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Legions POV
I loosened my tie with one hand whilst the other pushed the large oak doors to my office open, a grunt escaping my lips at the darkness that was awaiting me. Taking a step toward the light switch I suddenly froze, my heightened senses picking up as I heard a loud battle cry, and the sound of heavy footsteps lunging towards me. I slowed all this down in my mind, calculating every step the intruder made towards me, moving swiftly and lightly as the wind, my animalistic reflexes jerking into motion. In one swift movement I grabbed the howling man by the shirt, lifting him up with ease, turning him in midair, and slamming him down onto the hard wooden floor.
My fangs came out, as I reached out to strike, large claws elongating from my human hands halfway transforming into my beast, feeling the light burn of my now dark brown irises feeling them glow like two lit candles in the darkness. My claw moved in the air, aiming to end the life of the poor soul who thought it possible to come into my office and murder me.
Then a familiar scent hit me.
I stopped my assault, my hand a bare inch away from his slitting his neck, sniffing the air once more before dropping the man to the flow, growling in frustration as I got to my feet. I fixed my shirt moving towards the light switch, “Do you have a death wish Caleb?” I growled, flicking the light on.
Caleb lay on the floor with a silly grin on his face, his black hair jelled down shoulder length, brown eyes twinkling in amusement, “ Death is far from my time, “he grinned, “good to see you are always ready for a surprise attack.”
I gave him an unamused glance, unbuttoning my sleeve as I walked to my desk.
 “Where-”Caleb began, getting to his feet, he glanced down at the spots of blood that stained his shirt for a moment in slight confusion before looking at me, as I took off my blood stained shirt, “where were you?” he finished.
My jaw clenched, throwing my blood stained shirt into the bin, walking towards the large wardrobe I kept in my office. I opened it, taking out a clean white shirt, putting it on, “The usual,” I replied
“The usual,” he echoed mindlessly till trying to clean off the blood spots that had transferred from my shirt to his during his intended assault, “without me?” he suddenly asked, giving up the failed fight, his hands dropping to his side as his gaze met mine.
I held it for a moment, before looking away as I buttoned up my new shirt, “must my Guardian accompany everywhere?”
“That is the only job of a guardian,” Caleb replied, his eyes following my every move.
Moving back to my large oak desk, I offered him a cold grin, “he was not needed.”
Caleb scoffed at my reply, “I would wonder how you keep your billion dollar business afloat if you keep…” he trailed off, taking a seat, eyes moving toward the bloody shirt in the bin, “killing off all of your investors.”
I sighed, leaning back in my large dark seat, my head rolling back, closing my eyes for second to relieve the pounding in my head, “the simple fact is, I don’t need any investors.”
“Mmm,” I heard Caleb hum, “That’s right. Forgive me. I forget you have subjects,” he continued as I opened my eyes, peering down at him from my elevated position, “and of course, a supply of cash flowing in from his majesty,” he finished with a mocking bow.
This stupid headache would not be going away soon and neither would the one in front of me. I needed a shot. I moved forward, reaching for a bottle of vodka, pouring a shot, “My Father has nothing to do with my business as you know Caleb, “I grunted leaning back, bringing the glass to my lips, “I haven’t seen him in three decades in human years.”
“Maybe you haven’t” Caleb replied, reaching out to pour himself a drink, “but rumor has it, he is looking forward to seeing you again. You are after all heir to the throne of Kesh,” he replied, leaning back in his seat a sly smirk dancing on his lips.
My eyes narrowed at this, “You know very well my father has no intentions of giving me the throne, is that not why we were banished to this realm, walking around humans?” I spat, a raging wind fuming the hot coals inside of me. My hand tightening around the glass.
“ Well,” Caleb began, a slight chuckle escaping his lips, “ do not forget that you did go on a blood rage Legion, killing hundreds of your own people,” he reminded, the grip on my cup tightening, “ and you did try to take the throne from him and also, let’s not forget how you killed-”
The glass shattered in my hand as I gave him a warning growl, my eyes heating up as the rage inside my threatened to implode-
“Don’t crucify me, you did that,” Caleb defended, a casual look still on his features.
It seemed he had gotten accustomed to me, too comfortable in my presence. I glared at him momentarily before looking away, my eyes trailing to the cold furnace, “Then I believe I have him more than enough reasons to find himself another heir.”
