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My Step Sister

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.
Everything was stupid
-and what is everything you may care to ask? Every single feeling I experienced when I walked through those shiny double doors, a mixture of uncertainness and complete and utter vulnerability as I stood in the open.  I could feel those dark pacific eyes on me. I didn’t even have to look around to know exactly where he was seated, despite his dark shades covering his eyes, I could feel his haunting gaze on me.
Maybe I was being paranoid, but who wouldn’t?
Under a span of two days, I had almost been run over by Mr. Popular, entered the Olympics with a gray eyed thief who stole my phone, kissing Mr. Popular by the girls toilets and finding out my handsome stalker thief attends my new school so heck yeah I as paranoid.
I felt as if I was the center of attention, even if no one but him as staring at me, his gaze alone was enough to make me melt.
Taking a seat far away from the table I knew Mr. Popular or rather ‘Azian’ was at I faced Ally, trying to calm my shaky nerves.
“He’s looking at you,” Ally murmured lowly, eyes low yet somehow peering past my shoulder directly behind me where I could feel Azians hot gaze
"What?!" I whisper yelled, fingers shaking a little at this information. I didn’t know if I was ready to face him yet again, especially in front of all these people. I mean I could barely get the right words in when it was just the two of us. Yet again wanted to know what he was capable of. What he would he say in front of the whole school, a part of me was daring for him to come closer?
"He's coming this way" Ally blurted, now not even hiding the fact that she was staring at him. I could feel all the joints in my muscles freeze, unable to move. He was coming this way! Towards me!
Oh my god he was coming this way…towards me. Somebody-anybody please help me.
"Wait," Ally began, her eyebrows drawing together in what seemed like a state of confusion. I wanted to look behind me and see what was making her make that face, but I was too scared I might get trapped in his gaze…Azian’s gaze.
So instead I settled for a shallow,"What?" I replied nervously.
" Wait-He stopped,” he informed her eyes narrowing-“it seems he is with some girl- a girl I've never seen before," she responded, he gaze trapped on the figure behind me.
At this sudden piece of information I felt something sink inside me, a feeling I couldn’t quite explain settled in as I slowly turned around to see what was happening, my eyes lingering on the familiar blonde, whose figure screamed ‘model’ and a face I despised.
I swallowed deeply at the sight of the two of them standing face to face, Azian towering over her as he naturally would, reminding me of the position he had had me in not an hour earlier,at this sudden piece of information I felt something sink inside
Looking at her the same way he had looked at me before, with intrigue and dare I say it, passion.
"You've got to be kidding me," I  muttered underneath my breath as I watched the two of them stare at each other in the most awkward yet sexual manner I was sure only happened in movies, abruptly turning back to my barely touched plate, unable to understand what the frickin hell was happening.
"What?” Ally asked, all though her eyes barely left that of Azian’s figure, “Do you know that girl?" I grunted, picking up my fork with shaky fingers, trying to stop the haunting ache that had suddenly developed from within me,"That's my step sister, Khloe" I mumbled, so lowly that I was sure  Ally missed it.
"What?!" She exclaimed.
-or not.
I shrugged, playing around with my food, not wanting to say anything more.
I can't believe my Dad would do this to me, bringing her here? What the hell was he thinking? Wasn’t it enough we shared a Dad and now we had to attend the same school? Of course I knew exactly what his Dad brain was thinking. Probably his lame way of telling me to bond with her. I however, would do not such thing.
Not with the likes of her. I thought, jamming my fork into my food.
“Whoa,” Ally began, my eyes trailing up to her, “What did that sloppy joey ever do to you? “
I closed my eyes counting down from three, before opening them again, taking he fork out of poor Joe, glanced down at it, with a slight sigh, pushing my locks out of my face, “nothing. It’s just a victim. Like me,” I huffed.
I glanced up at her, getting a glimpse of her curious face, eyes narrowed down at me, “Do they know each other?” she asked, referring to my step sister and that Azian guy I was starting to think was a kind of jerk, looking at my sister like that, as if he hadn’t abused my poor lips earlier before.
I know I sounded pathetic but I kind of felt that way too, pathetic. I dropped my fork, running yet another hand through my hair, elbows on the table, “I wouldn’t know.” I replied slightly turning to look back at them, they were now heading out of the cafeteria, Azian’s eyes glued to Khloe almost in the same way my Father was glued to her mom, “I don’t know anything about her except that she’s a bitch.”
“Curse much?” Ally asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
I shook my head realizing what I had just said, “No, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.”
Just one year, I tried to assure myself. Who cares what happened an hour ago, it obviously meant nothing to him no, I should just forget about it, about the whole thing.
“So...”  Ally hummed trailing off, “does he just have a thing for Joston girls or what?” she asked putting my last name I unfortunately shared with Khloe on the table, along with her elbows, “I mean don’t you think it’s strange that-”
“Don’t say it,” I growled out, pointing a saucy fork at her, “please, we kissed and it was stupid. Probably just haywire teenage hormones and obviously since he disappeared to god knows where with my step sister, he is clearly not interested. End of story,” I cut, ending the topic before it could truly begin.
