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The Game

Kaya’s POV
Azian and Khloe were still talking to our Gym teacher, immersed in a conversation I couldn’t quite hear. My eyes trailed away from them finding its way back to the gym floors, my mind replaying what I had seen earlier between the two of them. It was basically official now that they were dating because unlike me, he had actually stayed with her.
Plus, he hadn't even looked my away, or stolen a glance. The thought stung a little. No, it stung a lot. I was trying hard to not let it get to me, but I couldn’t help but feel used in a way, and kind of embarrassed.
Maybe I had just imagined it all, Him kissing me that day?
Maybe it was me that kissed him.
My eyes widened at the thought, turning back to glance at him, still immersed in deep conversation. I decided not to dwell on that thought, I really believe that I would go crazy if I thought about it too much.
"Hey," Ally coaxed.
"Mm?" I hummed, looking up at her. I really hoped she didn't want me to look at him again.
"Look who just walked in," she said in a hushed low voice, her eyes now focused in the direction of the gym door.
My eyebrows drew together at this statement, turning slightly, so sure I would see Azian but instead I got locked into grey silver eyes. I took in his finger as he walked in dressed in sweat pants something I was a hundred percent sure he wasn’t supposed to wear during gym class, but I couldn’t lie because honey, the boy looked good.
I bit my bottom lip in pure lust for second before catching myself, reminding my wretched hormones exactly who the boy walking in what seemed like slow motion towards us was.
But seriously, did cute boys just seem to grow like apples here?
Generally speaking, I had seen quite a few in this first week at Rodney high, but two stood out the most.
Azian and this other Thief, Legion.
I shifted in my position as he slowly made his way towards me, my fists clenching wondering what I should do.
He looked like a predator right now, but he couldn't do anything out here in the open right? My eyes took him in like tall glass of wine the closer her got, I was suddenly nervous yet with a sudden anticipation, looking away from him, eyes looking up at Ally, totally unconvinced at my current situation.
"Relax," Ally whispered, her gentle eyes beckoning me to chill the hell out. I seriously didn’t know why my hands felt sweaty at the moment but, I nodded blankly, feeling the air move beside me legion sat down. The feeling of silver orbs penetrating the side of my face.
I slowly turned, my fingers twitching, as we stared at each other for a moment, locked into those eyes. He smirked, his pitch dark hair tumbling over his face like he as about win my heart, and he could have but someone cleared their throat, causing me to quickly turn.
Our gym teacher was staring at us, well, she was staring at him, and with the most uneasy expression I had ever seen. I looked around and realized everybody was looking at Legion Our gym teacher, It was then when I realized that all eyes were on us...even Azians. But there as something about their stares that mad me feel like they weren’t just staring at ‘the new kid’ but I could see hidden emotions behind each face. Like the gym teacher looked uneasy, a group of students the other end looked hurried and others seemed to have frozen in time at the sight of him and then came Azians. If anything he looked irritated or displeased.
There a unique kind of emotion on every face, some kind of looked lustful, like they had never seen him before and now there was new model looking eye candy in school other than Azian. I mean, he did tell me he was new here, but come to think of it I hadn't seen him all week, this was Friday.
"Who are you?" Gym teacher asked, her voice clear and needy. She was straight to the point and direct which made me feel strange.
Whilst all this was happening, Legions eyes never left my face, a smirk still on it, despite the teacher directly talking to him. This kind of made me feel a little uncomfortable.
No wait, a lot uncomfortable. My eyes shifted between the two.
"I think you know who I am, Maria," He replied still staring at me, not even sparing a glance at her.
My eyes widened at this response, did he just call her by her first name? ,How could he say that to a teacher?  I studied his face trying to figure out what the hell was going through his mind. Sure he gave off that I’m a bad boy vibe, but did he really want detention that bad?
There was a small silence, I could tell everyone was anticipating some sort of reaction from our gym teacher.
My eyes finally broke away from legions gaze looking for Miss Mariah to see what the hell was taking her this long to hand out some serious jail time. I was surprised to still see that uneasy look on her face instead of boiling anger. She nodded, moving closer to us, folding her arms, “I asked you a question,” she replied, though her tone was definitely uneasy.
