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Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Hand tapping on the keyboard as the other fiddles with the mouse cursor. A young lady sitting on a swivel chair was in front of a computer, currently playing a game that she find herself intensely staring on the screen. Hailey paused a bit after reading the synopsis then she start clicking the mouse again. She grabbed a handful of chips in her right hand while casually moving her character in the game. The arc this time was about a poor protagonist who found an opportunity to work in the big city where he currently works at a big IT company. Being his Co-worker, Hailey needs to make sure that the protagonist will meet his father which is the Company Director! After walking around, Hailey finally found the company where the plot take place, a message popped up on her screen.
Hailey clicked ‘start’ then browsed her profile, she only got a pen and folder..? She knitted her brows then she scrolled down to her items but she only found it empty other than the pen and folder.
She grabbed a handful of chips to stuffed on her mouth again while clicking her mouse and keyboard. Her character casually moved around the company then a dialogue pop up in the head of the workers, talking about some new guy in the department. The two gossiping workers nudged each other's shoulder, they looked at Hailey and then bowed when they saw her passed by them. She went directly to her office.
Feeling proud of superiority, she pressed the emoticons button and let out a smirk emoticon. After pausing the game on her computer, she stand up to get more snacks because the chips she’s eating earlier are now empty. She walked outside of her room then hurriedly go downstairs as she found her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a lot of chips and get herself a juice from the fridge. After stacking them on herself she rushed upstairs and close the door of her room then start playing again. When she got back, she heard a system announcement. Someone already found the protagonist!
Hailey dropped the snack on her mouth as she angrily grabbed the juice beside her and drink it fast. For now, she’s in the finance department section so the punishment is not necessarily affecting her. What made her mad is that someone found the protagonist first! Not exactly the reason why—what she was going mad about was the reward points! She liked having lot of points and now someone snatched them up and it really infuriates her. She grumpily moved her character in the department then she saw two guys entering. She looked at the other guy, It must be that User!
Of course, she knew what the protagonist looked like! Everyone knew the director’s face! She was planning to find him after she get her snack but this mongrel—no this fucker found him first. This points robber! She glared sharply on the screen then a notification sound caught her attention, she clicked the dialogue box and picked. “What do you want Newbie? I’m busy make it quick”
“This colleague of mine was originally supposed to be in our department but then they moved him to the production! By request, the head manager allowed him to be moved back here.” Hailey glare at the guy next to the protagonist and clicked “Why didn’t you request it to me first and directly head to the Head Manager isn’t there a rule here that before going there, they need a confirmation from the manager of every department?” The protagonist bowed at her as he pleaded “Please Manager! Allow him to work in this department! I confirmed that he is suited to be in our department”
“Manager,” the points robber finally opened his mouth. He sighed and cleared his throat then said “There is no rule like that, as long as the head manager gave approval. You can’t do anything.” His character let out a cross arm emoticon which totally pissed her off. ‘Just how dare you speak to your superior like that? Damn this game plot is driving me nuts’ Hailey said on her mind.
“Oh well you’re right, what can I do after all you spoke to the Head although you’re here we really don’t have any workplace for you. As you can see, we’re already full” she then pointed to the workers inside the room. She paused and said “Although being my assistant is the only position available. I’m not sure You—”
“I’ll take that position then. I’ll be your assistant” he cut her short. Fuck! “Fine then, move your things to my office hurry up we had a lot of work to catch up.” She then looked at the protagonist “You’re new here aren’t you? Why not introduce yourself first rather than speaking highly to me” She shot him a fierce glare then walked away heading back to her office.
She leaned back on her chair, pissed “I wonder who created a game where it’s based on real life? Even the plots are really making you feel like shit” she then grabbed a bag of chips and opened it munching it down and waiting for the game punishment to end.

Book Comment (156)

  • avatar
    MartinezFaith Loriejane G.

    I can't get over this, made me cry at the end cause of how the author inserted the title at the end making it really good 😣, i really want more of jiwoon and yenn, and would love to know more about them being a couple and if you're planning to read this, just bare with the story and it surely will be worth the read! and the story shall be remembered 💙 Does anyone knows where else can I read this?


  • avatar

    Thank you for making a fantastic story....I really like this...highly recommended to anyone here....stay health( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )


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    Dee Hellen

    What a masterpiece🤗 I didn't want to say goodbye to this story🥺🥺😥, I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward for another one coz I've already fallen in love with your stories.


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