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The Photographer

The Photographer


chapter 1

Alexandria Dramon is a native from Wyoming. A city that has a motto of “Equal Rights” but seems not to be applicable with her family.
She grew up in a very conservative family who values religions and faith. Alexandria is a happy go lucky kid growing up that makes her parents worry about her. Education wise, they can’t ask for more because Alexandria is an A+ student.
Being the only girl in the family, her mother gave her everything she asked for but most of the time it was her mother making her into what she wants her to be.
She is like a spoiled brat but not to the extent of being a bad influence to others. She a spoiled brat for having 4 protective brothers who treated her as the princess of the family.
Having 4 brothers, Alexandria grew up being one of the boys. She didn’t fancy any girly stuffs. She just wears what her brother wears. In short, she wears something that she is comfortable.
One day they went to their grandmother’s house for a family get together. The moment she steps out of the car, regret is the only thing that she can feel when all her relatives is looking at her from head to toe while shaking their head.
Her older brother Andrew saw what happens so he put his arm over her shoulder “Let’s go in. Don’t let them ruin your day. Just be yourself. What’s important is that you’re happy with who you are without hurting someone else”
Andrew accepted her for who she was and her other brothers is just like him. Very supportive and protective of her.
“Don’t mind them. They are just jealous of you because you can be both very pretty and handsome at the same time” Asher, her second brother told her that makes all her siblings laugh while walking inside the house side by side.
Alexandria is really grateful having them in her life. The only people who understand her.
One by one they greeted their grandmother who is surrounded by her father’s siblings. “Hi grandma, nice to see you again” Alexandria happily greeted her despite knowing that she didn’t like her ever since she went out to them but her grandma didn’t even look at her or greeted her back.
Andrew saw what his grandma did to her sister so he ushered her out of the living room going to the garden where all their cousins gathered.
Alexandria is trying her best not to be affected by what happened and by how she was being judge by her relatives who should have been the first one to open their arms to her.
Alexandria went to the kitchen to get some beer. There in the living room, she saw them having a family meeting like what they all do whenever it’s a ‘family day’. She walks pass the living room not wanting to be catch their attention and proceed to the kitchen to get as many beers as she can.
A loud voice echoed throughout the house and she is certain that it was her grandmother. Afraid that she might get caught eavesdropping, Alexandria hurriedly walks away but before she could go far, she heard something that makes her stay to where is standing.
“Arthur, why did you let Alexandria like that? I told you to restrain her! You know our family will never accept someone like her. Just what will your father say if he is still alive”
“We tried. We did everything that we know that can change her mind. But there is nothing that we can do. She likes being like that. She’s happy being like that” Her dad tries to defend her from his family that took her by surprised. Alexandria knew that both of her parent is very disappointed on her.
Alexandria’s parent did everything for her not to be a lesbian. For them, it was a disgrace for the family. She grew up listening to their never-ending sermon but nothing can change who she was. Only her brother gave the support that she wants from her parents.
“She’s going to college. I want her to take Business Management. I don’t want her to be the first one to break our family’s rule. She is already a disgrace to our family. And I am telling you this now, don’t let me disowned her from the Dramon family”
Everyone in the family is afraid of her grandma. Whatever she tells you to do, you don’t have any say to it. Whether you like it or not, you have to obey. But she’s not one of them, and never will she be like them.
The Dramon family owns the biggest hotel in Wyoming. With 20 branches all over the state, each family member is given the task to manage it. Their family is considered to be the richest in Wyoming. Their grandma is still the Chairwoman of the Dramon group of companies that she will soon pass on to her dad, Arthur Dramon, the oldest son.
Being surrounded by business minded people really bothers her. For Alexandria it was not her calling and to be force to follow their footsteps is the last thing that she will do.
At the age of 18 she graduated from High School with the highest honor in their class. She manages to finish on top despite not really focusing on her studies.
Her brother is so proud of her especially Andrew who gave her a 1-month worth of his salary as a reward for her achievement. She thought that if her brother can be like that to her, why can’t her parents be like him.
It was a Sunday afternoon, just a day after her graduation when her grandma suddenly asks them to come over to her house. She knew exactly why and before they can ruin her, she already plotted her plan that none will imagine that she is capable of doing.
“Mom, dad. I will just drop by to Mrs. green’s house to say hello. They are having a farewell today. It will only take me about 10 to 20 minutes then I’ll go straight to grandma” Alexandria lied. There is no party or what so ever and she doesn’t even have a teacher named Mrs.Green. She creates an alibi so that she can do her plan without them knowing it.
