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The Blond Girl

Azians POV
"What do you keep looking at?" Edwin asked as he popped one fry into his mouth, yet I could feel his eyes were concentrated on me.
My gaze fell from the cafeteria door to him, before leaning back against my chair, "nothing" I bit out trying to regulate my breathing. I needed to focus on the food before me so I wouldn’t raise any suspicions.
Any suspicions over what Alpha had done a mere twenty minutes earlier.
I could feel Edwin’s dark eyes studying me, reading me in and out like an open book. I cursed his guardian abilities that made him the most attentive being that has ever existed. I was not fooled by his obsession with food, I knew as guardian, his dragon Orion, was ever alert, and ever since he bonded with me when we were nothing but children, he could feel any changes in my mood, even if he didn’t show it. It was a skill and an ability only guardian’s possessed.
But he couldn’t read my mind, and that was the one thing that really counted at the moment. So what if he could feel my guilt and my anticipation and probably the strange aura all over me? As long as he did not know why, or who it was from, he couldn’t do anything. I watched as he slowly shifted his attention back to his food, yet I could feel his guardian abilities at work, prodding through my aura.
But he would get nothing.
Knowing this, I risked a stolen glance at the cafeteria door, watching another group of students walk in but she was not there.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking, thinking about her. The events of what happened in the hallway was a record on repeat in my mind. I couldn’t stop it, the scene flashing through me in a haunting blur:
As soon as I rounded the corner I felt it come stronger. The same uncomfortable feeling I had felt yesterday, the one I causally brushed off before but now came even stronger than before, Alpha growling in mind, ever since I stepped foot into school today.
She was here, that I knew, though I didn’t know why or how I knew she was here, but I could feel her aura all around me. I could sense it coming stronger with each growing second. I had to get out of these hallways, I needed to. Rounding the corner, I suddenly felt the urge to look up, automatically getting lost in those delicious golden brown eyes that felt like they were keeping me under an enchantment.
Ones that kept calling out to me with every step I took. The closer she got the more I seemed drawn to her.
But I knew better.
This feeling was probably coming from Alpha and Omega who wanted their possession. Something they couldn’t have at all costs.
I  could  not let them get close to her, no, this was the last thing any of us needed. Once again we were disagreeing on something, only this time I was the only one keeping disaster at bay as Alpha and Omega took sides. I gritted me teeth in desperation, using all the strength I had to keep them at bay, tearing my eyes off her bewitching figure, taking full control of my own body to warn Alpha and omega to not even think of try to take over.
It is unfortunate that she obvioulsy was a new student at this school, but either way, I would try my utter best to keep my wanting dragon and possessed power away from her. She was nothing but a fragile human who didn’t know the sort of danger she was in this moment. The target of a crazed Alpha dragon and his delirious power. I was the only thing keeping her away from their clutches that were prodding me to consume every inch of her in every single way inhumanely possible.
And I almost succeeded taking one painful step passed her.
Painful because Alpha was trying desperately to take over and Omega was exiting an incredible aura for his own efforts. In that step, Omega wielded a wind, a wind which I was barely able to suppress, instead causing a gentle breeze to blow softly in the air.
Big mistake.
 Because her hair lifted up as I walked past her and despite my best effort, I caught her glorious scent that sent all my senses into a friendzy. A lovely strawberry mixed with something divine.
Something mine. Absolutely mine.
I lost control for a mere second. Only a second, but a second is all Alpha needed to have his precious possession against the lockers.
Up close, so close, none of us could understand anything she was saying, I was lost, lost behind those golden orbs, unable to think, the only thing any of us could focus on was her beauty, the way her hair fell dreamily past her shoulder, so soft.
So beautiful.
Unable to control myself anymore, I dropped all my defenses, reaching out to touch it, revealing her lofty cocoa skin, I began to have an inner battle within, myself-Alpha winning as he leaned and buried his face in the crook of her neck. This wasn’t right, I couldn’t let him-
She leaned in, receptive toward him, something neither one of us had never imagined, and he took her in,
All of her.
What Alpha had done next was enough to leave all three of us anxious and on our toes just to get a glimpse of her. I was trying very hard to deny the two of them but I was growing weaker with every second. I knew I had failed to keep my dragon away from her, failed Abigail, and the rest of the witches who were trying to protect us, but I couldn’t find a reason to care, i doubted a reason even existed. In that moment the one thing prodding my mind was that one irritating question.
What was taking her so long?
Alpha growled lowly at thought.
I needed to see her, to touch her-
"Azian-control your dragon," Edwin whispered slowly just as Alessia set her tray down on the table taking a seat on the empty space beside me. We had our own table, just the three of us, near the cornered end of the cafeteria.
