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The Golden Box

Fin opened the conference hall door for Marcus.
"Master, Mr. Wright is here," Fin informed.
Marcus put the phone down on the table and take his seat,
"Be seated Mr. Wright," Marcus ruthlessly said without even looking at Tyrant who stood in respect to bow him,
meeting started...
In Smith's Mansion,
Olivia peacefully had her breakfast, Charity fed her spoon by spoon and Alice kept smiling looking at her,
"Would you like to have something to eat Alice?" Olivia asked.
"No, I already had my breakfast," she evitable answered.
"Oh really?" Olivia confirmed looking at her innocent eyes,
The nurse came in for a routine checkup and to change Olivia's bandages and the nurse asked Charity and Alice to leave,
Alice hesitated to go out, "Mom I want to stay with Olivia, she needs me," She innocently said,
"No doll, she doesn't need you, let the nurse check her up and we will come back after a while,”
"Olivia, shall I go?" she asked worriedly.
Looking at the innocent face, Olivia permitted her to go as she doesn't want the little girl to get horrified looking at her open wounds.
"Nice to meet you, Alice, see you soon", she waves her hand smiling.
"Ok, Olivia, Nurse please be gentle to her, Alice requests the nurse sweetly,
The nurse nodded and both went out of the room, Olivia's eyes stuck to Alice until the door was closed.
"Miss, please do let me know if it hurts," Nurse politely asked Olivia and started unwrapping her foot bandage.
Olivia was furiously staring at her foot. Her eyes rolled with each layer shoving from her wounds,
When she completely removed the bandages, her feet looked a bit swollen and few blisters were there, they didn't look much hurt, then Marcus words echoed in her head, "stupid doctor waste so many bandages on her feet,"
She sighed and felt relief that her feet are fine,
"Miss, your wounds have recovered very well, our medicines suited you well, now there is no need of many bandages, I will just put a single layer, but I regret to say, it will take 2 more days for you to stand on your feet," she professionally consoling and explaining her every aspect of treatment.
Olivia was really impressed and wonders that Marcus has his own qualified medical staff and medicines.
"Amazing" she murmured,
The nurse injected her a painkiller and fed two pills in her mouth and asked her to chew,
"Are they chewable?" Olivia asked reluctantly as she hates the bitter taste of medicine,
The nurse smiled and said "don't worry miss. This medicine is different from the other human medicines,"
as soon the pills melt in her mouth, the sweetness of pills tempts her taste buds.
"You guys are real genius! How did you invent such sweet medicines?"
"It’s doctor Mars who invented these medicines, not me."
"Mars??" she asked with a big question mark on her face,
The nurse ignored her question and help her to lay down on the bed and covered her with a thin blanket,
"Take care, Miss," she smiled and left the room,
Olivia is actually feeling good being caressed by so many people around, Charity, Alice and this nurse,
She thought of Alice innocent, bubbly, mischievous talks and soon she fell asleep,
Marcus deliberately didn't come to her room for the next two days, as he tried to ignore her,
Marcus made himself stay busy in the company,
Despite being busy, he had his eye on Olivia's recovery,
Tom and his team collecting information about Mars last month activities and Olivia's past.
Cameron, who is an undercover agent of Marcus looking for all the important facts about Olivia from the Orphanage.
He got a lot of information that he only wanted to share with Marcus,
He approached Marcus as soon as possible,
He sneaked in Marcus private floor as he can't show up publicly, Tom informed Marcus about Cameron, Marcus who was addressing an important meeting that time, continued his meeting and wrap up the meeting within half an hour and rushed to his office,
Tom followed him, Marcus entered his office, Cameron was standing lowering his head and bowed to Marcus,
Marcus arrogantly leaned on his chair, looked at Cameron,
"Master..., Cameron looked at Tom and hesitates to speak more,"
"You can speak in front of Tom," Marcus understood his hesitation and asked him to proceed,
"Master, I have something for you, and picked out a small golden box from his pocket and present that to Marcus,"
"What is this"? Marcus curiously asked looking at the box in his hand,
"Answers to all questions are in the box," kindly open it, Cameron sincerely said.
He astonishingly opened the box,
his eyes widened, he shockingly stood from his chair and looked at Cameron, "where did you find this box"? he mumbled.
"Master, the old caretaker of the orphanage where Olivia lived gave me this,"
"Master, He told me that 15 years ago, on a dark stormy night an injured lady knocked at the door of this orphanage. The man opened the door and was shocked to see an injured woman carrying a 5-year-old unconscious girl in her severely injured arms and pleaded to save the girl,
The man helped them in and first aid the girl but the woman refused to have the treatment she just wants him to save the girl, the man allowed them to stay in the orphanage,
The woman left the girl in the orphanage that night and never showed up again,
The men told me that the woman was murmuring Olivia again and again, this is how he gets to know that her name is Olivia, this box was lying near Olivia's head when the man found her the next morning,
There was a small note as well, Cameron handed him a piece of paper some blurred words were written on the piece of paper which is not visible with the naked eyes,
The man kept this box and note secretive till date with a hope that the woman will come again to take her daughter,
The man is never able to read what is written in the note as the script is unknown to him." Cameron said,
Marcus listened to him carefully and smiled viciously looking back at the thing inside the box.

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    Josiane Silva

    ameii obrigada


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    Jane Lira I.Motas



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