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chapter 5

Sunday afternoon.
Nick is planning to take his family out to the park that they haven’t visited for so long.
He feels so threaten with how Alex captures his kids’ hearts. He knew what he’s been doing with Maria id unacceptable and a crime but he doesn’t know why he couldn’t stop himself from his wrong doings.
Nick saw Andy and Andrei walking down the stairs all dolled up. He thought that they are ready to go out with him. Then Lia walks down the stairs wearing a similar dress like Andy.
Nick then remembers that he hasn’t tell Lia about his plan and seeing them about to go out makes him angry “Where are you going?”
“Out with Alex. Why?” Lia says as she is texting with Alex unaware of the anger boiling into her husband.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay away from that woman! You’re not going with her. I am bringing you and the kids to the park” Nick announce that kids started to whine not liking the idea of them going out with their father.
The crying little boy shouts at his father “No! I want Mama. I don’t want you”
“No! You will not go. You’re coming with me!” Nick raises his voice to the 4-year-old boy who cry even more.
Lia didn’t like how he just raised his voice to her son “Don’t you dare raise your voice like that to my son. We are going out with Alex with our without your approval”
“I told you we are going to the park!”
“If you just inform me ahead of time maybe we will be having this kind of argument again in front of our children. Alex is my friend, okay”
Lia took the kids out of their house leaving the fuming Nick alone.
Since Alex came in to their lives, the married couple has been frequently having a fight. He insists that they should stay away from her but Lia cannot find any reason to do that and she can’t understand why Nick is bothered by her.
“Hello~” Alex greeted them. She’s been waiting outside the Jones residence trying to surprise the kids but she saw Andrei hiccupping and tears marked on his small face “Why is my pumpkin crying?” She asks and Andrei reach out to be carried by her.
“Nick being an ass again yell at him” Lia replies as she rubs her son’s back who just snuggle closely to Alex.
Alex hates it whenever someone yell or raises their voice to their children especially the young ones who they should be more understanding because kids are just being kids “Pumpkin don’t cry now. Mama is her. Mama will buy you lots of toys”
Lia is really thankful with all the help that Alex is giving her, not just with the kids but also for herself. Alex is the one who always listen to her and the one that she could go to just to unwind and escape from all her problems.
“Alex, thank you” Alex just smiles at her while still trying to calm Andrei “Come on, let’s go to the mall. We’ll bring my car” she says
“No, no. We’ll go with my car”
“It’s too small for us. Andrei’s car seat won’t fit”
“Not anymore” Alex unlocks the Lexus Black RX Mid-size SUV
“You bought a new one?”
“Nope. This is my first car that I haven’t use now. But I think I will now”
Alex helps the kids to their car seat that she also bought for them. As she went to the driver’s seat, she helps Lia to put on her seat belt. Their faces are so close to each together that Alex suddenly kiss her on the cheeks near her lips.
Lia is already use to her doing that as she sees it as her way of greeting her friends so she let her do that every time they meet.
Inside the Jones residence is a man standing in front of the window watching how his family is slowly drifting away from him. What enraged him is how Alex kiss her wife, it looks like she kissed her on the lips to where he is standing.
At the mall.
“Princess, what do you want?” Alex asks while pushing Andrei’s stroller.
They were walking inside a department store that the kids are enjoying seeing a lot of dress and toys are something new to them.
“Stop spoiling them, Alex. They might ask you for more” Lia warn her friends because she’s already pushing a cart full of kids clothes and toys.
“I don’t mind spoiling them. I’ve been working and earning a lot and I don’t have anything to make good use of it besides they’ve got me whipped” the two friends just laugh at each other as they continue shopping for the kids.
Lia is feeling bad because she’s never been to the mall with her children. She will just opt to buy clothes online, buy toys online. The kids never had their free-will to choose what they want.
Looking at her children, the joy on their face, she knew money cannot buy those. Alex really let them enjoy and teaches them to have fun.
“Mommy, look!” Andy run up to her showing the dress that she’s been asking her to buy but she always forgets about it.
“Is that what you’ve been asking me?”
“Yes. Mama got it for me. I am so happy” Andy run back to where Alex and Andrei are. Lia follows her and saw how attentive Alex is with the kids. She’s also helping Andy fit in with the dress that she wants while also playing with Andrei.
Watching Alex converse with the kids, she cannot help but to wish that if only Nick could be just half of what Alex is, maybe their children would be happy being with him.
“Lia. What do you think would fit Andrei? The blue one or the red one?” Alex shows her the polo shirt that she can’t decide which one to pick.
