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Chapter 4 Cure My Body

I started eating but then,
"How did you get here?" He asked so confusedly.
Because I'm smart, dumbass!
That's my secret only mom knows, mom trusted me on everything because she knew I can always get out of it.
I smiled at myself. I'm gifted, mom discovered it when I was 2 yo. I don't remember anything before then, but she told me that... I have a photographic memory.
I practiced it when I was five by reading books. That's why I looked matured at my age.
Mom told me that my gift can save me but it will also be my worst nightmare. So, I have to prepare myself mentally and emotionally.
I miss mom... a tear flows down my cheek. Suddenly, I was back to present the moment I felt someone slapped me.
I looked at uncle Dos confused "If I ask you, answer me." I just shrugged at him.
He looked at my hand and took it. I flinched "Hey! I won't give you any, it's mine!" I yelled hiding my fruits at my back.
But still, he took my hand and examine it. Then, he saw the red stain the red crayon had left.
Oh no, now he knows my technique, I might not get over with it next time.
"Ohh, I underestimated you huh. You're smart..." He said grinning.
I took back my hand and continue eating. "Finish your food and prepare for the next training". He stated as he walked out.
I'm sure, it's hell.
After eating, he made me clean the whole mansion, using the wipe-in and wipe-out tactics. If I used it wrong he hit my hand with his stick.
Imagine the mansion is big including the rooms, basement, antiques, vases, and frames! Without rest! Once I got tired of my hands, I used my feet.
At 5 pm I looked around to see that everything is clean. I smiled at my accomplishment, feeling exhausted and annoyed, but I know I'll be facing more... but until when?
And how many sacrifices should I let out? He's crazy! I'm hungry, but he never gave me food. Just a bottle of water that could not even satisfy my thirst, I remember the moment he gave it to me.
"Here's you're water, try to be thrifty, you will not receive food or water until 6:30 pm." Putting a bottle of water in front of me and went out.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming so I immediately wipe my tears away. But then, a sob came out so I received a punch in my stomach, I lay flat on the floor, coughing.
I glared at him, crying because of pain. It hurts so much, what did I do this time?!
"Stop crying, once I see or hear you cried, you will receive more than that. Now, go and prepare yourself, at 6:30 come downstairs, dinner will be ready." He said as nothing happened!
I tried to gather myself, "bear the pain" my mom's words replayed in my mind.
I went upstairs and changed my clothes. I sat down and just stare in space, thinking... Suddenly, I remembered, when I was cleaning, I saw a room of books, might be a library...
5:30, I still have an hour until dinner.
So, I went towards the library and looked for medicinal books that can help me.
Yes, I'm 6-year-old, but at the age of 5, I master the dictionary, and any words that would come out, I would already know it.
I watched movies too, it helps me understand things. That old man should not know about this ability or he might take advantage of it.
He wouldn't care about me. So, I'm the only one who can save myself, that's why I have to learn how.
After an hour, I learned a lot. On how to maintain my body intact or cure my body of injured wounds and fractured bones. I also looked at how my body can bear hunger and thirst, in case the old man would try to kill me in hunger.
He's a devil, he can.
I went downstairs and saw the old man. I ate with him. After eating he let me rest for 30 min. and demanded sitting in the air for 2 hours. He didn't forget to hit me every time my hands or my feet falls.
After 2 hours, I jumped on my bed and silently cried from the pain until darkness took over my essence.
The next day, I woke up early and washed. I managed to find herbal medicines outside for my wounds that would lessen the pain and cover the marks quickly.
I made sure the old man wouldn't realize it. Next time I'll make experiments out of these herbs.
The day was also tiring, from running until my feet surrendered. He also made me get two buckets of water from the well a kilometer away from the mansion to refill, 2 drums!
I can't believe myself, I can carry two buckets of water!
The next day, which is the fourth day, he made me stand in a small wooden circle in only 1 foot! My arms are folded. He made me stand for 30min and vice-versa.
The day after that, the fifth day, we went fishing I thought I would enjoy it but I did not! The fishing is different, he demanded that I should get a fish using only my hands without any weapon or fishing kit.
How I hate it! I don't know how to swim! Damn that old man he just sits there with his fishing net. "If you can't get one then you can't eat! You can only eat what you get!" He shouted since I'm far from him.
I tried learning first how to swim but since I'm a fast learner, I do now know how to swim! After several hours I caught a fish it's not so big but it can satisfy my tummy.
Today is Saturday, and tomorrow I will see my parents again. Today is so simple he teaches me things a child in elementary should know but since I'm a fast learner I just listened to him. Then, he gave me a test but since I'm a good child, I made a mistake, INTENTIONALLY.
I don't know that making mistakes, resulted in consequences. I received slaps and few punches but as time goes by, I'm immune to it.
I can feel the pain of course, but since it hit me many times, I can already handle it without crying or coughing blood. Before, I did it more often. But now, It's nothing for me anymore...
His punches are hard for a normal man. But, he's not normal and he just controlled the true strength he had. I can see it and I can feel it sometimes. I don't know him but I know that he kept so many things about him.

Book Comment (1485)

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    Zarina Gela Mae Royeca

    very nice huhu


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    ele é MT bom msm n é 5 estrela é mil


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