’t know?” Lia asks her back before looking at Mr. Gideon who clears his throats.
“Okay, for this magazine cover, it is for our Mother’s Day issue. Lia will be our main model and she agree to let her daughter Andrea or Andy to be with her as a model. So, it will be Lia and Andy as the cover of the magazine”
Alex is so happy to be able to work with Lia again but it is very special for her now that Andy will also be part of it alongside her mother.
“My princess is going to be a model. Yay!” She started tickling Andy not minding the eyes of those present at the meeting looking at her strangely.
Andrei saw what the two are doing and he too wants to play along with them so he reaches for Alex to carry him.
The meeting ended with the kids not wanting to leave Alex side but were force to let go when Mr. Gideon requested to speak with her.
“Alexandria, I know you. I just want to remind you not to cross the line. You are like a daughter to me. I don’t want to see you get hurt again. But if you needed someone to talk to, you can always run to me, okay” Mr. Gideon, the father figure in her life who knew her reminds her.
Alex is so thankful having him into her life “Thank you, Uncle” she said while hugging him tight before going back to Lia and the kids.
Mr. Gideon watch them disappear and could only sigh “I hope you know what you’re doing, Alexandria”
“Alex are you really, okay? You seem to be not your usual self” Lia asks, worried about her friend who is acting strange.
But Alex just shake her head “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Let me walk you to your room. The kids should rest early because it will be a long day for them tomorrow”
Alex spent the night brushing off ll her worries and started to focus on the shoot with Lia and Andy. She is glad to have them as the model and she is really looking forward to have a happy and fun shoot.
The next day…….
“Kris, is everything settled? Equipment are safe to use, right? I don’t want any accident in here especially we’ve got kids with us today” Alex has been reminding her assistant over and over again. She’s acting like a stage mother who is so anxious for her child.
“Relax will you. We’re all set and ready. The crew already triple checked everything so please stopping nagging us, okay. People might think that they are your own child with the way you’re acting” Kris rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“Lia is my friend and I started treating the kids like mine. I love those kids”
“Alex, don’t get too attached. We’ve been working together for 8 years now. I saw how you get your heart broken and I could see how you look at Lia. Alex, stop whatever you have for her. You have to put boundaries between you and them. They are not yours; she’s married. Alex you are a good person and I don’t want to see you get hurt again. You deserve to be loved” Kris knew she needs to remind her again of that. She’s afraid that Alex will totally give herself to someone without assurance.
The people around Alex who knew her from the start and act as her protector doesn’t want to see her fall down again. They saw how her life turns upside due to he fails relationship before.
She dated a girl before who later on was just after her money and wanted to be known in the industry. What worst is that she’s married with a daughter and her husband didn’t know what his wife is doing behind his back.
It was a total chaos when the husband learned about their relationship. The girl, in order not to lose her family framed Alex of seducing her and blackmailing her to have sex with her which is the exact opposite of what happened.
The girl was the one who always initiate and will always ask Alex to go to a hotel. That lasted for 3 years and when Alex decided to bring their relationship to the next level, that is when the husband came in.
Alex lost a lot because of them. The other party demanded her millions due to adultery. Money is nothing for her but the betrayal that she receives cut her deeply that she needed to take some timeout at work. The incident didn’t reach the tabloids but it did spread throughout the industry that makes her aloof to all of her colleagues and she found her peace at the bar that she always goes.
“Thanks Kris. Trust me I know what I am doing and I will not make the same mistakes again” Alex calmly tell her friend. She knows that Kris is only concern about her and she’s thankful for her constant reminder of the truth to avoid getting hurt yet again.
Back to work, Alex shakes off all her thoughts and put it aside and just focus on the photo shoot that she is excited to be part. She can’t wait to see Andy in front of her camera.
“Guys, 3 minutes and we’ll start. Please call out models” Alex started as the in charge of the shoot. People around her went to their places, just when she turns around her eyes sparkles upon seeing Andy wearing a white gown with a ribbon on her hair, same with her mother. Both are so beautiful in white.
Alex mouth agape and heart pounding “Wow, my princess is so pretty” the little girl giggle and felt so shy with the stare that she’s receiving “Don’t be shy. Just look at me and listen to my voice only. It’s going to be fun”
Lia is looking at the two with a smile on her face. The way Alex calms her daughter is so beautiful to watch and how Andy listens to her makes her feel proud of her daughter.
