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Azian Prince of Dragons

Azian Prince of Dragons

Mckayla Chinyama Queen

Chapter 1 The Birth

Parrell to the world we all know and love exists another hidden realm. A realm that is the origin of all mythical creatures, from witches, vampires, and werewolves to Dragons- the king race.
This realm may be called the Supernatural World/ Sup Realm, whilst ours is referred to as the Human realm or the Neut (from the word neutral) Realm.
The supernatural Realm was a world created by Erania- the Mother and  Queen of all gods, also known as the goddess of the sun. 
Long ago, the supernatural realm was identical to the human world, known as the twin realms, where all humans lived.  However the supernatural world was closest to Vigra- the Demon realm, where demons escaped and caused havoc in the lands and so Erania then created Dragons and called them her children, a beloved creation, her favorites the Golden Dragons- also known as Dragon Royalty. To her favorites, she bestowed them abilities that allowed them to rule, to be so powerful they were referred to as gods. Always watching over the supernatural world, keeping a balance between good and evil, and destroying the demons.
But as time passed and the dragon blood mixed with other races, the golden dragon race had soon vanished, being tainted by those of humans and other creatures. the dragons that remained became greedy as the balance shifted, causing havoc in all regions until those of the supernatural realm grew tired. A war broke out soon after, the other races taking a stand together to overthrow the greedy dragons until they were all wiped out of existence.
or so the story goes.
It was the unholy hour.
The darkest and the quietest of the twenty-two hours of a day. Only the wind was heard howling its way around the city, towns, and villages near Paria - (meaning mother) the first city ever built in the Supernatural world.
The ancient city. 
It was a city surrounded by the western village to the west, and the sea to the south, The east and the north were covered in a vast thick Forest, one none ever dared venture, especially during the last hour.
The name of the forest was known as Ignere- derived from the Latin words Ignis meaning fire and Cinere meaning ashes.
Legend had it that the forest was once much larger than the way it was now, though only a fool could deny how vast it still spaced. However, a large part of it got burnt down during the megàlos màchi (great battle) between the Dragons and the remaining species of the supernatural realm long before anyone alive could actually remember. 
Almost half of it had been completely burned away leaving the other half that stood proud and tall like a survivor. 
It grew denser trees and longer shadowy branches as if to warn anyone that might want to hurt it again. 
Those brave enough to venture into the forest made sure they only ever did when the sun was still guarding the skies, for those who went when the sun retired, was never ever seen again. 
There was something in those trees, something that even the greatest of men dared not to discover, one would rather mourn their loss and move on.
Everybody knew that the forest was off-limits as soon as the sun came down. 
Yet deep in the forest, right at the heart of it, during the darkest hour, a woman's cry could be heard.
A minute past the fated hour, another cry was heard, this one however was that of a youngling, a child.
The Vampire King, King Alec Diarnov looked up as he sat on his throne, his dark eyes glowing like two lit candles in the dark. 
His palace stood just at the outskirts of Paria, before the sea.
He felt a chilling shiver creep over his shoulder, his eyes turned dark, his face falling as he studied the space before his throne.
A woman entered his chambers, her skin was more human in color, wearing a plain black dress that covered her body till it dragged to the floor, her fingernails were painted black and looked as if she had not cut them in years, yet her fading beauty was undeniable, her grey hair flowing to her shoulders, standing at a perfect height.
She lifted her head and their eyes met, "He is here." 
Alec paused in the trance he was as she studied her features, though his eyes failed to cover the hint of fear that struck him.
A sudden deathly strong wind swept through the palace blowing all the doors and windows wide open.
Dropping the portraits that hang from the castle walls and breaking vases and frames and mirrors. 
The strong wind passed through all the land once, leaving a trail of destruction and a long still silence, that not even the sound of crickets was heard for the whole hour. 
The people peeped out of the windows to see what it was, or who it was.
A sense of fear gripped them all even though all they saw was the wind. It was where it was headed that dreaded them.
Alec stood up as the wind passed through his palace. The woman before him gasped touching her heart. 
He looked at her intently, "Emma, the great witch of the north," he began, carefully choosing his words.
Her eyes flickered back to him, her face still filled with horror, and raised her hand as if to tell him to stop talking, "he is stronger than I perceived" she replied, as one of her hands dropped to her side, the other still holding the locket that hung from her neck.
Alec could see her hand shiver, doubting if she even noticed it. He walked toward her, stopping a few feet away from her, "Are you sure he is here? " he asked.
She looked at him in disbelief, "King Alec Diarnov. Did you not sense the power?" She spat, giving him a vicious look. 
He growled at her intensity, "Even if he has finally come, He is but a child, an infant. If you give us his location, we can put an end to his miserable life."
She remained quiet for a while, then suddenly shook her head, her hands still shaking,
"No, I do not want to be a part of this." 
He moved to her in a supernatural speed with anger in his eyes, till he was face to face with her, "Do you think you will not be involved? The vision came to you. The prophecy was revealed on your lips! " he boomed.
She stood her ground, "The vision came to many, those before me spoke of it and those lesser than me have seen it, but no witch was able to stand before you. They fear you. You didn't believe my vision until the first sign. The prophecy had long be written through time, passed on from generation to generation. You just heard and saw it first by me."
He growled in her face, "Do you think that when he is fully grown, he will not kill your people as well? You know the prophecy."
"I know, " she spat, her head held high in pride, not willing to cower before him, " that is why I came to you." 
He held her gaze for a moment before looking away, "Then tell me his location so we can end this." 
" I will not obey you, you have no authority over me, You are not our king" she spat.
He sped towards her but in a second she had vanished into thin air. 
He growled angrily breaking a statue nearby. His fists clenched tightly and his jaws were ridged. Though he was as angry as the burning flames of Set, he couldn't help the fear ripping through his heart. 
"Luke! Get your ass in here!" he yelled. 
A tall muscular man walked in looking around. He didn't seem intimidated by the King’s ruthless face, but he did look as if he too was terrified of something.
He looked around the room as if he was looking for something.
"She's gone, " Alec growled.
Luke looked back at the king raising an eyebrow,
"How?" he asked amazed.
"I should be asking you that! Didn't you give her the potion before she entered?"
Luke nodded, "Of course My King, I did as you instructed. I can't understand how she teleported with the spell in her system." 
 "She probably double-crossed it. Emma is not stupid, she isn't called the Mother Witch for nothing, " Alec muttered. 
He turned around facing Luke, breathing out harshly, " He has arrived " he announced breathlessly. Luke looked up at him in disbelief.
"a-are you sure? " 
King Alec nodded walking back to his throne.
 "The wind that-"
"That was him" he replied, standing before his throne.
Luke paused as if he was trying to gain balance, He regained his sanity and stood up at attention, "What do you propose to do My Lord? " he asked respectfully.
Alec breathed out, "We need to reunite the five kingdoms, find this threat, " he trailed off staring at Luke, as he sat down on his throne "and eliminate it."
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Book Comment (167)

  • avatar
    John Erick Doroliat

    hi tago man


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    Nadia Shafiqahh

    good ii ❤️❤️


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    EncarnacionPrincess divine

    very good


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