Legion sighed finally turned to look at her, pulling one of his legs up, "Legion," he replied firmly, a hint of a smirk dancing along his jaw, his silver eyes seemed to glow for a second causing my eyebrows to furrow, his sexy russionish tone, sounding almost British, I couldn't exactly say really could make a girl faint. I could feel a shiver travel down my spine and by the looks of other girls including dare I say it, ally herself, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.
Yep the school had new eye candy.
Different, strange.
"Anything else?" He asked her, then glanced around the room. His Silver trail leaving none unexposed,
I noticed a group of students at the far end could not meet his gaze but lowered them. It reminded me of what Ally said, when she talked about, submission.
"N-no nothing e-else" Miss Gabrielle stuttered out. Her shaky hand pulled one of her loose curls away from her face, before turning to the class in snazzy breaths, she sounded almost fearful.
I mean the bastard was a thief, a stalker and now I was pretty much sure on the road to psycho town, but still, I didn't think he was that scary, only mysterious and in that way, it made him seem dangerous.
That's my opinion.
I noticed his gaze seemed to halt when it met Azian, his eyebrows furrowing for a second. It seemed like legion was confused, an expression that didn’t suit him well at all, his jaw clenching and nostrils flaring as if he was trying to sense something.
Hell, everyone saw the mini stare down they had before Khloe pulled Azian away, but not before I spotted his fists clench but allowed her to take him to a nearby corner by the bleachers.
Still not sparing me a glance. I sighed at that thought. Of course Azian wouldn’t spare me a glance, he was completely mesmerized by my snotty sister.
Agh well, such is life.
Legions gaze lingered on him for a while more before turning back to me, his darkened grey eyes clearing once again in the most interesting manner. With his returned gaze came my feeling of being too exposed, opting to squirm under that gaze of his.
I should have probably scooted closer to Ally, but darn you Aunt Lily, I wanted to solve his mystery. I studied him wordlessly, every inch of him and he did the same, and strangely it didn’t feel weird.
"I don't mean to interrupt this," Ally began getting up, wiping her bottom, "whatever this is, but coach says we should do a few laps," she informed.
My eyes snapped to hers, when did coach say that?
Legions eyes left mine resting on Ally, as if wondering what she had been uttering. Trying to put the pieces together I could see.
"Up," she repeated, popping the p.
He slowly got up, his silver gaze on hers before turning down to me, offering me lending me a hand up. I looked at his outstretched hand for moment debating to myself. Could I really trust this thief?
He grinned as if knowing what was running through my mind, but if you ask me it wasn’t a hard guess, "I'm harmless," he assured, before slightly chuckling, "that is to you."
I squinted one eye, wondering why he would say that but brushed it off taking his hand and getting up. They felt strangely very warm and firm, sure and steady. It really looked as if my hand was meant to fit in his.
It was comfortable and honestly nice.  That’s until I felt an uncomfortable feeling deep inside me, and I turned slightly surprised to see Azians gazed zeroed on the point at which Legions hands connected with mine,
I stood up awkwardly realizing I had stayed in contact way to long, retrieving my hand.
"Come on Kaya!" Ally called from a few feet ahead of us,
I needed no more saving, I immediately bolted toward her, hearing a small chuckle coming from Legion.
I wasn't running from him, was I? I glanced over momentarily as Azian again but he was back to looking at Khloe. Why did I even care? Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The previous question was answered when Legion caught up with me, faster than I can say "hi,"
Well in my defense I swear he does track. I couldn’t get that image of him suddenly appearing before me out of my mind. The guy should be in the Olympics or something, no cap.
"You don’t have to be scared of me," He began coming into rhythm with, "both of you," he added.
Ally and I exchanged looks. I looked back up to where we were going, my jaw clenching. This is not how I would forget about everything. He was yet to apologize, "You stole my-"
"I must admit I wasn't in my right mind,” he replied causing me to look back at him for a second, trying to figure him out, when I came out blank, I looked straight ahead, “ yeah well, then apologize.”
He chuckled at that, still at a steady slow pace beside me, it seriously felt like he was slow deliberately, “I will apologize for making you chase me, but I won’t apologize for catching your attention,” he replied blankly, “there is no negotiation for that.”
As good as apologies go, that was the one that would win the lamest apology award, but something about his finality made me realized that was really as good of an apology I was going to get. I mean if a guy went all the way to steal your phone just to grab your attention, then you know his a frickin pyscho.
