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HEARST BORROWED the chest board to his neighbor, lady Serene Ivans. She is one of the most lovely white lady in the Reagan town. She has a sweet, tin, redish lips.
"We're bored so I guess it will help to us if we will play with my brother." The 7-year-old boy who has a zealous trait. He loves everyone and they love him too.
"Oh! I never met your brother." The beautiful white ribbon makes her simple but elegant daughter of Ivans family.
"You know, he is a quiet man and also a bit taciturn sometimes," Hearst giggled as he knows that his older brother is reckless and always has a jerk side.
"I see."
"Like he vandalized your house, he did that," Hearst gave Lady Serene an idea.
"So he loves arts? I am not mad but I appreciate how he vandalized the red roses in the wall. However, my parents are extremely wanna strike him with their rage."
"Really? Yeah, I see, my brother is artistic somehow." Hearst went to the rooftop. He doesn't sure if Commodore was there but he choose to wait for him.
Someone jumped in the window of the rooftop. He seems tired but happy at the same time. Wearing an odd clothes that makes Hearst wonder. "You don't even know what I am trying to supposed to do," Commodore was severely sweat.
Wearing a famous long sleeves seems jacket but it's unique design came from Mr. Nero. "He never accepted me as a student, 2 years ago in ROA. But the opposite thing he did without knowing me," he chuckled so loud.
Hearst seriously curious. It feels like a fiddle-faddle that convincing him there's something wrong right now. "You mean, you are a student in ROA?"
"Like a flamboyant, let's play without knowing each other. It will be our good time when we are bored," a playful smile cannot be seem by Hearst but he felt that because of sarcastic tone of Commodore at him.
"I'm indolent to find you in ROA,but let's have a deal when you win in this game. Chess is quite deceiving but you can receive any awards."
THE NEXT DAY after Commodore won in the game. He started to plan and Hearst will be a player and he needs to find him in the Reagan Owen Academy.
"What are you looking for, Hearst?" A sweet smile of lady Serene, asking the young boy.
"I am looking for the famous boy who making a mess here in ROA," he uttered. "I want to know him."
"Oh! Sounds interesting! Let's find him," lady Serene was excited about him. She wants to get to closed to a tyrant boy who playing around, brings championship to his competitors.
"There he is! Owen Wilson, the cold-hearted prince, as they say," lady Serene got thrilled by his deadly stares.
"Not only him but there's one," lady Monique said. "Ardent Shark, is the most scariest student that I've known. Be careful with that two boys," she warned them like they are going to be punish anytime, anywhere.
After the morning classes, a new student has arrived. He accepted temporarily in ROA. "I am Commodore Hadson, I am just temporarily here as a student. Don't mind me at the back, just fovus to Mr. Dark Nero," he said carefully to his classmates.
"You ought to be not here, as you wearing a stainless steel mask. It's not good to think that I have a beast classmate!" Killua shouted.
"O...oh... " lady Monique out her bag in the vacant seat.
"Don't mind him. He just needs to study here for a while. I always rejected him because of my dear students. But let us give him a chance to be here in our Academy." Mr. Dark Nero lead Commodore at the back. A huge space was intendedly only for him. He sluggishly walk as he will become a monitor in the class.
Commodore stays calm, recognizing each of them. "He is a destroyer in his village! He shouldn't be permitted to be here, sir," lady Serene said when Commodore enter in his new class.
Dr. Elizabeth Warren wasn't shocked about her students reaction. "He is Commodore, he won't bother anyone here. He will be just seated at the back alone. Unlike what he was doing in his village, he knows the policy."
"How sure you are Dr. Elizabeth Warren?" Ardent Shark, who has a long black hair.
"I am sure young lad. As ROA and Mr. Commodore agreed with the policy of the Academy."
As the bell ringing, it is a sign that every classroom should teach now. The silence of class begun to focus on the new lessons on the blackboard. Commodore stays calm as every students don't dare to look their back just to become being curious about him.
After the class, Hearst runs to find his brother in the Hanna building of level 4. He watches Commodore left the room first in the back door abruptly. A swift walks of him makes everyone laugh.
"Is he afraid to off his mask?" Ardent Shark jested.
"Maybe because he is ugly," lady Serene said. Hearst heard that and realized that lady Serene looks like an angel in heaven but her words is injustice.
"Brother, you shouldn't fetch me. I can go home alone," Commodore tapped Hearst head.
"Yeah, as you said we will play... I know—"
"We don't play anymore, it just a joke, brother. My apologies for making fun of you that an oldest brother must not do," Commodore's tone was extremely tired and cold.
Afternoon in the forest of Aurora village when Hearst started to be alone. He wants to explore than to find an explanation about the universe. However, he never knows that his father always in his back. Mr. Kinsley always have a device for location, so he can detect where his sons going. From shoes and bags, it have a device to know their location.
Mr. Kinsley is a great but unknown inventor. He makes something useable but he always try first before he propose it to Me. Derwent or Mr. Darn Nero to help him to introduce his invention. But he is a manager of a small company of his family, he is not a heir as his oldest brother was the favorable to have it.
"I AM HEARST CASTLE!" he proudly said after he successfully climbed in the tree safely. "I want to be a great soldier, and I will be the greatest of all!" Hearst making a role playing alone as nobody's listening on his dream.
Kinsley felt so glad and he gave him a round of applause. "That's my son!"
"Dad!" he ran towards his father. They hugged and extremely expressing their unexplainable happiness.
"I know, I am busy sometimes. But here I am, watching my boy exploring his dreams."
"Dad, it's okay. I know and I love you."
Kinsley gave his son a white cap. "My only gift for my birthday, I give it to you!"
"Dad, why you always being like that. I mean, you are the best dad I ever have!" Hearst giggled as he felt so blessed for today.
"Because I have my Hearst Castle in our life. Your mum also proud of you, that's why we will do everything to pursue your dreams..."
"Oh... I hope Major Leomord too... "
"Yes he is. You know what? I became a young soldier and I met Major Leomord who guided me when I waz so weak. Therefore, I met your mother..." he chuckled as he reminiscing about it. "Nah! Let's go home, son." He hold his son hands, even Hearst wants to play for a jiffy.
Commodore was there to follow his brother as he is a protector of him. However, they don't feel his existence that's why he is calmly listening at them. He recognized that he was excluded, his name never involve in their conversation. He felt so numb that he decided not to fo home for tonight.
He went to the truck to go in the place where Major Leomord training him in fencing class alone.
"Why are you here!" A loud voice of lady Serene howling in the room of fencing.
"Your kindness isn't real. Don't suppose to be in our house just to visit Hearst, my brother. I am telling you this lady Serene, as I can't see how serene my life with you..." A devasted Commodore released his grudge to the lady undeniably.
Commodore that day was raging in fire. So he realized what he loves to do is a revenge tonight. He went to lady Serene house and make an art of revenge. He started in the garden and spray with paint. He vandalized the whole house until he gets satisfied.
He went home with laughed when Hearst disagreed with what he has done. "You ought to be good, brother. People might be interested somehow to kill you..."
"People severely hated me. What's now? They know my cruelty but never understand me."

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    Fernandez Aikee

    hi papano ba kumita


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    Loelkem Bihag

    thank you


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    it's good


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