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Chapter Four

A priest entered a bar and walked up to the bartender and requested for three glass cups of whisky. As he was taking his first glass, a fellow priest joined him. They greeted each other and exchanged pleasantries.
"When did you arrive Zantis?", the first priest asked. The second sat down;"Today! I came here today." The first nodded his head on hearing this.
"How have you been coping ever since the death of the Peters?", the second priest asked. The first took a deep breath;"The church hasn't been great since their death. It's been a year since they died with the other people who were in their mansion on that day but, I still miss them a lot. That family was so dear to me." He became very sad.
The other one saw this and said;"Don't be sad! I don't want to be the cause of you being sad." The first priest heaved a sigh.
"I've been hearing families who resided there after their death, were killed and dumped outside the mansion", the second priest said. "The mysterious deaths were caused by the ghosts of all those who died in the Peters mansion on that very day. I feel so", the first replied.
"That ran through my mind also", the other said. "Their souls aren't in the peace. I really wonder why they aren't for the past one year now. I had an encounter with the last family that died. I warned them not to reside there but, they wouldn't adhere to my warning", the first added and took a gulp of his drink.
"Do you know if a family is living there right now?" the second asked. The first dropped his glass;"I don't think any families would be living there now. The priests continued discussing and having their drinks.
* * *
On the road to the Peter's mansion, was a man walking alone at night. After few seconds on arriving the cemetery, he heard the sound of an owl hooting. He turned round to find the owl sitting on the branch of a high tree.
"Keep quiet owl!", he told the owl. It flew away immediately and he resumed his journey. He kept on an owl hooting after some seconds.
He turned round again;"Where's this owl? It can't let me be." He immediately started hearing the footsteps of people running. He switched on his torch and said;"Who's there? Come out!" He now started, hearing the roaring of a lion accompanied with the sound of a horn being blown. "I'd better leave this crazy place", the man speaks and began running swiftly, feeling so terrified.
After running for some time, he saw a person dressed in a white gown, some distance away. He stopped immediately and shone his torch light on the person.
"Who are you? What are you doing here at night?", he asked the person. The person turned immediately and before the man could see the person, his torch light went off.
"What are you doing here? You better talk now", the man threatened. The person started walking towards the man. "Don't come here! You'll regret it", he threatened again. The man tried fixing his torch, tapping on it strongly but, it refused to turn on.
"Darn it!", exclaimed the man. He looked up and saw three strange people on white gown coming to meet him from his right, making them four in total.
They chorused;"We want you dead!" They were saying this repeatedly. "Holy God!", the man ran into the woods at his left.
The man was running so swiftly. He fell down and bumped into trees on his way but, he didn't give up easily and kept on running away. He later sighted some people on white gown chorusing the same. He then took a new route and kept on running.
He was always stopped by different people on white gowns from time to time and he had to always take new routes. He later got to the end of a cliff and was able to stop on time. He was panting strongly and looked round to see if he would find any of those people again.
He didn't see any and he became calm. He turned back and was looking down the cliff. He heard footsteps again a few moments later and turned back immediately once more to know what's going on.
He turned to behold the same people. They had bloody stains on their faces with purely white eyeballs reflecting out light. The man fell off the cliff out of great fear, yelling loudly while falling to the ground. The man hit the ground and his head got scattered, spilling blood everywhere. After some time, the torch switched on, laying beside him. The people on white gowns looked down, seeing the man was dead, walked away.
The clique were about going to bed when they heard the man yelled. "What's that sound?", Amber asked. "That was the sound of a man yelling", Dave answered.
"Should we go check it out?", Ethan suggested. "Oh please! I ain't going out this night", Darcie told him. "What if the man needs someone's help?", Ethan asked. "It mustn't be you to render help", Darcie replied again.
"If you're going out with me, raise your hands high", Ethan told his friends. All but Darcie raised theirs up. She became astonished;"I can't believe you guys are doing this."
Dave switched on his torch. "Are you following us?", he asked her one more time. She remained silent. "Let's go guys!", Dave told others, leading the way. Darcie saw they were going to leave her in the mansion alone and ran to catch up with them.
"Just that I won't like to be left alone in this big building, I wouldn't have been part of this", she said. They all simply chuckled at what she said.
Dave opened the main door and the clique went out of the house. There was a strong wind blowing outside accompanied by cold weather. They were shivering from cold.
"It's damn cold outside", Darcie complained. Dave shone his torch all round to see if he would find anything or anyone. "I don't see anyone", he said. "Let's keep on pushing forward", Ethan replied.
They walked on and left the compound. They continued walking down, along the cemetery. They then began hearing an owl hooting.
"I despise that bird a lot", said Chloe. Soon after, they also heard the sound of people as though they were in a war ground. They heard the sound of gunshots, the sounds of swords, the sound of people yelling and so on. The six friends got scared.
"Do you think we should go back?", Darcie asked the rest, looking great afraid. They looked at her, keeping silent and suddenly ran away at a great pace.
The Peters family appeared, all in white gowns after the clique had gone. They wore angry faces, with blood stains on their faces, watching the clique as they were running away.

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