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Chapter 6 Mouse in wolf trap, Aria

"What in the hell's blazes is that" Jerry screamed
We could still hear the noises of the creature chasing us up the stairs. When it crawled from under the door at first I thought it was some kind of prank, until I smelt the blood. Its eyes were pitch black the kind that no contact lens could imitate. I was frozen for a few seconds Sue grabbed my hand and we flew up the stairs. At this time Jerry was already way ahead of us, I could see his legs hitting his butt as he ran.
After some time I realised something was horribly wrong "I-is it just me or is the way out longer than the way in"
Jerry whisper yelled "No, it's not just you! I already thought I was going fucking crazy"
In front of me, I noticed Sue was slowing down.
"Why are you slowing down! Move!"
She was panting "It's acting up again"
"What?" I hissed
"M-my leg"
"No no no not now!"
She stopped and gripped a jutting out piece of rock on the wall "You guys keep going I-I'll slow it down"
"Don't you dare play martyr with me! Jerry get back here Sue can't move"
"B-but that thing"
"Jeremiah Huntley Andrews get your ass back here or so help me I will feed you to that thing myself!!"
"I coming calm down jeez"
One at each side we supported Sue up the stairs.
"We can't get far at this pace," Jerry said
"What else are we supposed to do" That thing was getting closer I could almost feel its touch. And the metallic smell of blood was oppressively pungent.
"I told you to leave me here and..."
"Shut the fucking hell up, one more word about leaving you and I will knock you out it's not like you're walking anyway may as well as be unconscious" 
Sue mumbled "sorry"
"You should be" I hissed
"There's a door here," Jerry said. I looked over and sure enough, I could see the outline of a door in the wall. 
"Is it locked?" Sue asked "that thing is getting closer"
Jerry touched the door and it opened with a soundless swing. Instead of rushing in, I paused. It was too easy. Besides I'm sure there was no door on our way down.
"Aargh" the thing behind us screeched. I looked and saw small beady black eyes searching for us. I don't think it saw us. I pushed Sue and Jerry in before shutting the door behind us. No time to waste.
Sue sat down on the floor and massaged her legs. "That door opened so easily...It's not going to be that much of a barrier to whatever that thing is"
The room that we were in was empty and thankfully dry. All it had were some drawings on the wall and a single candle at the farthest corner it wasn't really big...but it was too big to be here. The small cabin we entered to descend into this watery grave was way too small to contain a room this big.
Jerry who had his ear pressed against the wall whispered "It's still there...somehow I have the nagging suspicion that it's eavesdropping on us"
I pushed him away "oh shut up"
Sue stood up and tested her leg. She stomped it a few times when she was satisfied that it no longer hurt she said "How are we sure that this isn't some prank huh? I mean we didn't even plan to come to the lower deck until that royal Bitch told us not to"
"Now that I think about it it feels like a way too obvious trap...why did you guys drag me here!?"
I glared at him "Idiot weren't you the one that wanted to come to the cabin"
"No, I mean only you guys were invited so...why am I here?"
I shrugged "we couldn't leave you at home"
Sue answered "because you are a kid that needs babysitting" 
"Shhhhhh...listen" I put a finger to my lips and listened at the door
"It's quiet"
"Yeah we figured that one out genius"
"Sorry geez Luiz"
"Should I open and check?" I asked 
"And get us thoroughly eaten? Hell no!"
I walked to the wall with the drawings it was a drawing of human evolution. Like from ape to human. Although this one was strange. Instead of ape, it was wolf to human.
"Come look at this"
Sue and Jerry came over
"A bunch of drawings?" Jerry frowned
"It's the revolution...but with wolves as ancestors"
Jerry scratched his head "so what? You think it's a werewolf? Oh please"
At the other side of the door, there was a growl "grrrr"
"Is it back?"
Something hard hit the door. Bang.
I moved to push against the door "guys!"
Sue and Jerry rushed over and we pushed. Another bang came. A vibration passed through the door and us.
"It's not gonna hold up much longer!" came Sue
Jerry started crying "waaah I don't want to dieee" tears were streaming down his cheeks and his eyes turned red "I haven't even had a girlfriend yet or a first kiss or...or even had s..."
Sue hissed "complete that sentence and I will kill you faster than that thing can"
"S-sushi...I was gonna say I haven't even had Sushi"
"We have to leave the door or we'll be crushed under it," I said
"But we-we'll die!"
Sue: "we'll be dead either way...just shut your eyes when it starts eating you"
"Stop it!...let's step away from the door, I still have my pocket knife we can defend ourselves"
"Right we'll wave the measly thing at the beast yelling 'back off sucker'"
