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Legions POV
Caleb’s lingering silence to my blatant confession confirmed all that was on my mind. His eyes remained thoughtful as they rested on me. I knew what he was thinking. I could even sense a hint of fear when he uncomfortably shifted under my torturous gaze. It was an action I was used to. With the title of The Dark Prince fear was the only emotion I got.
“Then you mustn’t run,” Caleb began, “ you mustn’t run from her because even if you do I assure you Xeric will soon take charge if you spend too much time away from her. Just incased you haven’t noticed, he’s a hell of a lot possessive” he explained, on hand massaging his thick neck, gulping softly, “ I believe we all know the consequences of leaving Him unsatisfied could be for lack of lighter terms…deadly.” He ended, his gaze point set on me.
 My fists tightened of their own accord at his words, my gaze falling on the table. I could feel my jaw clench at the thought knowing that he as usual was only spitting out steady facts and nothing but truths. I leaned back, eyes rising back to him, darkening, “I can handle my Lycan. Xeric will be contained,” I gritted out.
Caleb scoffed, his tone a low mock, “Contain? Handle?” he asked, “Are we truly going to pretend that you are capable? When has that ever happened Legion?” he dragged, “History is a true witness that has also clearly proven that you indeed cannot handle your Rogue Lycan. Isn’t that what got us banished into this tangy human realm in the first place?” he hissed.
I watched him silently as he rattled on an unamused chuckle escaping his lips, “Must I bring up the past my lord?” he asked yet again before leaning back in his seat, eyes focused on exclusively me, “And what will you do when she finds a quaint little human boy? Xeric will never forgive you and as usual the rest of us will suffer for it. And by rest of us I mean the masses, anybody he can get his Claws on. I believe that is a considerable amount as he is the fastest Lycan in the world, the King of beasts with the Alpha tone. We and the world around us will be destroyed under his wrath just like he came so close to doing before.”
He scoffed at my stoic silence, “Restraining the Lycan will be fruitless.” He ended.
After Caleb’s mini ramble I closed the files before me, picking the first one up. My eyes tracing over the cover of the File and its words yet reading nothing as my mind was still locked up in the memories of my little mate, my hands gripping the edges of the File tightly as those fiery little eyes echoed through the images in my mind.
I knew everything in my mind right now was telling me to run to her. But I knew better. I couldn’t be around her for long without feeling like I would lose my mind. I obviously hadn’t even made a good first impression as I have dreamed of for ages in my head, still bringing across the dark aura around me which ended up making me come across as a stalker.
“I can’t” I finally stated, my eyes still stuck on the file. I never liked telling anyone how I felt and had never had a problem with it as I had no one, until now. The Moon Goddess Selene had been gracious towards me despite my failure as a Moon Crested Lycan and bestowed me a mate, “ Every time I looked at her I just see grace and beauty and flawlessness,” My eyes trailed back up to him catching him dead center, “all that could be gone in a second. I could take all that away.” I closed my eyes leaning back, “I had to get out of there. I couldn’t stay in that stupid school for another second.”
Yes I had ditched a minute after the bell rang. Partly because I didn’t need school, I was much too old for that and partly because I didn’t deserve her. So I had gone back to work as usual. The only catch was I was a thousand more times pissed off as usual and that never ends well for anyone. My eyes trailed to the bloody shirt in the bin for a second before training them back on him.
“But if all y efforts at restraining Xeric prove futile,” I began, “I’ll just take her,” I reasoned, clenching my Jaw as I got up from my seat.
“Take her?” Caleb echoed eyes wide, “You mean like all the other useless things you take for yourself?” he questioned throwing me a disgusted look.
I growled at this, barring my teeth at him which made his fists visibly tighten. He was right about one thing.
I couldn’t control my Rogue Lycan.
“Did he call OUR MATE USELESS?” Xeric Roared from within me. I shut my eyes at this trying to hold him back but failing as he pushed through my eyes flying wide open, death revealing itself from the depths of my irises.
“Choose. Words. Wisely.” He suddenly spoke out, eyes trapping Caleb’s. It always baffled me how Xeric could speak perfect lines in my head but random short phrases whenever he took over. Even though it did make us sound more Animalistic. From the back of my own mind I could see my Guardian visibly shake. I pities him at this moment despite all instinct.
