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Chapter 7 What colour is the sky, Aria

The cell we were taken to was relatively clean albeit damp. Like it was just thoroughly washed with water. There was a lingering faint metallic smell that I dared not think of. After we were brought in they chained our hands and feet to the wall. The man, Sinbad's dad stood at the other side of the bars looking at us.
"Hey!" Sue yelled "we didn't do anything"
He cocked his head, just like Sinbad "you didn't?"
"No!" Sue hissed when the chains pulled at her "look this is what happened we..."
Sinbad's dad didn't seem to be listening. He was glaring at Sue suddenly he spun and stalked out of the room.
Sue was flabbergasted "What the...? He didn't even listen...F@ck you! F@ck you all!"
"Sue!!" Jerry and I yelled at once "stop!"
"Leave me alone you two"
"Now is not the time to make them even angrier with us"
"Forget their stupid anger, what will mom and dad do if they return only to find us missing"
Jerry sighed "I hope that they at least return...how's your hand?"
I tried not to move but with each jolt of the iron chains my wound hurt, even more, I clenched my teeth to stop myself from crying out loud "It's not too bad"
Sue who had been watching me hissed "When we get out of here I will pay her back double"
Jerry said "if we get out that is"
"Who are they, what are they?" I shook my head "that painting and all they said...do you think they're werewolves"
Jerry frowned "I don't even know what to think now, do you still think that it's some kind of sucker prank?"
Sue scoffed "If it's a prank then it's an expensive one and by the moon's magic..."
"Sue! Don't you dare!" I screamed
Jerry frowned in confusion "what?"
I shook my head, rattling the chains, I felt a sharp pain in my hand my eyes were red not from the pain but from a memory that I have long wished to forget "n-nothing just stop speaking Sue"
"If it worked then, then it can work now!"
"We can escape from here...whatever happens they deserve it"
"I said No! You promised me!" My eyes watered
Jerry spoke in frustration "what the heck are you guys talking about"
"I said nothing just leave it at that!"
"Fine don't tell me!"
The cell descended into silence once again. There was a noise at the door. The locks turned and it was pushed open. Sinbad walked in. He was holding a small bag. I watched him but did not speak.
Sue eyed him with dark eyes
Jerry hissed "let us out of here"
Sinbad ignored him and walked straight to me. He pulled a necklace out of his collar. A small metal key hung on it. He came closer to me until I could feel the heat of his breath. There was a click and my wounded hand was released. He held it in his own and examined the damage.
He opened the bag and took out an antiseptic and cotton wool. He wordlessly cleaned the wounded area and bandaged it before locking my hand back up. Jerry who had probably thought that he was here to release us cursed at him.
I didn't say anything till he turned to leave "that's it?"
Sue glared at him "you have a key why can't you let us go?"
Sinbad turned and reached me again. He held my face in his hand as if examining it. He was probably looking for more injuries. When he didn't see anything his hand remained. His voice was a low whisper when he replied: "I can't even save my Mate..." He turned to Sue "how can I save you?"
Sinbad turned to me "yes, Mate, you are mine as I am yours"
I laughed at that "Useless, leave from here"
Sinbad picked up the bag "I can only do so much, I am not yet Alpha I don't have much power. And everyone saw you leaving the forbidden room, but don't worry I won't let anything happen to you"
"Leave already" I didn't want to hear anything.
Once the door locked behind him my foot tapped rapidly on the ground. I was so mad. Mate? What mate? Even if he was a werewolf and my mate I'll still reject him. My parents are missing and now this. Sue that...that thing, I will kill her. I shook my head but all I could see was red.
"Aaahhh" I screamed until my voice turned hoarse. Jerry and Sue looked on. They were used to it. I finally stopped and was panting.
Sue shifted closer and nudged me with her leg "feeling better?"
I nodded "not good but, less bad"
We hung out...ignore the pun...for what felt like a day. But I was sure only a few hours had passed. Jerry leaned heavily on the wall "do they plan to starve us...not even a drop of water"
"It's barely been a day don't be dramatic" Sue rolled her eyes "but I do think they plan to make us weak so that we won't be able to withstand interrogations" she turned to me "about Sinbad..."
I looked at her through half-lidded eyes "What happened to him?"
Sue rolled her tongue in her mouth "okay no talking about your fiance"
I scowled at her
She rolled her eyes at me "What? you heard him...you're destined mates by the moon goddess"
Jerry snickered "Too bad brother-in-law chained us up"
"Hey at least we got the VIP cell"
Sue snickered
"Oh forgive me but I do not quite like the view"
The door rattled again before I could reply.
The door slowly creaked open.
A small redhead peeped in.
Sue eyed her and said "You seem to have the talent of popping up whenever we're in trouble"
May walked in and quietly shut the door "I do, don't I?"
She took out a key from her pocket and unlocked my chains. She walked to Sue next. After wiggling for a while the key didn't work. I walked to her. "What's wrong?"
She sighed "it's not the same lock"
Jerry called out "try mine"
She passed me the key "help him" she turned to study Sue's chains
I put the key in the lock and twisted "it's not working"
"Well, what are we gonna do? you can't leave us here!"
"Don't be silly of course I won't leave you guys here"
"Step back" May waved me away
She stood in front of Sue first she grabbed the chains and closed her eyes. The air turned cold. When her eyes opened it was pitch black. Sue stared at her open mouth. In her hand, the metal turned to dust and Sue's hands were freed.
She walked to Jerry. Jerry shifted away...he looked scared. May frowned her black eyes grew even darker like a vortex. Jerry shivered. May grabbed his chains when he could move no further. She drew closer to him "you don't want to be released?"
"I-I do"
"Then stay still"
The chains in her hand turned to dust. Jerry who was hanging unto the chain lost his footing, but before he could hit the floor May caught him. Jerry's ear turned pink.
May smirked "cute" she helped him up and turned away.
I rubbed my wrist that still ached from being chained "What are you?"
May said "your only hope out of here"
"How do we get out of here?" I asked
She took out a small black ball from her pocket and tossed it on the floor.
"Like this" the ball exploded, it emitted black fog, which soon cleared to show a hole, we moved away from the edge. 
Jerry leaned over. From looking into it, it seemed like we were above a forest. "What's that?...is it safe?"
May nodded "It is...I'll go first" 
Sue raised her hand "fine with me, if you survive the fall then call us down"
"The portal only lasts for 30 seconds, bye" She grabbed Jerry's hand and jumped.
"What the..." I dived in after them
Sue followed.
I shut my eyes. It felt like all those slightly unconscious dreams where I feel like I'm falling. But after some time I opened my eyes to realise that our descent was slow. The ground was near. There was an open space in the foliage I could see May and Jerry standing there looking up at us. 
I landed gently on the ground and Sue came after me. 
I turned to May "why did you grab him huh?"
"If I didn't, would you have been so cooperative?"
"The last time we were cooperative we ended up being chained to a wall!"
"I didn't know Sue gathered everyone at the exit I was way too busy rescuing you guys to realise that"
"Where are we?" 
"Forest of the lost...I'll take you somewhere safe"

Book Comment (805)

  • avatar
    Muadzeen Amzar

    kk kk


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    Dennis Dela Peña

    nice 👍


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    muito bom tou ganhando muito dinheiro 🏧


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