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Chapter 2 The Heiress

Today is another hell of a training. From the day my mind began to open until today at my age 18, they are making my life hell to make me numb... numb from the pain emotionally and physically.
I was like an experiment and I can see, they are successful. I can't feel anything... bullets, slashes, and wounds from the knives and swords I have right now.
I felt so dense, so light and nothing else, I feared nothing even death, rather I yearned for it. All of these are because... I'm the heiress.
The heiress of the Tarre Family. I closed my eyes and brought myself back to the past.
I don't remember anything before I turned five, it was the age I got my right mind intact. According to the rumors, Tarre is the strongest mafia group in the entire world but I am too young to care, too ignorant...
My father Giovanni Tarre, as people called him, the king, and my mother Divina Tarre the strongest woman I've ever seen they called her, The Queen.
Wow! really? Royal family. Tch. Well, I'm Venice just Venice who cares?
Btw, no one knows my identity except my family and the closest in the family workers, it's like they're keeping me from everyone... seems like they are hiding me... But I don't care, a six-year-old child doesn't care.
Unfortunately, I am their only child and that's why my father doesn't like me because I'm a girl... Father thinks that girls are weak emotionally and physically.
I'm happily walking in the hallway towards my parent's room but when I came closer... I heard my father's yelling, so I peeked on the door.
"No! I need our own blood to be the heir of the Tarre and we cannot deny the fact that she's our child! The Heiress!" Father snapped.
"But Giovanni she's just a little girl, let her live normal, this world is not for her." My mother begged.
"Whether we like it or not, we have no choice, it's for her safety. We need to get her stronger for possible dangers she may face, Divina. You know that once a Tarre always a Tarre and no one can get out of it especially our only child." he said with a serious face.
My mother cried as she seems to understand my father so well.
"I have a plan we'll train her as early as possible for her to be prepared on anything else..." he said grinning and continued "I'll make her numb."
My mother cried even more "Oh no... Giovanni! Please tell me you're not serious."
He looked at her eyes "I'm dead serious." and I ran towards my room.
I cried, why my father doesn't like me? What does he mean when he said, he'll make me numb?
So many questions running on my mind. Maybe, tomorrow I can find answers... maybe... I did not realize I fall asleep with tears flowing down my cheeks.
The next day I woke up. I saw mom at the edge of my bed crying... she's the strongest woman I know but I wonder what makes her so sad... when she saw me awake, I sit up.
"Sweetie, your dad and I decided to have you trained to become strong. We want you to be prepared for anything. You'll understand it at the right time, I'll explain to you everything." She hugged me and continued "I love you so much don't forget that, okay? You will experience many things, the worst things are expected but remain alive and brave. I will not be with you always but bring my love with you, I'm always here waiting for your return." She cried harder but my mind is full of thoughts from her words.
"Mom, what are you saying? What do you mean by my return? I don't want to go away from you and dad!" I felt like crying, it seems like she's saying her goodbyes...
"You go prepare and change now, after that come downstairs for breakfast, I'll be waiting." She kissed my forehead and went outside.
I do as she says, but my mind keeps on thinking, what does she mean?! However, I can't handle thinking of the possibilities.
I went towards the dining room to see my parents waiting and the foods are already prepared. But, we're not alone... a man is sitting in one of the chairs beside the table with them. He's old probably at his 35th.
Don't be so curious why I acted like this with my age but I'm kind of mature and I have a secret you'll know later *wink*.
My mom saw me "Sweetie come here, sit with us, and eat." She said with a half-smile... well kind of a fake smile.
"By the way, Venice this is your Uncle Dos. He's my brother from my father's side." My father said not even giving a glance while pointing to the man with us.
I turned to the man with a smile "Hello Uncle." He just looked at me and turned to his plate. Owkay...
The breakfast was so silent and all I can hear are the spoons, sporks, and plates. I can feel that something is wrong...
After breakfast, I was sitting in the living room when my mom came to me "Sweetie, you will be staying with your Uncle Dos, for now, he will teach you everything you need to learn. Listen to him, okay?" When I heard those words I felt like, I was stabbed by a knife...
"Are you giving me away mom? Don't you love me anymore? Is it because I'm a girl mom, do you hate me mom?" I continuously asked forgetting to breathe. I can't feel my breath but I felt my tears running down my cheeks.
Mom's eyes turned red "Oh no, don't say that sweetie, I love you so much. And I'm not giving you away, we'll see each other on Sunday. It is for you to learn, for you to be strong and be brave. If you're brave enough, someday you can protect me and your dad... and most importantly you can defend and protect yourself from anyone, don't you like that? Your uncle will teach you." She said cupping my cheeks.
"But mom you're already strong, and you can teach me, I'll be strong too like dad! I'll do my best but not with that man, mom. I don't know him! I don't wanna go!" I half yelled crying, just, please... I don't want to go.
But then I saw my dad giving uncle Dos my things and led them outside, I cried hard, no!
"Sweetie, your uncle Dos is the most trusted man of your father, we trust him more than anyone else. Remember, whatever happens, don't trust anyone but yourself, be smart. Your Uncle Dos is a trusted man but since he will train you, trust yourself, okay? And you'll not be like your father, you'll be stronger than your father, that's why bear everything, I will always be here waiting for you every Sunday. I love you." Once again she kissed my forehead and a tear flows down her cheek.
I cried, there's nothing I can do to change their mind, they already made it up.
My mom kneeled as I felt something put in my neck "Always wear this necklace, okay sweetie?" She smiled weakly and continued "It will remind you of my love. This is my love that will always be with you. This necklace is the remnants of the family parker, and this..." she points to the design of the necklace in the middle. She continued "this is the symbol of Tarre." when I looked at it clearly, it is a heart with a symbol of a blue butterfly in the middle.
Beautiful... But still, I feel so devastated.
I cried as I hugged mom and then I saw dad looking at me from afar but before he turned his back, I would never forget that I caught a glimpse of his eyes a tear falls for the first time...
"Goodbye, sweetie."

Book Comment (1485)

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    Zarina Gela Mae Royeca

    very nice huhu


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    ele é MT bom msm n é 5 estrela é mil


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