“You say it like it’s possible,” Caleb scoffed, swirling the vodka in his glass, “Where will he find another Mon Crested Lycan? Only one is born every generation. Royalty runs through your blood my prince,” he hummed, gulping down the rest of his drink, “I would say however,” he continued, “your father sent you into this realm for a reason, he had hope,” he paused, his eyes drawing away from the empty cup, feeling it shift to  me, as I adjusted my sleeve, “and since you’ve found that hope, that reason…I am sure he will pay you a visit soon.”
My eyes hardened snapping back to him, a cold shiver dispersing through my body as I leaned in, gritting out each word as I held his gaze, my tone thick “What. Hope.” I stated coldly, rather than asked. My clear silver eyes darkened to its deathly shade as I held his gaze waiting for his answer.
He held my gaze bravely, “Kaya Renee Josto-“
I couldn’t save him even if I actually wanted to.
Before he could finish his sentence he landed back first into the wall, the dull office lights flickering as if on the brink of life and death, my beast visible as I was unable to suppress him over this matter. He loomed over Caleb, deadly and ready, taking out a clawed hand that I clamped around his neck, drawing him to his feet, and then higher so his feet barely grazed the ground.
Caleb did not struggle but he did choke, trying to breathe in vain.
“What. Did. You. Say?” I gritted out, my Lycan coming out to play.
“C-Can’t…Breathe...” he wheezed, eyes stuck in mine.
I studied him for a second, before dropping him to the cold floor.
He gasped for air, hands around  his own neck, before letting go, looking up at me from the floor a grin on his face as he leaned against the wall, “ So it’s true..” he trailed off, “ You have found your estheraï.”
I stood before him, half Lycan half man, growling at the reminder, allowing my fangs to graze my bottom lip, annoyed at the thought I had tried so hard to forget the whole day. Turning away I settled back in my seat, leaning back once more, hopping that the vodka would do it’s magic and let me relax as I shut my eyes leaning back.
“So much for the usual,” Caleb grumbled, hearing get to his feet. I soon heard the scrape of a chair as he took his seat.
Welcomed silence took center stage in the large room, but I knew it wasn’t one that would last with Caleb seated across me.
“Aren’t you going to-“
“How did you know.” I stated, rather than asked. Peering down at him.
Caleb grinned, “Well, it was actually on instinct-” he began leaning back in his seat “yesterday, I met you in that alley and you were limping. I asked you what happened and you said nothing but I personally know where that sort of limp comes from,” he chuckled, his hands together, “ a good old kick in the ball, a favorite for many a woman, “ he explained, “ and since I didn’t see a body it got me thinking, “ he leaned in, his eyebrows drawing together, “what woman would kick the Prince of Lycans in the nuts and walk away alive?!” he asked, amusement in his eyes, “only one.” He trailed off, one finger out as if to prove a point.
I watched how his brain functioned with a growl as he continued, “and today, when you left without me, I found transfer documents to a certain Rodney high. And I couldn’t help but wonder… what on earth is the prince of lycans doing transferring to a human high school? I mean who would pass on the opportunity of seeing the soon to be king in high school?!” he chuckled leaning back. I gave him a death glare he merely laughed off, “from there, all I had to do is look for the girl you couldn’t keep your eyes off.”
I breathed out harshly, unhappy about the current situation. Then again, I had never been successful in keeping anything from my guardian. His Lycan was in sync with mine, and was built like a human homing device. His knowledge of the events was inevitable.
My fingers tapped the desk in irritation, “Does my father know?” I asked.
Caleb paused for a second at the question then shook his head, “I do not believe so, but with your carelessness I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. After all it is no secret he has ‘secret’ spies set out on you.” He replied.
I nodded solemnly reaching out to pour myself another glass of vodka. The first one did nothing at all.
“So Kay- the human girl, “Caleb corrected himself, “How did you-“
“I stole her phone,” I causally replied, drowning down the shot in one swift gulp.
I glanced up at him, watching his eyes widen, freezing for a second before bursting out in laughter. I let him laugh, I bet it was funny for him to see the ’feared’ prince of Lycans and werewolves crave a females attention so bad he opted for petty crimes, but sadly it was as it looked. It wasn’t my fault. I had tried many ways to get her attention but she was so focused on that stupid human gadget she was so engrossed in.
I admitted it wasn’t the most innovative way to grab her attention but in my defense it was not as if it wasn’t in my nature to do so.
Stupid, stupid gadgets.
“You…Stole…Her… Phone?!” Caleb repeated in-between bundles of overdone laughter in my opinion.
“Scream it why don’t you so that the whole world knows it,” I snapped, reprimanding the volume in his voice. Every Lycan in this mansion would hear him if he kept it up.
