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The Offer

Azian’s POV.
I parked the car in front of the mini-mart five blocks away from our house, staring aimlessly through the windshield, my mind trying to figure out what had just happened, prodding onto any feel of Alpha, but it seemed he didn’t want to be bothered, even less explain his despicable behavior around our mate. I glanced at my shades debating if I should put them on. Taking a quick look at the deserted parking lot, I figured there would only be one or two humans around. So I left them behind locking the door to the car before proceeding into the minimart.
All I had to do was pick up a few things for Abigail’s and the other witches human book club they had joined and had been attending for two years since we arrived in Torent, but walking into the minimart I wished I had given in to Edwin who had begged to come along.
Edwin had offered to go or at least escort me seeing as he is my guardian, but I saw no point in it. I knew he would escort me to the toilet in the name of Guardianship if it was up to him.
But now standing at the door of this small mart, I wished I had let him go.
Her scent hit me like a bus, this place was drenched in her aura. Yes, she was here.
Alpha suddenly became rigid and I sensed a spike in his usual blunt emotions. I looked back to where I had come from knowing entering this mini mart after the dream I had last night was not the best decision I could make at the moment. Now that I knew that she was the girl at the subway, something inside me prodded me to figure out why she above all people lived in my dreams where my mate was yet to live.
It wasn’t hard to see that Alpha had a thing for his Possession. I understand, she was the first toy he has ever had. But what I did not understand is why he still felt the need to be close to her. We have found our mate, there was nothing we needed with the human.
It was best I asked Ena about this as the gracefully ageing witch was definitely the wisest, but I didn’t want to worry her with the Rebellion at our necks. There was only one task required of me and I was capable of keeping my Dragon under control.
I always have, despite that control seeming to slip away with every sighting of her. There was something strange about that human, other than her capability of attracting Alpha’s attention.
However, she was nothing but a human, she was not a threat to the most powerful being in the universe. Yes, I could just get what I want and leave before spotting her and Alpha succeeds in persuading me to talk to her.  I hadn’t said a word to her after our first encounter and I believed it was best left that way. How would I explain kissing her and then finding my mate? I know she was desperate for an explanation, it showed in the waves of her aura and in her eyes, when our gazes locked. But there was no explanation I could doffer the human that she could understand. Time had gone by, I only hoped she hadn’t dwelled on it too much, though I knew that was inevitable when it came to humans.
I walk into the mart, heading to the first row, my eyes skimming over the assorted snacks, knowing exactly what Abigail and Anna would want, the same snacks they got every book club meeting, but I ran out of luck, when what I needed could not be found there. I would ask the shop assistant but I was trying very hard to ignore her thirsty look she was throwing my way, no regretting not bringing my glasses. Dodging her flirty glances I went deeper into the store, eyes skimming over the products, but fate has never been on my side.
I stop in my tracks, her scent much more stronger now, strangely very appealing to me, I shake my head trying to ignore her alluring scent, pinching the bridge of my nose, moving to the next row and halting immediately, my heart suddenly ramming within me. I had only felt this way the day we met but it wasn’t as intense as this. My gaze was glued to every inch of her, so strongly was sure I was sure she had some sort of powerful conductor.
Wearing a light green dress, pressed against her by a golden belt. Her shoes brown snugs, her hair pulled up in a fuzzy bun, the feel of its texture only a near memory away.
She hasn't tried much but the first thought that enters my head is,
I utterly fail to keep Alpha’s emotions in check as mine falter, scenes from last night’s dreams echoing in my mind, the pain that ripped through me when I thought I had lost her. My mysterious subway possession. Alpha is on high alert from here on, very eager, Omega is watching quietly form the back of my mind, whilst I am I utter silence, unable to think past the beauty standing before me.
I could see that she was trying desperately to reach a box on the top shelf, but I was glad to say, I mean sad to say, she was not tall enough. My eyes snapped to the sight of her natural glowing cocoa thighs as her dress hitched upward giving me the slightest glimpse of them and I immediately caught a breath slightly turning to the side.
I could see the images Alpha was trying to feed me, in an attempt for me to get closer to her but I would not. I breathe out heavily, willing myself to not again, no matter how much I did, knowing that Alpha had to learn that he could not have his possession, the subway girl did not belong to him-
I suddenly felt my heart stop for a minute, losing control for a split second, moving so fast in a blink of an eye I was foot apart from her, my eyes glowing a shade of ultra for an unstable second, glaring at the boy who had appeared from the other end of the isle with the intention of helping my possession.
He was a werewolf pup, I could tell from his scent, but even if he wasn't, even a fool could read my eyes, they held one message he got loud and clear.
'Back off ' Omega signaled, in frequency knew werewolves could get, his power rolling off him in waves.
I did not understand how fucking possessive I had gotten but I had only one thing in mind at that moment. She was mine, she belonged to me.
I watched his eyes widen, take a few steps away from my human before scurrying away, his scent soon lost far away from the mart.
Smart lad.
My gaze switched back to my oblivious human, her headsets in her ears and I grinned as I watched her attempt to reach for the box again. Moving closer, I pulled the box from the top shelf handing it over to her.
he looked relieved when she saw it being offered to her, taking her headsets off, looking up at me "thanky-" she froze, her smile fading instantaneously, lips a whisper apart.
Alpha purred for the first time ever at the sight of her face. And I studied it capturing every inch. I didn’t know why I hadn’t seen that she was subway girl before, a dragon never forgets. But then again, she was older now, and her beauty had grown with her.