“I think you should put it down and stop buying them clothes. They already have enough. Let’s go now” Lia grabs the shirt on her hands and put it back on the shelve before pushing the shopping cart away.
Then when she turns around, she saw the 3 not moving from where she left them “What are you all doing? Let’s go now”
Alex unwillingly follows her with the kids and Lia saw her pouting while pushing Andrei’s stroller “What now? Alex stops it”
“Only if you will kiss me” Alex points to her cheeks. Lia looks around the store before kissing her.
Later that day, the kids are starting to get grumpy. It was almost dinner time so they decided to let the kids eats before heading back home.
At the restaurant, Alex is like the mother of the two children how she looks after them and how she is feeding them. Everything that a mother will do during meal time she’s been doing it naturally.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Alex momentarily stops feeding Andrei.
“You will be a good mom, Alex. Don’t you want to have you own?”
“Princess and Pumpkin is enough for me. They are like my own. You and the kids are enough for me”
Alex resume feeding Andrei who is seated beside her just to avoid Lia’s gaze after her sudden confession.
Lia begun to analyze Alex gestures towards her and Nick’s unknown source of hatred to Alex. She doesn’t want to put meaning on how Alex is treating her.
The way Alex touches her, the way she talks to her, Lia is aware of her preference but she didn’t see it as an issue or maybe not yet.
“Mama” Andrei calls for her while she’s eating. They saw him rubbing his eyes and starting to get grumpy.
“My pumpkin is sleepy. Okay, let’s go home now”
“But you haven’t finished your meal” Lia told her feeling bad seeing her plate still full.
“It’s fine. I’ll fix something at home”
The drive back at home is very quiet, the kids are sleeping at the back and Lia is also taking a nap. Alex smile to herself imagining that it was like she’s driving her family home after a tiring fun day at the mall.
Arriving home Lia carry Andrei who is still sleeping and Alex did the same to Andy who refuse to wake up. When Lia opens the door, Nick is sitting on the couch with a can of beer on hand. Lia just greeted him and walks upstairs to put the kids to bed. Alex didn’t bother greeting him as she knows she won’t get anything to that man.
“Alex, you can put Andy here” Lia points at the bed.
The kids are already settled and sleeping soundly “Goodnight, Princess. Goodnight, Pumpkin”
Lia just let her tuck them in and watch how she lovingly kisses them good night. Her heart feels happy and sad at the same time.
Happy because now there is someone who truly cares and love her children just like how she cares for them and sad because her husband has never been like that to his own children.
“Thank you, Alex. For everything. You don’t know how happy they were at the mall. It was their first time going to there” Lia tells her while looking through her eyes showing her sincerity.
Alex holds her hand “You’re welcome. I’ll do anything for them. They make me happy too and I love them. I love you”
“I love you too. You’re the only friend that I have” Lia told her that pierce through her heart. She will never be more than a friend to her. The truth that she knows but still hurt like hell.
Alex saw Nick watching them, so she hugs and kiss her on the cheeks near her lips taunting Nick.
Andrei suddenly cry calling for his mom “I’m sorry but I can’t walk you outside”
“I’ll walk her out” Nick suddenly speaks while looking at Alex who just smirk at him.
At the door, the tension between the two is so strong “You stay away from my family. Stay away from my wife! I can tell by the way you look at her. You dyke! Keep your hands away from my wife!” Nick angrily tells her while pointing his finger to her.
Alex doesn’t like how he just call her. She usually doesn’t get offended when others call her names but that particular word irked her.
“So, you feel threaten. I see. You hate it how your kids like me more than they like their father. You hate it how Lia is so happy with me. If you don’t want to lose your family, you better start learning how to be a faithful husband and a good father”
“Excuse me? You don’t have any right to tell me that”
“Mind you, I do. So better stop cheating. Stop your affair with Maria” Alex returns the favor as she is the one to threaten him.
Nick is perplexed. He looks at her with horror ad his hand is sweating “Just who the fuck are you?”
“It’s not important who I am. I am not trying to steal your family away from you but mind you I really want to do that if you will keep hurting Lia and the kids. Just stop and confess to your wife if you want to save your family”
Alex left leaving Nick who is frozen to where he is standing. He didn’t expect that Alex will know about that. He was so sure that they are extra careful not to be seen by anyone so he can’t think on how she manages to caught them.
“If I go down, I will bring you with me. You will never have Lia”

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    ilove it


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    Ruzola Mamauag



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