Caleb grinned, wiping fake tears from his watery eyes, “Well I guess it is better than your usual murderous ways. See, I know why I found you limping, she got you write in the bal-”
“You said that already and you were write,” I cut, relaxing my shoulder.
Caleb chuckled yet again, I could feel his eyes on me, “So how is she like?” he asked, his tone lower and slower.
“She’s got a foot of iron that’s for sure,” I grumbled, shifting in my seat, “I wouldn’t be surprised if she turned out to be a man,” I grunted.
I could feel the wide grin that was on Caleb’s face without even looking, silence over taking us. I opened my eyes, my gaze trailing to the ceiling as I picture my estheraï, her stubborn face, that lovely hair, those lips. I wanted to melt in her memories, I wanted her close to me right now, I wanted all of her at this moment, so much so, it hurt harder than anything I had ever gone through, like a frustration I couldn’t overcome. But she was so stubborn, talkative, hotheaded, bossy, sassy, so goddamn beautiful and-
“She’s perfect for you.” Caleb suddenly stated.
I peered down at him at this, our eyes meeting. I nodded, sitting straighter, “absolutely,” I replied quietly. “And that may just be the problem with it all.” I frowned the sinking feeling returning from deep within me. I sighed, rolling the chair closer to the desk, my hands immediately going to work, grabbing folder and papers.
“A problem?” Caleb echoed, eyebrows drawing together, he looked down at my busy hands then at me, as I moved to the cabinet taking out more paper work, “Legion, “ he called as I sifted through the files.
“she’s your mate- are you saying you’ll just let her go?” he asked, as replaced my previous bunch of paper work, shifting through the files again, “ you do understand that your Lycan won’t allow you to rest. It’s been fifty years, now he’s found her it won’t be as easy as saying no.” he explained as I moved back to my seat.
I clenched my jaw at this but didn’t bother to look up, “here are the reports for the shipments we ordered from Russia. Go to the supply and make sure they are all present. I wouldn’t trust Avon with anything valuable,” I growled, glancing Avon’s signature at the bottom.
“The shipment Caleb,” I gritted out.
“It is impossible to just let her go, Legion.”
“I will not ask again Caleb,” I replied, my eyes blazing as they met his. He paused for a second
“She is your mate, our future Queen and Luna. If you do not owe it to yourself then you owe it to the kingdom.”
“While you’re down there, make sure Avon gives you the rest of the files. I will handle this shipment section personally from now on.”
“You only get one mate. No second chances.”
“What is it you want me to say Caleb?” I asked, meeting his gaze.
“The truth!” he bellowed back.
 “She is human.” I solemnly replied. He looked at me like I had lost my head.
“So what? Many werewolves have human mates!”
“BUT I’M NOT A WOLF AM I?” I roared getting up to my feet. I shut my eyes, leaning over the table, “she needs some sort of protection from me, Caleb. You know what I am, what I’ve done. You are not called the Dark prince because your life is a frickin fairytale-”I growled out. I shook my head, breathing out, my fists clenched, “she can’t protect herself from me, she’s so innocent I can see it in her eyes, she’s an exact replica of..” I trailed off looking up at him. I knew he could read my sorrow.
“Of her.” I finished, “I would destroy her and if she- my one mate is no longer with me tell me then, how will I survive?” I asked, darkness seeping through my eyes, “Her innocence would be tainted by darkness.”
Silence yet again. Issued to enjoy it but now I wasn’t so sure.
“Yes...” Caleb replied lowly, “Or…you may be tainted by her light,” he replied.
I looked at him like he was mad, releasing a dark chuckle, a chill in my voice “she is but a candle in the heart of night. Just a light breeze is all it takes to blow her out.”
Caleb looked back at me uncomfortably, eyes still locked in mine and I knew what he saw. All the souls I had taken, the whisper of death by my claws. I was no angel, sometimes I felt even Set would deny me, and our goddess Selene? She must have never loves this creation. Yes…I saw fear in his eyes. Fear from a man that had been with me since the very day I was born, linked to my Lycan and who knew me like no one else...yet still he had fear.
“You know,” I began pouring my third shot, “I don’t want to see my one mate fear me. I know they are just dreams and wishes that will never come true, but one day I hope to be loved…without fear.” I added the last part, drowning down the shot.
Fear was something that was present all around me where I went. For human’s I was the cold hearted boss. To supernatural I was the feared dark prince of Lycans and wolves banished to the last twin realm and to my own subjects I was merely the beast.
And to my mate?
 I was a thief and stalker.
please leave me a review if you are enjoyin the story and a comment! 

Book Comment (163)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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