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Chapter Five

The clique, except Chloe were at the living room, all dressed up, ready to go out. Finley checked the time and spoke loudly, looking up the stairs to Chloe;"Chloe! What's keeping you?" Her voice was heard from up;"Give me five seconds."
Finley with a grin on his face, sighed and turned to his friends to ask them a question. He saw them looking up the stairs and turned see what they were seeing. He saw Chloe descending the stairs. He was surprised and nodded his head. "You really kept to the five seconds", he told her. She gave a smile in response and then, joined her friends for the conversation.
"Where are we going to today?", asked his friends. "Let's go to the Zantis main clinic and confirm if there's really a disease outbreak", Darcie suggested. "Mr Black was confused when we told him we came here to help the people from a disease outbreak", Dave replied to her. "Let's just go and see for ourselves. Let's know we showed some efforts in finding out", Ethan told Dave. "I support Ethan on this. Let's hurry and leave Zantis. I really miss my telekenesis power", Finley added. "Huh? Telekenesis?", Ethan asked him, with surprise on his face. Finley clicks his fingers;"Oh! That was your power. I meant to say self-teleporting power." He checked his watch again;"First place to go, Zantis head clinic!"
* * *
The clique was walking inside the clinic's compound. They became confused, worried and a little frightened as they saw weird people walking past them. Some were tattered in appearance, some with disgusting and weird health conditions and the rest, with scary looks.
A man who had mucus dripping out of his nose was now passing them by. They got irritated at it and Amber whispered;"What sort of rubbish is this?" The man heard her whisper and attempted touching her. She moved away to avoid being touched and yelled;"Don't touch me!" Her friends stood at the man's way, looking at him angrily. He saw this and left. Amber wiped off the body with her kerchief. "Don't worry! He didn't touch you", Ethan chuckled.
The most senior Doctor walked up to the clique. "Hey! Are you guys new in this place?", he asked them. "Yes Sir! We came here to help fight against the disease outbreak", Dave replied. "What disease outbreak?", the Doctor was puzzled. The clique got confused and looked at each other. "Why did Master Noah lie to us? Why did he send us to this place?", Dave thought to himself. "You guys should follow me", said the Doctor and started leading the way. The clique followed him behind.
The Doctor led them to one of the wards. "Take a look around. Each patient has his own health problem", he told them. They took a close look and see exactly what the Doctor pointed out. "So there's no outbreak in Zantis?", Finley asked one more time. "Maybe you guys were given wrong information or you're mistaking Zantis for somewhere else", said the Doctor.
Ethan looked round at the walls and saw a calendar. He found out the calendar was a current one. He whispered to Amber;"Amber! Come here!" She walked up to him. "What's the matter?", she asked. He pointed out to the calendar;"Take a look at the calendar." She looked at it but didn't get what Ethan was trying to show her.
"What's wrong with it?", she asked. "Can't you see this calendar is a current one!", he replied. "Oh yeah!", she remembered,"I thought Master Noah brought us to the past", she asked. "I thought so too! Maybe this place isn't yet developed like our place", said Ethan.
"Thank you so much Doctor", Dave's voice was heard and got both their attention. "Are we going now?", Amber asked. "Yeah! We need to get to the bottom of this", Darcie replied. "I can't imagine Master Noah lied to us", said Dave. Chloe crossed her hand on his shoulders;"I bet he has a reason best known to him."
Ethan went to Dave, forcing a smile to cheer him up. He tapped Dave at the back;"Come on! Let's go home!" Dave nodded in agreement. The clique bid the Doctor goodbye and left the ward. "Could these be the chosen ones?", the Doctor thought to himself.
* * *
The clique, except Dave were sitting down in the living room, while he was walking about to and fro. "I wish I was with my cell phone right now. I'd have called my family and told them Master Noah was lying all along on our purpose of coming here", said Dave, feeling slightly angry. "You aren't with one so chill out bro", Finley replied. "This isn't the first time Master Noah lied to us whenever we were to go somewhere for a purpose. We thought this time we'd be sincere", said Amber.
"We always end up finding out the purpose of going somewhere ourselves", she added. "But why does he keep on lying to us?"Dave asked. "You'll ask him when we get back", Chloe replied. Dave got tired of walking about and sat down. "I think he doesn't want a situation when he'll tell us the actual thing we're traveling for and one of us refuses to go", said Ethan. Dave heaved a sigh;"Well! He has already lied. Let's talk about the present, let's find out our actual purpose for coming here and leave this place." Others supported his statement. "Ok then! We're going to see what fate has installed for us", he added.

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