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A Kiss for Alpha

Kaya’s POV
The way my first day started out, I was sure none of it would proceed just being a plain old normal day but my biology teacher fixed that right up. She bored me to death, talk about first impressions. I needed a breather, time to think about everything that had just occurred to me only three hours earlier. I couldn’t think about it in mathematics because I didn’t want to miss a thing. Mr. Andrews was so easy to understand as compared to my previous arithmetic teacher.
  However, Mrs. Davis was the complete opposite which is why I was doing this. I shot my hand up in the air, knowing I needed to go rinse my face or risk falling asleep in class, un-ideal for my first day. I suppressed a yawn while doing so.
"Yes, Miss Renee," My biology teacher said as she turned to face me. Her tone was clearly irritated.  I could tell she didn’t like being interrupted. I didn’t know why she was calling me by middle name, I mean I already did the introductions. If she couldn’t pronounce Kayanga easily, she could have used Kaya, I did mention most people called me that.
"Can I please go to the bathroom?" I asked, pressing my legs to sell it. I knew she would look and a lingering glance beneath my table confirmed just that.
She checked the time on her watch, "it’s only ten minutes to lunch, you can hold it in," she responded, turning back to face the board. Uh hell no.  I would fall asleep like sleeping beauty if I heard another word, ten minutes or not.
I pressed my lips together urgently, glancing around at my bored classmates. If I asked again it would give me their attention, and attention is the last thing a newbie like me would want but I kind of preferred it, than being cursed to a forever slumber by the sound of her words.
"Please Mrs. Davis!" I blurted out, making the rest of the class turn back to face me.
Just like I thought.
I pleaded with her using my eyes as she studied me carefully.
With a heavy sigh, she motioned for me to go out the door.
"Thank you" I replied, relieved to a great extent. Walking out the door I left behind the sound of beautiful laughter my wonderful new class mates where giving me. Sarcasm was my legacy to the world.
,I walked down the barely familiar walls glancing at the open classroom door of the geography room I knew Ally currently was in. Just as I passed it, I spotted her and our eyes locked. She had a sort of bored look which morphed into confusion as she watched me scurry by.
Finally arriving at my destination I was surprised when I found out I actually did need to relieve myself. after the ordeal I washed my hands, glancing at my watch.Only three minutes left, there was no need to rush back to class. Absolutely no need.
I paused for a second eyeing my reflection in the bathroom mirrors, my straightened black hair falling to my shoulders and my lightly powdered skin hiding its rough surface. My battle with achne was real.
Licking my lips, I gagged at the taste of slipper strawberry lip gloss, running a hand through my straight hair. Ah well at least I didn't look so bad on my first day, I thought patting down my knee long dress.
I sighed finally walking out, my footsteps slow, so that I could reach class at the exact time the bell would ring. If my mathematical corrections were correct, this was the right speed, rounding the corner to another hall, expecting to see the normal blue lockers lining the walls, I almost had a heart attack when I recognized who else was walking these empty halls.
Dear lord this was not my day. I would choose boring Mrs. Davis to this. I glanced every which way for an escape route. He couldn’t see me. I would be ruined, my reputation would be on rock bottom before it even grew an inch. Dear lord why me? There was nowhere to go. I hate this town, I hate it, I hate it, and I hate it.
My heart took its usual marathon and I could feel my breathing become shorter. I didn’t know why it was. I mean it was one of two reasons. A- Because I was scared he would recognize me and B- he was so beautiful I almost felt unworthy walking this hall within. Like I should turn around now and run. Yes the exact word would be fear. I felt fear, a different kind of fear.
,My breathing seemed to a thousand times louder, suddenly getting aware of the noise my sneakers were creating. The sound of my foot-steps sounded like grenades blowing up to me.
Cool it…Cool it. I tried to ease my brain, underneath my shaky breath.
There's nothing to be afraid of, I reassured myself.Pfft afraid? Why? He should be the one afraid!  Yes! When he’s rotting in jail! For trying to murder me. I should be the one walking like I command all the earths’ elements. Then why did I feel like cowering beneath his presence instead. Oh my god, my heat was racing faster than I thought imaginable with each step.
I could feel my confidence draining and straining each drop as he approached. I looked up and every bit of it disappeared into thin air when, as if by magic he looked up to, his dark shades nowhere in sight, completely locked into the iciest blue sea eyes I had ever seen or could ever exist. I was utterly spelled by him in that moment, I couldn’t think I actually didn’t think I remembered how to breathe.
I swear I could hear the beating of my own heart as his eyes seemed to drown into my soul, reading me inside out, successfully ripping down on the walls of confidence I had built in the last thirty seconds. I began to feel small and inferior, almost as if his whole aura was telling me to bow before him, telling me how insignificant I was. Worthless even.
By the time we were two feet apart I was shaking. Literally trembling. I had never a case as bad as this. I never considered myself the most confident girl in the world but I could hold my own. However in this case I was nothing, I felt like I didn’t even exist.
I didn’t know why. I had no clue and I couldn’t think right trapped in his gaze. I should have stayed in the classroom listening to my boring teacher.
I just couldn't control how he was making me feel.