Alex and Lia look at each other like they are silently talking to each other. Lia handed Andrei to her assistant but the little boy doesn’t want to let go of her mom.
“Baby, go play with Aunt Christi. Mommy will work”
“NO! I don’t want her” Andrei started crying when Lia force him to let go of his hold on her arms. Alex who is helping Andy on the set saw what was going on and decided to help Lia.
“What’s wrong?” she asks Lia and Andrei snuggle to his mom more.
“He doesn’t want to go to Christi. You know how he hates to be carried by someone else”
Alex understands how Andrei gets grumpy with strangers to him “Hey Pumpkin. Let Aunt Christi carry you. She’s a friend, play with her while Mommy, Andy and Mama work. I’ll play with you later. Okay?” Alex tries to convince the little boy who immediately listen to her.
Lia cannot do anything but to sigh seeing how easily her son listen to Alex “I still don’t know how you do it when I, his mother can’t even convince him. You should teach me your trick”
They walk to where Andy is waiting and away from many people she whispers to Lia “There’s no trick, only because I captured them with my charms. Want to see what it was?”
Lia shivers, that is what always happen to whenever Alex whispers to her with a husky seductive voice “You’re so hot mommy”
Alex continues to flirt with her who will just laugh at her while they are on their own world. Andy is watching them giggling. She loves seeing her mother and Alex like that because she really wants Alex to make her mom happy.
Due to the fact that they have a child as a model, the pictorial is shorter than the usual time, not to agitate and abused the child. Moving from different location can be very tiring and stressful for the children.
Not only Andy’s welfare but also Andrei’s, the 4-year-old son of Lia who refuse to be away from her mom. They are in a not so secluded forest with colorful scenery and tall trees.
Andy is very bubbly, running around catching some butterflies. Alex camera is trying to capture every second of it. The little girl smile is so precious that she changes the concept on the spot upon seeing Andy’s reaction to the location and Lia happily agreed it.
With enough photos already for the magazine, Alex let Andrei run freely and join her sister and mother who is playing around. Lia was startled when Andrei run up to her, but Alex just let them and told her that it was okay.
“Are we done now?” Lia asks her letting the kids play.
“Yes, but let them play more” Alex replies while talking with her staff and giving some instructions when Lia grab her towards where the kids are playing.
The staffs that with them are watching how the 4 of them are happily enjoying the moment like they are on a trip. They are very care free and looks like a picture-perfect family.
Kris took Alex camera and started taking pictures of them. She has never seen Alex that happy and she will let Alex see it for herself with those photos.
Kris is certain that the Jones family are a good and bad thing for Alex.
Good in terms of bringing out the best of her. The side of Alex that is hiding from everyone’s eyes. But now, she doesn’t want to hide it anymore and this progress is good for her.
Bad in terms of being too attached to them. The attraction seems to be so strong that she is slowly becoming so vulnerable and prone to be deeply hurt if something happens along the way.
“Thank you so much for everything. If it wasn’t for you, my kids wouldn’t experience this kind of moment. Seeing them running freely while enjoying the scenery is what every mother would like their children to experience. I owe it to you” Lia suddenly side hug her while watching the kids and Alex loves it whenever Lia will be the one to initiate their skin ship.
Alex arm snakes around Lia’s waist securely before looking up to her “I just want them to have a happy childhood. I love them and I love you”
She’s been sending signals to Lia every time she has an opportunity but Lia never took her seriously thinking that it was her normal gestures to a friend.
“It’s getting late, take the kids back to the hotel. We’re done here anyways” Alex removes herself from Lia feeling hurt of not having any response from her.
Lia is oblivious about what happen that she just left the set with her children and head back to the hotel.
Kris saw how Alex mood drop “Want to have a drink tonight? I think you need a bottle or two”
“That will be nice. See you tonight” Alex beams her a smile and started packing her equipment not minding to check all the photos on her camera.
Alex declined Lia’s invitation that night to have a dinner despite seeing how the kids wanted her to join them but she chooses not to go instead she went out with Kris to have a drink and talk that they haven’t done in a long time.

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    ilove it


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