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Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Inside the Game
After hearing the system announcement, Yenn grinned, he already confirmed his thoughts of who the demon is. The game is easy but it has a lot of tricky questions about this and that which is, his game forte, he liked playing tricky puzzles where he would rack his brains into it. Not that he's smart or anything, its just his forte and the kind of games that he likes.
He stared at the ticket pass for the library which he obtained from the trader. It can only be used once. He was going to use it earlier when he got there but luckily he bumped into the character who have an access to it anytime and asked. He also got lucky because he exchanged a lot of information with her. After a few seconds, he saw a curly haired girl approaching with a stack of paper works in her hand. He offered some help and she gladly accepted it. When they put them in the table her dialogue popped up on top of her head.
“Hey, did you know, that player accused President being the demon? Now they made me fix all this paperwork because I told her about the issue with Mr. Hawkins’ students. I just told her they’re not allowed in the library!” She slammed the table then she suddenly stared at him and asked “Hey don’t you want to ask me something? I can tell you about the council as a thanks for helping me!” She grinned at him followed by a choices lined up in the screen. Yenn clicked a choice button “Then can I ask a favor, if you don’t mind?”
She looked at him perplexed, then she smiled “Of course, of course, what can I do for you?” Yenn pressed the button containing “I want to talk to the Student Council President”.
She laughed loudly then she assured him “Alright I’ll ask him he’s free after class for about an hour you can talk to him then! He’ll be here in the library!”
After exchanging a few words, they said goodbyes and Yenn walked out of the library, his business was finished there. After class, he walked over the library then he used his ticket pass he saw the president reading a book, he was sitting in the back corner of the library as he was flipping through the pages surrounded with a gloomy air around him, he’s visibly depressed. He tapped the dialogue box “Mr. President? Why are you furrowing your brows? Is something bothering you?” Claude saw him and ease his complexion then he answered “No, it’s just that, I’m stressed because they accused me as the demon, now the students won’t even request help from the council.”
He pressed “It’s not your fault and everyone makes mistakes”
Yenn stared at the screen choices then asked a question. “Do you like reading books?”
Claude stare at him. “Yeah, I just want to read in peace but then, those freaks always messed up the books like they’re throwing it in a dump! Now I was accused as a demon scum who never let anyone on the library! My reputation is ruined, no one even want to come and speak to me anymore.”
He humped coldly then look at him. “Of course, I’m happy now that you’ve talk to me.”
Yenn asked again. “Why does the school don’t restrict violence? It’s unbelievable but I guess the Principal doesn’t care for his student hmm…?” He looked around as if wondering.
“It’s his fault! That scum doesn’t care, he’s not even moved without money! He never left his office to check his students! He simply doesn’t care, Dang it!” Claude slammed the table then stormed off the library. Yenn leaned back on his chair to think deeply after analyzing the information he got in his dialogue tab. He pressed the system questionnaires and answered every bit of them then the screen was now filled with confetti and balloons and some dancing hamsters in the lower part of the screen. The game announced the completion of the story then reward some players as the screen black out only seeing three loading dots in the center of his screen then it went back to the menu.
He checked the world chat that was now actively telling about the new event and policy then he saw a chat about the creator he browsed through the chat box and also became curious who the game creator was. It was announced in the trial-run of the game that it has only one sole creator. The company was also anonymous that it caused a lot of suspicion but after the game was released worldwide it became a hot topic over the internet. There were also rumors that it was created by a billionaire! After the game was launched 3 years ago, the players was only over a thousand but then it became famous and exceed over a billion of players around the world. He researched the game on google also in some forums then he saw a news talking about the game he curiously clicked on it and watch.
“Arc of SHION” was an online RPG game based on a hundred million of novels but every storyline that was marked completed was automatically removed from the server to prevent cheating over players. The only Golden Rule of this overrated game was to meet the sole CREATOR of the game, a video stream to be watch offline was automatically deleted to the sites posted which is why after finishing Livestreams, nothing is shown anymore. Everyone who plays the game receive a black wrist strap that confirms the player existence and also serves the game User ID it is also the reason why every player in the game has no multiple accounts and non-player ID. Every player that wears the strap has a number which tells the current total number of players in the game. (If the user ID is number 4 means the current players are only four)
‘Even hackers can’t get through the game. Which is entirely mystery.’
He shrugged his shoulders and continued to browse the chat box. Regardless, no one dared to suspect anymore after the company was revealed a year before the First Worldwide release. The private company was named GamerTilEnd Studio Inc. which released an announcement about making the game a virtual reality and that enthusiastically made the players worldwide increase.

Book Comment (156)

  • avatar
    MartinezFaith Loriejane G.

    I can't get over this, made me cry at the end cause of how the author inserted the title at the end making it really good 😣, i really want more of jiwoon and yenn, and would love to know more about them being a couple and if you're planning to read this, just bare with the story and it surely will be worth the read! and the story shall be remembered 💙 Does anyone knows where else can I read this?


  • avatar

    Thank you for making a fantastic story....I really like this...highly recommended to anyone here....stay health( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )


  • avatar
    Dee Hellen

    What a masterpiece🤗 I didn't want to say goodbye to this story🥺🥺😥, I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward for another one coz I've already fallen in love with your stories.


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