In that moment the only thought that was going through my head was
Please, please don't talk to me! Just let me pass, let me pass.
,My one wish was to pass. To pass by quietly then race back to the comfort of my classroom.
No more wasting time! My wish was answered as I took another shaky step passed him, my hair lifting up in a wind I didn't even know was there. But I had made it. I was safe and he hadn’t said a word or done anything.
As he passed me I caught a whiff of his fragrance. A lofty heaven, a scent I myself couldn't not understand the origin. I could not pinpoint the exact flavor. I didn’t even know power had a scent. But I could sense it.
,It was unlike anything I have ever felt, yet strangely familiar.  It seemed almost unworldly. As soon as I took that step, that step, I seemed to regain my normal breathing. My body decided to stop shaking. I couldn't understand it.
but I  didn't have to, because in the next second I large warm hand wrapped around wrist, jerking me back in a smooth swift motion, my back touching the cold walls of the lockers in the next second, locked back into icy blues. My heart seemed to stop existing, because I couldn't hear it beat anymore.
It’s a cold day in hell when your own heart betrays you.
It seemed to have left me in my current predicament, but I had it under control. I would take it nice and easy,"I swear I didn't know it was you! I didn't mean to shout or call you an idiot! Or a fool! You're not demented! Or a fish. I mean look at you, you aren’t ugly! No, no see what happened was, I was I was just..." I panicked my breath hitching, my voice as little as a mouse, sounding more high pitch than usual.
Don't ask me why I was apologizing to him because I don't know either! I was panicking. Like a girl who just got her period in public I was a frickin panicking.
And I just felt so...so small.  "Please," I squeaked closing my eyes.
I could feel his hot breath,I could feel his hot birth fanning over me as he hovered over me, caging me against the lockers, the feel of his icy gaze heated up my face, It seemed like a lifetime before I felt a surprisingly soft touch travelling down my jaw, making my eyes immediately flutter wide open.
His hand brushed my hair over my shoulder, cold eyes looking at it as if it was something so interesting, like a mystery, I just couldn’t understand what was going on in that beautiful head. I stopped breathing when he leaned in slowly, lowering his head down to the crook of my neck. Every hair on my body stood at attention when I felt his hot breath over my bare neck, only a bare inch away.
I first I thought he was breathing me in but I didn't feel him taking any air in. Somehow, no matter how perverted this should be feeling I wanted him to. I wanted to feel him breath me in, take me in. this bizarre thought had me lean in unintentionally, I needed to feel it.
He stopped breathing all together seeming to have frozen at my action. It was admittedly unexpected that I did, and for a second I started having doubts, but all that was quickly erased as he suddenly me pulled me in roughly, a hunger a sudden change from before.  The air around us seemed to get hotter as he breathed me in.
A sensation I've never felt before took me by storm, closing my eyes my eyes, leaning into his touch.
I felt his presence move away from my neck and in an instance I felt angry, and disappointed, a wave of confusing feelings flooding through me, taking me out of my high as my eyes flew wide open.
Only to find him hovering over me, I didn't have the time to understand what was happening next when I felt his lips press against mine softly. I swear I was out of my mind when I kissed back, opening freely to him, I wanted this, I didn’t know this stranger but in this moment I wanted him. Heck I didn’t even know his name yet and I wanted him, holding on to him desperately as he wrapped his hands around me protectively. This was not like me. I was the follow thru les kind of girl, home before curfew chick. I wasn’t the party hard or you only live once kind but yet here I was kissing a boy I had not even officially met, in the middle of the school hallway.
With every stroke of our tongues, every gasp for breath, every desperate sigh, I felt myself getting closer to him, connecting in this surreal way, and when he finally pulled away, I couldn't understand it, why I felt like he should have never let go of me.
He was still inches away from me breathing heavily as well, his eyes now a vibrant blue. I bit my lip watching what seemed like a storm brewing in his eyes, a fight from within
"I-" he began
The school siren rung loud and clear.
He stopped in his sentence, glancing away from, then suddenly walking away like nothing had happened.
My heart began to beat wildly as he walked away, unable to watch him leave stuck with my back against the locker, what the hell just happened?
Oh so now you want to beat aye heart?
My feet moved of the own accord back to where I came from, the trembling back to my fingers as I heard the shuffling of students walking into the halls. I wasn’t in control of my body, my nerves were working themselves, taking my body in the safety of the girl’s bathroom to recover from whatever this was.
Entering the safety of the bathroom, I opened the sink taps, splashing my face with water. That seemed to do it as I gasped, taking in large breaths, freaking the hell out.
What had just happened?! Why in heaven and hell did I allow a boy to kiss me just like that?! I was not that easy! Greek god or not how did I allow this to happen!
I'm not that kind of girl!
What the hell was going on inside my head when I allowed him to do that!
And when I kissed back?! Geez! There was something deliriously wrong with this stupid town! I’ve just been making bad decisions after bad decisions ever since I got here! How did i-
"What the hell was that?!" Someone screeched.
I spun around, wet hair cleaning to my cheeks and forehead staring at Ally who was looking back at me in shock.
I hate this town.

Book Comment (163)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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