Alexandria waited until all of them are out of the house before she went upstairs to her room to get all her luggage out of her room going to her car.
Yes, she is running away from her home and from her family. Freedom and happiness are her top priority. She will not allow them to dictate what she will do with her life.
When she’s done loading all her stuffs, she returns to her now empty room. She disposes every trace of her occupying that room. With all her might not to be emotional she left nothing for them to remember her.
With a small sticky note, she left a short message “Don’t try to look for me. It’s just a waste of your precious time. I know that you will all be happy now that I’m gone. I will do everything just to prove all of you wrong that I can be successful too”
On top of that notes she place her phone. The one that her mom gave her as a birthday gift. Alexandria has a spare phone that only Andrew knows because he was the one who gave her that.
At the Dramon’s mansion her family is getting agitated with every minute that they can’t get a hold of her. It’s been 2 hours and yet they haven’t seen her. They already call all her classmate but none saw her that day.
“Andrew, did she pick your call?” Arthur, their dad asks his first born.
“No dad. I am having a bad feeling about this. We need to go home now” Andrew worriedly tells his father and her sibling agree to him before the all run to the car leaving their parents.
Arthur and Amanda don’t know what to expect. They didn’t want to think of anything negative because it is very unlikely for them not to get a hold of their daughter especially not answering Andrew’s call is not her.
When they arrived home, it was kind of eerie for them. At the living room the boys are waiting for them. They were caught off-guard when Andrew the oldest among the 5 suddenly yell at them.
“Are you happy not that my sister is gone?” Andrew started. Yelling is not his forte. They have never seen him like that before, he is the very calm and understanding among all of them but seeing him that angry means something terrible happens.
“What are you talking about? Gone? She’s probably at one of her friends house” Arthur says looking at his sons. He notices the anger on their eyes while looking at him.
Andrew throws that note that Alexandria left for them. Amanda picked it up and read the note. It was a horror when they understand what Andrew is telling them that she’s gone.
“Call her again. That girl really knows how to make us all in trouble” Arthur gritted his teeth in anger.
“Don’t you get it? Alexandria runs away from this house, from you. I will never forgive you for chasing my sister away from us” Andrew is the most affected by her decision that he cannot control his self. Before leaving the living room he throws Alexandria’s phone on the table “Stop wasting your time calling her. She’s not coming back”
Amanda suddenly became clouded with emotions when it all sinks to her that her only daughter won’t be coming home anymore. She tries to seek comfort to her other son but even her youngest hates her for what happened.
“Don’t touch me, mom. I hate you. I really you both. You took away our sister from us. She only has us and yet she still loses us. Stop controlling us. Because of what you both did to her, don’t expect this family to be like what it was yesterday”
Meanwhile, Alexandria is enjoying herself driving to New York. With so much thinking and consideration she finally decided that in New York is where she’s going to start her dream. While she’s enjoying her freedom, the home that she left is in chaos with her disappearance.
Having a GPA, Alexandria didn’t have a hard time getting a scholarship at New York University. She did it all without her family knowing about her plan before her graduation. She will take up Photography, her passion ever since she’s a kid.
Few hours after she left, her phone finally rings and she is sure that it was Andrew. “Alexandria, where are you going now? Why didn’t you tell me about your plan?” The concern on her brother’s voice is very evident.
“Don’t worry about me. I know what I am doing. I’m sorry for not telling you ahead of time” Alexandria assures him. She is somehow guilty of not saying goodbye to them.
“If you need anything just call me. Don’t hesitate to ask. Where are will you be staying? What city” Andrew’s never ending question that she is already used to.
“There is a dorm that the university offered me. I’ll be staying there until I finish. I am going to New York University. Just don’t tell anyone where I am heading” Alexandria almost pleaded. She just wanted to make sure that no one can find her. She is looking forward having the best days of her life away from those judgmental eyes.
Alexandria didn’t need to work double job as what she intended to do because Andrew supported her by giving her monthly allowance that really helps her a lot.
With her natural talent and skills combined with her intelligence she finishes on top of her class yet again. It wasn’t what she expected but nevertheless she is proud of herself for her achievement.
Time flies when you’re having fun is what they say when you didn’t realize that you just finish college and now entering on the real world with no certainty and full of competition.
“Can you move a little bit to you right. Yes…Perfect…Hold your pose….and we’re done. Good job as always, Sofia”. Just a year after she graduated, Alexandria got herself a break. Since then, she became a sought-after photographer of different fashion magazine. Going after different magazine cover to another became her life.
