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Kaya’s POV
"Oh, no, no, no, please no!" Aunt Lily suddenly groaned from the direction of the kitchen. I looked up from my book, the one called Beasts of the other Realm.  A book I found at the school library actually for some reason. I was yet to find the other. Ara, the school librarian suggested I try the library in town, recommending that it had a rich supply of supernaturalized books or something along the line so of that. Long story short, Ara loved her myths that were for sure.
I would probably have to go down there this afternoon and check it out. I had no homework or assignments this week so this was definitely the best weekend to get everything done. Besides reading had managed to get my mind off a lot of things that had happened during this week.
Plus I would be better off out of the house com noon. Apparently, it’s my Aunt's turn to host her ‘famous’ book club. “No, No, No!” I heard her call out again and I sighed. My aunt was the queen of dramatic that second no, was probably to draw my attention. I stood up from the couch, trudging towards the kitchen, spotting her by the counter, plastic bags filled with groceries littered all over it.
"What is it?" I asked with a slight huff, “what on earth is tickling your pickle now?” I grinned, looking at the bags filled with groceries on top of the counter.
What time she had bought all this, on a Saturday at 9 am, was beyond me. I had just woke up literally an hour ago. The sun may be dancing in the sky but my pajama but was making peace with the couch.
"Ugh,” she groaned, “I carried the wrong list and bought what I already bought last week," she huffed.
I raised an eyebrow at the weird response, "What? Who even does that?" I chuckled out quite amused, "I mean how is it you buy the same groceries? Didn't it feel, I don’t know,” I shrugged, “deja Vu Eish?” I asked.
"Me apparently,” she muttered in response, “my old brain makes me forget, and that's why I do lists," she replied with a heavy sigh.
Don't I know the feeling? I did have that habit of forgetting stuff as well, anything ranging from important birthdates to faces of people I hadn’t seen in some time, to random important information I just studied last night for my chemistry quiz on Monday. This often makes me wonder what will become of me in old age.
"Uh, Kaya my dear,” she began and my eyes narrowed at her.
“My dear?” I echoed, sitting by the counter, “what is it you want now?” I huffed.
“Would you be a darling and rush over to that little grocery shop on Eighth Street and pick up a few things for me?" She asked giving me the puppy eyes.
My shoulders sagged at the request. I didn’t feel like going anywhere just yet, "But it’s so early," I whined.
"Oh that wasn’t a request sweetheart,” my Aunt replied, one hand on her waits, “It doesn't have to be now, the girls are coming later, but you will be going down there."
 I scowled dropping out of my seat, "Fine," I replied picking up my book as I stomped away, moving towards the stairs, it was better to get it over with now.
"Thanks love!" She called after me as I began my ascent, I gave her an exasperated look heading up to my room. I shut the door behind me looking around. Ugh, the thought of walking in the morning on a Saturday hurt more than it should. But hey I would be getting some exercise. I chuckled at this. Since when did I care about exercise?
Moving towards my wardrobe I took out an outfit before heading towards the shower, an activity I should have done as soon as I woke up today but delayed for as long as I could as I devoured my book. After a quick shower, I changed into the dress I had chosen, looking round once again making sure everything was in place. My eyes landed on the open balcony doors remembering I had left them open when I was star gazing last night to clear my head. I couldn’t sleep for some reason. I walked toward the door, shutting it before taking my leave, then proceeding to close my bedroom door. With a quick goodbye to Aunt Lily, I was soon on my way out, grabbing a cookie from the counter.

Book Comment (162)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    Federico Dalioan

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    i enjoyed reading novels


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