"Well do you have a better plan?"
"As a matter of fact, I do;
First, we get killed then when we turn to ghosts we totally haunt the royal Bitch"
Jerry stared at her "In such a situation how did you become even more unserious than I've ever been?"
Bang. And the door caved. There was thick dust. We huddled closer together. Sue nudged me forward "well go on Alexander wave your mighty sword"
I took out the shiny red pocket knife and waved it in front of me "S-stay away"
The dust swished with movement and a figure came into view. The hand that held up the knife dropped to my side.
"Do you know her?" Jerry asked
May ignored us and went straight for the candle she yanked it out and walked to the exit "Let's go"
Jerry moved forward but I pulled him back. "And why should we follow you? How do we know that you won't lead us to that demon?"
May turned to us she dipped her hand into her pant's pocket and pulled out a glowing green stone. "This will only keep the Ferals at bay for a while"
"Ferals? And what's with the plural s there was only one if it" Sue said
She glanced impatiently at the door then each of us "There's more headed this way and a small casting stone won't be able to stop them, follow me" this time she ran right out the door.
Her voice echoed when she said "in case you haven't noticed this building changes its distance and position if you are not close to me you might lose me and find yourself right where you started from or worse, separated"
Jerry went after her "let's go guys"
I nodded "wait for us, come on Sue...Sue!"
She shook her head and blinked "huh?" 
"Come on let's go"
"Yeah yeah...do you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Oh nothing, come on stop delaying we'll get lost"
After climbing for a few minutes we finally saw the door. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see a door, ever. 
"Why did you guys come here?" May finally slowed down
"Bitchy Sue told us not to...so we came," I said
"Sue...I should have known that's why she was acting so strange, If I hadn't seen your scents at the lower deck you all would have been dead"
I shook my head "I'm sorry-you saw our scents?"
May sighed "look I'm here to help but I don't wanna be implicated after helping you, the door's over there just leave"
She turned and started walking back down the stairs. Sue grabbed her hand "where are you going?"
May shook her hand away "to do my job" And she was gone.
There was silence before I said, "should we go down and help..."
Jerry ran out the door before I could even finish
"Coward" Sue yelled
"Better a living coward than a..."
Sue snickered "than a what?" She looked down the stairs shrugged and walked to the door "what Jerry? cat got your tongue"
I followed her out. I'm not being a chicken but to be fair she didn't take for our help. And I don't like forcing my help on people. The cool breeze hit me first before the crowd gathered at the door did. They wore hostile expressions. Jerry and Sue were pinned to the ground by two hefty men and one was headed to me. Before I could scream my face was also slammed in the dirt.
Bitchy Sue was at the head of the snarling mob. She pointed at me "Alpha I told you that they were no good rogues, why else will they try to free the Ferals"
She was talking to a tall imposing man. Beside him was Sinbad who was glaring at me like I broke his trust or something.
My brain was fried. Alpha? Rogues? Ferals? What the blazing asshole is going on here!?!
Someone behind sniffed delicately and said, "But they smell human?" It was the quiet girl from bitchy Sue's posse.
Sue turned and glared at her "They probably got a witch to cover up their scent...or maybe one of them is a witch, I bet it's this one" She raised her heels and stepped on my hand. I resisted the urge to scream. I could feel my skin tear and blood flow to the ground.
Beside me, Sue struggled to throw off the man holding her down "leave her alone you bastard!"
Jerry: "Stop it!"
Sue gave a cruel sneer and pressed down even harder. I bit my lips till it bled but I still didn't make a sound.
"Stop!" I heard a familiar voice roar.
Sue pouted "but Sinbad..."
Sue's eyes widened and she fell on her knees "forgive me"
The man who bore a striking resemblance to Sinbad spoke "Take them to the packhouse for questioning" He patted Sinbad's shoulder and spoke to him his voice was low that I could barely catch it "sorry son but she has to be taken in"
Sinbad glanced at me in hesitation. As if he wanted to help me, I hoped he would help, but he didn't move even as the men hauled us to our feet and dragged us away. I didn't expect him to help anyway. We didn't know each other. He had no reason to help me.

Book Comment (805)

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    Muadzeen Amzar

    kk kk


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    Dennis Dela Peña

    nice 👍


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    muito bom tou ganhando muito dinheiro 🏧


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