Staring into those big golden eyes of hers I realized I couldn’t keep losing control and letting Alpha win. He kept bringing us in awkward situations, situations that made me lose my grip on reality and fulfill fantasies being created by my dragon at this very moment.
I have a mate. I have a mate. I had to keep repeating in my mind. It shouldn’t be this hard to reject another female. I had a mate.
But that thought seemed to drown to the back of my mind as she cleared her throat, taking a small step back away from me, with a bare smile on her face that didn’t reach her eyes and make them glow that golden brown I admired so much,
"Thanks, but no thanks," she replied curtly, glancing down at the box in my hand, before looking back up at me, gulping softly, "I don't want any favors from you. I can get it myself."
I stared back at her, when she said this, my eye narrowing down at her. My lips now pursed in a thin firm line, a feeling I don't know deep inside me storming in, like something had been broken, and I needed to fix it. Like something had been stolen and I had to return it. Like something had been taken from me and I had to get it back, like a yearning inside of me, aching, reaching for something I didn’t know I needed.
Was I hurt? Hurt that she had rejected me? Rejected was a strong word to use in this situation, but it felt like the right one?
That is impossible. It should be impossible. The only thing that could possibly hurt me is something happened to my mate.
Yet it did.
It did hurt.
Deeper than it should.
My eyes were still glued on her face, my fingers growing stiff around the box, not saying a word. She thought she had a choice?
A devilish thought came to me. No doubt it was Alpha's. But I was on board with it a hundred percent. "Okay," I replied plainly putting the box back on the top shelf, I glanced at her slightly then grinned to myself, this time pushing it further back where I knew she could not possibly reach.
She needed me. I would make sure she admitted it to both of us. I stepped back folding my arms, giving her the floor, “show me.” I replied.
She looked at me questionably, her jaws visibly clenching, her eyes narrowing down at me in the uttermost stubbornness, her lips pressed together firmly and for a split second I wished those full lips were forcibly parted.
By me.
I shook myself from these thoughts, my eyes trailing away from her momentarily. Alpha was sick, feeding me these thoughts and suggestions when we already had a mate, one I had not claimed yet.
How stupid can he be to think of another? No less, a weak human? Possession or no possession, our mate was far more superior to our little human.
Yet that thought seemed to slip away to the back of my head as I watched her trying to reach the box. I grinned at her failed attempts, chuckling lowly when she tried to jump for it.
I could watch her for hours.
I admit it was fun to watch, even with her sending me deathly glares as I snickered just seemed to make me chuckle harder.
She paused, her back facing me as she took a breath out in defeat, turning around slowly, brushing a wondering curly strand of hair away from her face, sighing, "Please," she whispered in a small voice.
I loved it. I loved that she needed me.
She needn't say more, I pulled the box down for her and she said another one of her little thank you's before turning around frantically with her cart. Pushing it away as if being around me would burn her. I knew she was probably embarrassed but that thought failed to sit with me a grin on my face as I watched her walk away.
Alpha grumbled with every step she took making me realize she was actually walking away. Walking away from me. My fists clenched of their own accord at that thought, a ticking feeling growing inside of me.
I knew that tick. That want.
It was one of entitlement, because she's something we can't have and as Alpha, we wanted everything we desired to be given to us. Desire. We desired her.
She was about to turn a corner and It then I felt the most anxious need to have her close to me again. Alpha’s own needs influenced us more as his sudden wish to grab her for himself tore through me to an extent I was about to do just that.
Alpha was just too strong to contain. But before we could do anything, she suddenly turned around shocking all three of us. She looked up at me from the ground, uncertainty in her "honey and lemon juice," she said slowly.
My eye brows furrowed at this statement, completely caught off guard. Wanting to know what she meant.
"I-If you can't sleep,” she stuttered out before seeming to pull herself together, swallowing softly, “ it’s a quick remedy for mild insomnia, eases the mind and body, just put fresh lemon juice and honey into your tea, trust me…” she dragged a soft smile appearing on her face, “ you'll sleep like a baby.”
I stayed in my frozen position, eyes fixed on her. Why was she telling me all this? I was afraid to ask, I somehow knew why she did, watching her take a few shy steps back to me- I like that.
Back to me.
"I see it in your eyes,” she continued, “ you don't sleep well or in the least get enough of it,” I’m sorry of its none of my business, “ but these remedies will help, I’ve had a few sleepless nights of my own,” she replied getting braver with her statements, “there are a few others, if that doesn't help. If you like, I'll give them to you….anytime," she added, biting her bottom lips, her eyes shifting away from me.
So she could fucking see through my glamour. Why did possession have that ability where my mate was clueless?
I didn't say a word watching her curiously. She was a curiosity. A peculiar little human. I sensed no heritage of supernatural ties in her blood, she was human as humans could get.
She intrigued me, I could see why Alpha wished to possess her. No one knows about my nightmares except Edwin and Abigail.
Not Ena, not Maria, not Anna, Not Alessia. But I didn't want to think about that now, there was too much to think about and I needed to be far away from her if I wanted to think clearly, but Alpha won't let us go unless I touched her.
I leaned in, her heart rate increasing as I hovered over her small frame, lips a breath away from her ease. I affected her.
"Is that an offer, Kaya?" I whispered lowly, taking in her intoxicating scent that made me want to burry my head in her hair taking a deeper breath in, just so fucking intoxicating.
She run out of breath freezing, probably surprised I knew her name. I didn’t want to utter it at all something about saying somebody’s name gave them a power over you, one of existence and acknowledgement.  She had gained a new power today, yet she was only able to nod.
I stood up straight, oblivious to her knowledge my face had touched the strands of her lovely hair, before I turned and walked away.
Satisfying Alpha
And leaving her confused.

Book Comment (162)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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    i enjoyed reading novels


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