"Since that’s the best you can do, I guess I can’t hold it against you forever," I replied.
"No you can't," Ally backed, giving me a knowing loos. I rolled my eyes at her blatant insinuation.
“Thank you,” he replied, a genuine smile on his face for the first tie which actually made me blush.
"Everyone to the Centre!!" Coach Maria yelled. We stopped jogging grabbing a breath, even if Legion didn’t even have as much as a spike in the pace of his breathing, which stroke me as weird for a moment.
We all moved toward her in the center, yet Azian and Khloe remained on the side lines still chatting. Its odd Miss Maria let them do whatever they wanted. They were part of the class no matter how ‘perfect’ they looked.
Or maybe one of them was sick? Yeah right. Then wouldn’t have been sticking their tongues down each other’s throat if that was true.
I mean if they were going to stand their chatting away and get away with it then why attend classes? Probably to rub it in our faces that they were superior to all of us that was for sure.
"We shall play a game of Dodge ball,"
Oh shoot me right now. Balls, aiming, falling, smashing is all I saw whenever someone mentioned volley ball. Oh my god why did gym even exist? I could basically hear Joanna lecturing me about the importance of staying fit. I just hated it though, I mean can’t you just hate gym?
Let’s just stretch again. Please Miss Maria.
I sucked at sports.
"I'm going to divide you into two teams," she continued.
I sighed, resting my hands on my waist as she began to divide us into two teams. No team captain just like:
"You and you and you, over there, you, you and that dude over there, move here," she was ordering.
Yet when it came to Legion, I noticed she visibly gulped, "you, you and Legion over here."
Legion didn't move kept his ground staring right at her, his gaze unbreakable.
"Both of you, all move to the left," she added hastily pointing Ally and I. It was only then Legion decided to move as we joined his team.
"That was strange, I was pretty sure we would be put in the other group," Ally commented.
"Me too," I replied joining the other group. Legion only shrugged, running a hand through his dark locks, I didn’t know how he made such a simple action look so downright sexy. I couldn’t believe the filth that was running through my mind at the moment.
After Miss Maria was done she stood before us tossing us the balls.
"I'm really not in the mood for this," I whined grumbled, catching a ball tossed my way.
"You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to," Legion stated plainly, looking at me as if I had all the choices in the world. I scoffed at that, “yeah, right.”
"Oh come on Kaya, it will be fun," Ally put in before Legion could reply. Miss Maria blowing her whistle in the next second informing us that the game had just began. I stepped into position trying to put my game face on, not like I had a particular fierce one.
It wasn't even five minutes before I was out on the bench. Talk about a waist of energy.
I bothered me that I could ran after a thief for stealing my iPhone but I couldn’t jumping up and down in the name of sport.
It is evidently not my thing. I trudged up the bleaches sighing heavily resting on the top benches watching the game below,
Khloe had entered the game now and when I say she was flawless, I mean it.
The girl must have took gymnastics when she was younger because those back flips were up to standard. I wondered what it took to be that perfect anyway.
Azian on the other hand was seated near the court on the bleacher, first bench, while I had taken rest on a benches near the top, where I could see it all from an elevated position.
He seemed to be watching the game, but most of all, I noticed he seemed to be watching Khloe.
My eyes lingered away from him, he didn't matter anymore. Instead they focused on Legion who believe it or not wasn't even playing. He was just standing there and balls seemed to miss him, actually none were aimed at him and I could see he was extremely bored of the game.
This made me chuckle as he shook his head in frustration pleading for one of the balls to just graze him. I could even see the desperation in his eyes but no one and I mean no one was sending any balls his way at all.
The sound of my laughter brought an unwanted pair of eyes. Yes, for the first time in days he looked right at me, his eyes glued to mine.
They were his normal blue eyes, but they seemed almost tired and worn out. I spotted what seemed like a dark shadow resting in them.
I could feel my face morph into confusion when I finally realized that Azian, the greek god looking Azian, was not looking so good. He seemed over worked, like he hadn’t been having enough sleep,
His eyes seemed very tired threatening to close at any moment, dark circles under his eyes I could have sworn weren’t there before.
Like he hadn't slept in three days in the least, or had very little of it.
This seemed to sadden me as the whistle blew. A frown forming on my face when he looked away.
End game.

Book Comment (163)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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