“Calm down my Prince,” He began his tone low and submissive. A tactic I knew never failed to ease our egos. We loved it when subjects were submissive, “All I am trying to say my Lord is if you take her by force then she will not only fear you..” he began his eyes on the floor, not daring to keep looking into ours, “but also despise you.”
I could feel the electric spark in the air that spoke on uncertainty and for a mere second I wondered if Caleb would live to see tomorrow as I felt Xeric’s Rage, but he suddenly paused, allowing me to feel the cold around our dark eyes, “Hate?” Xeric asked, his confused expression set on Caleb.
Caleb lifted his gaze for a mere moment, “Yes my lord, Believe me that is not what you should want from your mate your highness.”
He played us with skill, giving us our titles at the end of each phrase he spoke.
“NO,” Xeric growled, he could not believe that was even possible. “Xeric want mate to not hate. LOVE. Xeric want Love from mate.” He explained though he seemed to be barking an order, “NO ONE Happy, if Mate hate me.” His eyes burned on Caleb for that idea claws digging in his shoulder. Caleb looked up despite the pain, not saying a word besides a few painful grunts. He knew few people had looked in those eyes and survive to tell the tale.
He was the lucky few you.
“Y-yes my lord,” He grunted, jaw trembling from the pain, “That is why you cannot force her to come with you.” He explained as blood seeped through his shirt, “My prince.” He added.
Xeric took his long sharp claws out of him causing Caleb to hunch forward. He seemed to be in pain as one would when claws the size of pocket knives slashed into your shoulder but I knew he would heal as he always did. With his Guardian Abilities he would heal almost as fast as a Vampire.
Xeric turned away from him, his claw-ish hands scraping on the varnished table top wood scarring it with hideous claw marks. “Want mate to Love Xeric,” He growled out. “Xeric,” he repeated dark eyes rising up from the table back to Caleb, “Only Xeric.”
I could feel the slowing pace of Caleb’s heart as he looked dead center into our eyes. He might be the second in command after me and probably the closest thing I would ever have to a fried but we were Alpha, Alpha to all werewolves and Lycans alike.
We had no use for friends. Even guardians could be easily disposed. It was in our nature to show utter dominance and in Xeric’s nature to remain untamable.
“Only Xeric” He repeated icily. His eyes seemed to be glowing a deathly shade of Anger, possession and complete obsession.
“Of course m-my lord,” Caleb replied.
“Human thinks otherwise,” Xeric continued, “Tell legion no Succeed in Caging in me.” he growled out. He leaned in eyes set on him, in perfect English growling right above his ear, “I want my Luna.”
“I-I will your highness,” Caleb stuttered out.
Xeric’s blackened eyes stretched out into a lighter shade.
 I gripped the table for support, leaning in, frantically gasping as I gained my composure, “ Xeric-“
“Will not be suppressed,” Caleb growled out getting to his feet, glancing momentarily at his bloody shoulder. I was sure the wound had already healed by now and was proved corrected when he painlessly moved back into his seat.
 I sighed at this information taking a seat, feeling the usual hard pounding at the back of my head I always got whenever Xeric decided to take over.
“Do not worry yourself young prince.” Caleb suddenly began.
 I looked back at him with a scoff, “that is inevitable,” I grumbled pouring myself another shot. I needed to dull the feeling that was bursting inside me. I didn’t know what for but I knew for a fact that any feeling that was not one of fearlessness should be dealt with immediately.
“Maybe, But I will help you.”
I looked back up at him after he said this, a mocking smile on my face, “How can you help me?” I scoffed.
Caleb’s smile suddenly brightened as if I had just asked the million-dollar question. He leaned forward pouring himself a shot as well, “Let’s just say I know a thing or two about Human women,” he grinned.
I looked at him disgusted. Guardians didn’t have designed mates therefore they could be with whichever species they desired and Caleb used this advantage in every way. He recently told me despite repeatedly telling him I cared nothing about his love life, that he had the hots for a certain lady working for him.
My eyebrows drew together at his words, watching him curiously. Caleb may not be the very best person to have these conversations with but he was in all truth all I had.
“Cheers” he grinned lifting up his glass.
After going over the cons and pros in my mind once again I realized I really had no one else.
I signed knowing there was a high chance I would regret this. I lifted up my glass, “Cheers.”

Book Comment (163)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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