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Chapter Six

At night, in a bar, a group of old men were sitting together, drinking and smoking to pass out the night. A young man was amongst them also drinking with them. He was given the opportunity to drink the older men because of his affluence. He always wore a golden ring on his middle finger and lots of jewellery all over him. He took one more gulp of whisky and turned left to see hot young ladies, dressed in very hot dresses, chitchatting and laughing with each other. There was a lady there who got his attention. She wore a very short fitting gown, just immediately below her ass. The young man gave the lady a long stare and lost himself. This lady noticed she was being stared at. The man got himself and turned away when the lady stared back at him with a smile. From time to time, the man would look at her and notice she was staring back at him, making him to turn his head away repeatedly.
The lady kept on noticing the man would turn his head away whenever she looked back at him. She then gave a smile and crossed one of her legs on the other, to expose her laps even more. "Let me see how he'll resist this one", she said to herself, smiling.
The young man turned again once more and saw the lady's lap well exposed. He licked his mouth in excitement and tried preventing himself from having an erection. He adjusted his trousers when he saw he was having one. The lady looked at him, seeing he has fallen into her trap, she smiled.
"Hey! You haven't finished your whisky and we're off to go shoot pool", one of the men told him. "You guys can go, I'm coming later", he replied. His friends all left to go shoot pool while he kept on looking at the lady.
When she saw his friends were gone, she took an excuse from her friends and stood up to go meet him. The young man saw this and started pretending to be serious in his drinking.
"Hello handsome!", she greeted. "Any problem?", he asked as though not interested. "I'd been watching you from over there", she told him, pointing towards where she was. "I never even saw you ever since I got in here", he lied. The lady smiled and sat beside him;"Don't be shy! If you want me just ask, I could give you."
He got surprised;"What?" "Anything you wanna use me for, I'll let you do so", she added. The young man cleared his throat and whispered to the lady's ear;"Even for sex?" She chuckled;"That's my favourite of all." He smiled;"Wow!" He then kept a sad face and said;"But there's a problem!" The lady played with his collar romantically and asked;"What's the problem handsome?"
"My wife's at home right now", he said. She chuckled again;"Is that a problem? I live alone. We can rock each other in my house." He brightened up;"Where are you residing?" "I stay up the hill", she answered. He asked;"We'll drive past the Peters mansion right?" "Yes!", she answered again. He smiled even more and stood up. He held her by her hand and told her;"Let's get going!" She got up and they left the bar together.
One of the men shooting pool, turned back and saw that the young man was no more on his seat. He turned round to find him, but couldn't. He tapped another fellow beside him;"He has gone." The other man turned and saw it was true. "He must have seen a lady tonight", he concluded. "He always leaves us for a lady", said the first man. He resumed shooting pool after being reminded by his opponent.
* * *
On the road! The young man was driving at a great speed. The lady yelled with joy;"I love this ride!" She turned to the man and started romancing him at his lap. The man swallowed his nervousness and smiled, saying;"If you continue, I may lose concentration while driving." He brought down the vehicle's speed very low. "Won't you love to know how sexy the body you wanna ride on is before you do so?", she asked him.
The man smiled but was confused;"How?" She immediately picked up the man's right hand and placed it on her lap. "How's it? Is it not smooth and sexy enough? Just feel it!", she told him. The young man got greatly surprised. He felt the lady's lap all over and even went below her dress. They were both feeling pleasure, especially the lady who was already moaning. Their fun was stopped to a halt as soon as they were driving along the cemetery beside the Peters mansion.
The car suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. The two of them stopped and became worried. "What just happened?", the lady asked. "The car just stopped", he answered. She complained further. "This can't stop us from having fun", he smiled at her. He attempted kissing her but, she stopped him by using her hand to cover his mouth. "I'd rather do this in my house than in a car", she told him. "Fine! I'll go check what's going on", the man told her and left the car. She smirked when he left.
The young man opened the bonnet to find out what the problem was. The hooting of an owl was heard but, it didn't catch the man's attention. After some time, he got distracted when he heard the shout of a young lady faraway. He turned back to see the person but saw no one.
He shook his head and faced forward to continue what he was doing. He switched off his torch after not finding out what happened to the car. "I haven't seen any possible...", he closed the bonnet and stopped talking when he saw the lady had got missing.
A blood-stained hand tapped him on his back. He calmed down and smiled, holding the head. "I was about wondering where you went to", he said. He turned and saw a ghost, this time, with a white gown stained with blood down to the shoulder level. The man got terrified and fell on his bonnet.
"Where did you take my girl?", he asked. The ghost hissed sticking out her snake-like tongue. She closed her eyes and the man started pouring out blood from his mouth. He lost a lot of blood and died, laying on his bonnet. The ghost saw the man had died and looked up to see those her friends at the bar. She smiled at them, they smiled back at her and transformed to ghosts also.

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