“Pleasure seeing you here at my studio, Mr. Gideon” He is the owner of one of the biggest magazine company. Mr.Gideon is also the one who saw her potential and became her mentor who also treated her as her own daughter. The same treatment that she wishes was given to her by her family.
“Stop being so formal to me Alexandria”
“Only when you stop calling me by my full name and start calling me Alex” Alexandria never uses her full name after college. It is her way of making a name for herself without her family’s background backing her. For her whenever someone calls her Alexandria, it makes her remember those people who didn’t believe in her.
“Fine Alex then. Back to our business. They told you that you rejected the Wyoming Project. Why? This one of the biggest fashion show this year. You have to consider this offer” Alex knew how big that opportunity. The pay is triple than her usual. But it’s Wyoming that they are talking about. The state the she will never ever want to step foot again.
“No. I won’t take that project. Thanks for dropping by here, Uncle but nothing will change my decision”
Later that night Alex went to her favorite bar. Her go-to place whenever she is so stress. Being there most of the time makes her to be consider as a VIP. If she is not mistaken, almost all the girls there had a one-night stand with her.
Sex became her stress reliever until she hasn’t found the right woman for her. A woman that will capture her stone cold heart. But for now, she just wanted to enjoy herself and have different girls that she will please and will please her.
“Alex, we have a new girl and it’s your type.” Jeffrey told her, the manager of the bar. Alex doesn’t want to have the same girl every time she’s there. As much as possible she wanted to have a new girl.
“Send her to the room. Is it available?”
“That room is already reserved under your name. Go ahead and I will inform her”
Alex knows that she needs to stop this kind of fun and start looking for a serious relationship. She’s not getting any younger. Having someone by her side as she grows old is one of her dream.
Her thought was interrupted when she heard a knock on the door.” Come in” she says. The room has a dim light that is what she preferred. She cannot clearly see her face but Jeffrey is right that she is her type.
A smirk appears on her face when she saw her figure. Sexy curve, butt that is perfect and breast that is her preferred size.
“Hi, I’m Agnes” The girl greeted her. Then she notices her familiar face.
“Have we met before?” Alex asks her before putting her glass on the bed side table “I remember you. You’re Sofia’s assistance. Am I right?” the girl suddenly became frightened because she doesn’t want anybody know that she’s living a double life.
Alex senses the change on her behavior “Don’t be scared. No one’s going to know what we will do here if you will not tell anyone about it”
The girl smile hearing the assurance from Alex. She’s been eyeing her every time they will have a photo shoot. Alex holds her hand and guide to the bed while she keeps her eyes focus on her.
“You know Agnes, I’ve been noticing how you look at me every time we meet. If I knew that you’re like this, I should have taken you at my studio”
“Then will do it next time”
Alex likes how she can play with her. Without any notice she captures her luscious lips that makes her not want to let go. She became very hungry for her kisses. Her hands start squeezing her butt. It was so soft and big that makes her kiss the girl hard while capturing her tongue.
“Gosh. I can’t stop kissing you. It tastes so sweet” Alex pushes her to the bed and hovering on top of the girl like a predator. She kisses her lips again slowly removing her dress.
Agnes let out a moan when a wet muscle lick her neck and suck her pulse like a vampire “You’re so sexy”. Alex is losing her control seeing her naked body. It really turns her on and makes her very horny.
“It feels so good, baby. Don’t stop” The endearment just added to her excitement. She suck her breast like an infant hungry for her milk that makes the girl jerk. Agnes has never felt that kind of feeling with those she already slept before. She is now certain that about what the other girls told her. Alex is a monster in bed.
As Alex continue sucking her breast left and right, her nipples are so hard that Alex will pinch it and flick using her tongue. The girl is moaning like a mess.
“So wet” Alex says when she removes her panty and stare at her pink folds and started blowing some airs that makes the girl jerk up.
“Oh baby. Just like that” Alex is really enjoying hearing her sweet voice. Agnes moves left and right when Alex started doing her down. Licking, sucking she doesn’t know anymore what Alex is doing to her.
Agnes push Alex head down more to make her deepen whatever she’s been doing to her. Alex pushes 3 fingers inside her folds that makes the girl goes crazy. It was the best that she ever had. One of the best orgasms that she ever felt.
Alex is thrusting faster than she can that makes the girl convulse when she came. Still on the high of her orgasm, Alex suck her folds again.
Just like what always happen to her, she loses interest with the girl. But not to be very brutal, she still let the girl came again. When she saw white liquids on her fingers she stood up, grab a tissue and started walking to the door leaving the very tired Agnes on the bed just like what she always does.

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