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Episode 7

Fifteen minutes evaporate in the silence between Maya, and me. Our food was almost finished and getting cold, even the coffee we ordered. It's like torture on a different level. Maya stared at me for a long time without saying anything.
I was often glared at with insolent glances. But this is not how it feels. Usually, I can stand bad boys. But Maya is a girl, and I'm not selling myself to her. I'm not like Bram. I like boys.
"So..." I wanted to fill in the blanks. As well as cover up the strange sense of comfort her presence always created. "So, what made you contact me all of a sudden?"
Maya moves her head. Lean slightly to the left. But not too obvious. She looked out the window. "Because you should have called me. But it's been two weeks." She shrugged.
"You miss me?" I joked.
Maya seemed surprised by my response. She turned again to my face. "I have no friends. You are my only hope. Right now."
Then her cell phone vibrated on the table. Quickly, her fingers flipped the flat object. The screen now faces down.
"It's okay. You can take the call," I said firmly. Because I don't know how to respond to what she said. I didn't prepare myself for this.
"That's from my mother. She's a little crazy. No need for a response. Her voice will only ruin my morning." Maya answered lightly.
Which woman called her mother crazy? I thought. There's only one reason. Maybe Maya wasn't a good kid.
"Okay." I didn't extend. "So you really don't have any friends, Maya?"
"There are some from the past. But I wouldn't want to see them again. So, better start a new circle of friends." After saying that lightly, her phone vibrated again. This time the shakes were longer and longer. The phone rotates 45 degrees.
I couldn't take my eyes off it. No matter how hard I tried. I'm feeling worried. Is Maya okay? I mean, is she a normal girl? Or maybe she's crazier than her mother? I'm curious. We just met, and I don't want to be dragged into her personal problems.
"Maya, shouldn't you accept the call? Are you running from trouble?"
Maya smiled at me. The serenity that radiated on her face made me even more confused.
"I've been running from my mom for a long time. She's been a problem my whole life."
"Well, that's none of my business anyway..." I wanted to run away from this conversation. From this place if possible. But how? I can't blatantly avoid her. What if she's actually a psychopath? What if she's going to hunt me down, and get rid of me like her friends in the past? All of her sentences are made up of ambiguous phrases. I have no idea which is figurative and which is literal.
Maya probably noticed my fear. She didn't move at all. But her gaze seemed to stab into my pupils. I looked down before she could hear my oddly pounding heartbeat.
"You're afraid of me, huh?"
"I'm uncomfortable... The way you look at me..."
"You're beautiful. Hasn't anyone ever said that? Your face is good to look at. I'm jealous, you're so..."
In my opinion, Maya's face is more interesting to look at. Her eyes were sharp and clear. The high slender cheeks symbolize protection. Her nose was sharp, sharp like a steep cliff, and her lips were rosy. I imagined her pale skin would turn red if she was crying. Why do I imagine her crying? Anyway, if I could determine grades, mine would be two points below hers.
But that doesn't mean she can just stare at me as if she's going to swallow me like that... I got goosebumps. Goosebumps in a confusing and disturbing connotation.
"Hm... Yes... They say that. But I'm not only pretty. I prefer to be called smart. I'm a smart and diligent student." I forced a smile.
"Yeah... It seems that way. When you feel like your world will collapse, and the ecosystem on earth will be destroyed just because you're late for a class. Trust me, I know." Maya moistened her lips and took a sip of her coffee. "You should relax a bit. Enjoying your youth, perhaps."
My cheeks were hot when she said that. I'm having fun. Too much fun, maybe. "So, what do you do every day, Maya? Are you working? Or have you just graduated from high school?" Know that I can't run away. I might have to scrape the information out of her. Maybe if I know a little about her, it can help my judgment. Don't judge a book by its cover, they say.
"I'm probably a couple years older than you. And I don't have a formal job. I trade stocks."
I responded, "That's an interesting job." Maya might be a rich kid. She ate at Hail Hall every day. And I know she's weird. Rich kids are unusual.
"My dad forced me to study business. I chose to play stocks. He's okay. And I didn't have to leave the house as much." Maya seemed lost in her own thoughts.
I'm not a shaman. But, I concluded she was closer to her father than her mother.
Maya put her fingers on my hand. "No. They're not divorced. If you want to know about that. And I live alone."
I broke away from her cold but gentle fingers. I caught a glimpse of bergamot perfume in there. Maybe just my imagination. I immediately took the cell phone. I have to find an excuse to run away from this atmosphere. "Maya, I think I should—"
Maya stood up before my sentence was finished. I looked up.
"Ale, let's go!" Maya grabbed my hand hastily. So, I didn't have time to examine what was going on around me. Except follow her.
We run. I didn't have time to think about anything because we kept running. Maya was still holding my wrist. Her fingers were warm and sweaty. Her wavy hair hanging. The wind carries the scent of bergamot again. The fragrance blows my face. Maya turned around and laughed cheerfully. There is a sunlight bias that makes this event even more dramatic. Fortunately, there is no slow motion.
"Maya..." I gasped. My breath is ragged, and my lungs are burning. I imagined car exhaust. "Maya..." I stopped.
Maya also stopped. She leaned against the wall of one of the shops we passed. The laughter still remains. And she looks like an ordinary girl. It is transparent like an open book.
"We haven't paid..." I said. Panting.
"They know me. They'll send a bill or they'll hold me up the next time I come. If, I come again." Maya gathered her hair and held it in her arms.
"You plan not to come again? Didn't you say you don't like change?" I'm confused.
Again, Maya becomes a mysterious girl. It turned into mist. The change was so fast that it made me shiver.
"Of all the questions, you choose that one? Are we already friends?" Maya tugged at the front of her red shirt.
I put my hands on my waist. My throat is dry. But, I had to ask, "What were we running from?"
Maya shrugged "That crazy woman. My mother."
I was stunned by the answer.
Maya is aware of that. She snorted. "Can you play billiards?"
I winced. So random. Had breakfast. Then run away without paying. Now... Billiards?
"I taught... I'm pretty good." Maya was grumbling. Her red, wet lips pursed together. She can't be denied. "Or would you rather go karaoke?"
"This early?"
Maya nodded confidently. "I know a place that's always open."

Book Comment (40)

  • avatar
    Yogs Zonemne Yorrat

    it's very good good morning


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    good 👍


  • avatar
    Sit Lumuma

    superrr cute


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