Ally raised an unconvinced eyebrow at me, her eyes burning holes into my head. I groaned rolling my shoulders back, “Look, it’s my first day,” I began, eyes falling back to her, “and...” I trailed off, “it’s moving way too fast for me. I really just want to forget about the first half of today and all of yesterday so please...” I shut my eyes pleading with, “please let’s not talk about him.”
She studied me for a few seconds before nodding, “fine. As you wish but-”
“But?” I groaned. There was always a ‘but.’
“I didn’t know you had a step sister,” she explained eyes till focused on me even as she took some food in.
I paused at this statement, my hands gripping the fork rightly, “yeah...” I trailed off, “I guess I did forget to mention my parents’ divorce, “I murmured lowly, feeling my throat dry.
“Oh...” Ally began freezing, “Kaya you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, “ she eased but I shook my head, gripping my fork tighter, looking back up at her, “let’s just get it out of the way, shall we?” I gritted out, already feeling the familiar anger that always reared its ugly head whenever I thought about my parents’ divorce. It was all my Dads fault. Yep all his fault.
“It was two years ago, “I began my gaze still on my food but my mind as far away relieving my memories. I came back from school one day and they just broke the news to me, it was actually well planned out, with the right words to say. At least I think they thought they were saying the right things, you know, the usual. It’s not you it’s us, and we still love you, all that movie crap.  It didn’t really help though, “I said the last part lower, pushing my bun to the side, playing with the sauce, I cleared my throat looking up at her, “yeah so I guess I was sad at that time but I couldn’t be selfish. Who was I to keep them together if it was getting to toxic? I just wanted them to be happy.”
I bit lip, pushing my plate forward, both elbows on the table now, “3 months later, the divorce was finalized and for a moment I thought that would be the end of it all, you know, the shouting and yelling for the smallest things. Things I knew they wouldn’t yell about normally, everything was just falling apart way too quickly.” I paused, a sinking feeling deep within me, “but I missed the noise when Dad moved out, even if it was just screaming. The house felt lonely and empty without him, even mom noticed because she would often cry herself to sleep with a glass of wine in one hand and it was then I knew she still loved him.”
“Oh Kaya, I’m so sorry, “Ally lowly hushed, reaching out a hand to me, rubbing my arms softly.
“Please...please don’t apologize,’ I dryly chuckled, “I’ve heard that so many times, I’m sick of it. It makes me feel like you pity me. I don’t need that.”
She paused, retrieving her hand, but nodded slowly, her eyes full of understanding.
A small smile crept on my face at this, however sad it was, “But my Dad didn’t, he just didn’t feel the same for her anymore, it all had just…vanished. He only made it worse for hen he told us he was in love with someone else. Stephanie, “I spat, “a beautiful, single mother and I hated her the moment I saw her because I knew she was the reason for all of this and so did mom.”
I chugged down the glass of water before continuing, “A month later and voila!” I motioned, feeling high off my emotion, “Dad remarried, now had his own new perfect little family and I had a new step sister. Hooray for me!” I explained with fake enthusiasm.
“That sucks,” Ally frowned.
“Life sucks!” I countered but do you know what really sucks? My Dad thinks he can add me to his perfect little family and stamp mom out but I won’t let that happen. My mother deserves nothing but the best and just because he failed, doesn’t mean that I should too.”
Ally nodded still staring at me.
“So that’s that. My Mom couldn’t really stand the thought of my dad being with another so the first job she found she took, in Japan as a designer. I think she’s better off there…” I trailed off my voice lower, “At least I hope she is.”
“If I remember your mother well,” Ally began, “Miss Gabrielle, then I know she is one heck of a survivor, she is probably kicking designer’s ass.”
I chuckled at this knowing fully well how bossy my mother was. She was an exact replica of her sister, My Aunt Lily.
“And as for my step sister, “I continued, “I don’t really know her, or cared much to try, but I know she loves to shop, she visits the mall like every day and I know guys can’t stop following her around as you have seen today, and she is what I like to call annoying little is perfects, apart from that I know nothing about her- although..”
“Although?” Ally echoed.
“It may be me.” I glanced up at her, “it may be that I’m jealous of her because she has my life, my literal life…” I trailed off, “and I keep making dumb decisions like kissing a boy on the first day of school that will end up beneath her charm, or running into doors and tripping like my clumsy but often does whenever I’m around her or near her. I may just be nervous.”
“Azian’s a douche bag if he chooses her over you.” Ally suddenly said.
My eyes widened at this, chuckling at my friend, “Whoa hold your horses there tink, and” I chuckled, “who said anything about choosing? I barely know the guy, and I’m not in competition with anyone, he can be with whomever he deems.”
“You’re right,” she grinned, “it’s probably by BFF protective mode kicking in.”
We both chuckled together before I leaned in, “you know what? Let’s just hit rewind and pretend nothing happened today, I want to have a normal award first day...” I replied.
“You mean like a reset?”
“Done.” Ally grinned as we locked pinkies.

Book Comment (163)

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    i really love your stories.i do hope we can start read part 3 of this.we're all excited😍 plz author can we have it now😩


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    its good


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    Federico Dalioan

    Star Pls


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