Many a cheer leader had tried to come and sit with us but Edwin had made it clear to them no one else was needed. Now all people could do was look and look they did. They never stopped looking, whispering and gossiping.
What's worse is that both Edwin and I could hear every single word thanks to our dragon ears and Alessia could very easily create a spell to do so, but would rather not, something about letting trash talk trash? She was a mood on her own and lucky she could at least turn it off. Edwin and I on the other hand had to suffer through it all.
They could look, yes, but that's just it, they could only look.
"Ugh, Leave it to Mr. Wilson to take twenty minutes of my lunchtime," Alessia mumbled, before turning to face us, “what’s up?” she asked, munching on some raw green pepper.
Edwin shrugged, "nothing much, the usual," he stated yet his dark eyes trailed to me. I knew he could sense something.
"He could remain suspicious forever for all I care," Omega grumbled
Suddenly the same uncomfortable feeling previously had, a feeling that was close to what humans would call nervousness, become stronger and immediately I knew my possession was close by.
"Azian stop it," Alessia suddenly  hissed, “Your eyes are changing, here" she muttered lowly handing me my dark glasses I had set on the table beside my lunch tray.
I momentarily glanced down at them before wearing the glasses, pushing them up my nose, actually grateful for the cover. Now I could spy on my possession without anyone knowing.
"I don't know what's up with you and Alpha today, but remember these are humans-" Edwin added his tone very commanding but low enough to not be heard by any other than who it was intended for, his elbows on the table, eyes focused on me.
I barely heard whatever it was he continued to say when my eyes landed on the very thing I  had been waiting for, making herself comfortable on the table a whole isle across from us. Her back facing towards us.
Alpha growled lowly upset that he could not see her face.
"Azian?" Alessia asked gently but I couldn’t take my focus off my gift. I couldn’t, I wanted to take her all in, every inch of her beautiful face.
Alessia suddenly gasped from beside me but even that couldn’t take away my focus, "Edwin!" She whispered hoarsely and from the corner of my eyes I realized Alessia had spotted my possession and was now enlightening Edwin.
“The girl is here?” Edwin suddenly blurted out, sitting up straight from his slanted position. His hand clasped down on my arm causing me to momentarily look his way, “Azian focus on me, “ he slowly stated, gritting out each word.
He knew, he could feel my desire for her and with it, revealed he could smell her aura on me. I didn’t know if he knew I had l kissed her but he definitely knew we had been together and close. Very close. It was easy for him identify the aura on me now that he knew who it belonged to. I also knew he was the only one who’s sharp dragon eyes could see through my dark sunglasses, only he could tell what I was looking at.
As long as my eyes remained on him, he could do something about it.
"Move!" Alessia exclaimed in a low voice motioning to Edwin. He suddenly stood up, still having me locked in his gaze taking a seat to block my view from the girl.
The girl? I didn’t even know her name?
Alpha released a deeper louder growl as he took charge by me, I could feel the heat behind my eyes, confirming his presence. At the sound of his low growl, the table of Lycan and werewolf boys stopped chattering, eyes focused on us, as quiet as a mouse. A few vampires who sat on the table a few paces from us, also lowered their auras. They could hear it.
They could also feel his dominance.
"Azian calm down, calm down for pete sake!" Alessia repeated, slowly taking off my glasses just for moment, she gasped and I knew she could see the golden irises instead of my blue ones.
Alpha was more dominant now.
"Alpha" Edwin identified the golden eyes, his voice a little bit low. He might be my guardian but Alpha was his King, he had to show his respect. Even I couldn’t protect him otherwise. I wanted him to bow down to me for some reason and I wanted him to get out of my sight, but I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t speak.
"Alpha please," Alessia began as softly as she could, “bring Azian ba-" Alessia began before Edwin cut her off… "Ultra" he whispered just as I sensed the most unusual scent I had ever come across, I could feel myself morphing, changing.
All three of the beings inside me turned my head curiously to the cafeteria door, knowing that my eyes had blended to a deathly shade of forest green, polished gold and ocean blue.
Someone would die then, yet I sensed no presence of a threat, only one with a scent as beautiful as the goddess Erania herself.
I  stood up my glasses falling, knowing that every single eye in the cafeteria was on me, sensing Alessia’s hidden illusion magic covering the shades of my eyes so that no human could see their absurd color.
It was such a petty thing to care about now in my onion.
I took confident steps following the scent stopping as a girl came into sight. The most beautiful girl on earth.
Fair skin, intricate grey eyes, hair so golden it could have put the sun to shame, falling in dreamy waves past her shoulders. A trapped breath escaped and I lost my senses as one word escaped my lips,

Book Comment (163)

  • avatar

    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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