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I tried really my hardest to avoid Greyson since that night. I don't know but I feel guilty for kissing him. I'm drunk yeah but fuck I know what I am still doing and I can remember every detailed of it.
I want to act like nothing happened but I just can't.
I can't act normal around with someone, knowing that I've done some stupid thing.
And I think he was going to kill me for kissing him, because duuh he's gay! He's going to wash his mouth a lot for that kiss.
It's unintentional, like really! I don't know what's gotten in my mind to kiss him that night, but his lips tell it so, his lips are so soft like a mallows and he tasted like mint. It's like his lips tell it so?
"This is so embarrassing! I'm daydreaming about my 'gay' friend." I said looking my reflection through the mirror but damn this! Whenever I close my eyes all I can think about is the kiss from that night.
I washed my face multiple times "Please! Erase, erase, eraseeee!!!" I said shaking my head while my eyes are closed
I sighed very deeply and went out to the bathroom dumbfounded.
"Hey!" I stopped walking from nowhere when someone held my wrist
"Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone of his voice, am I okay? No, I'm not.
"Yeah?" I said in almost a question tone, he half smile "Okay so what's bothering you? If you don't mind me to ask." He said, I bit my lower lip and continued to walk as do he too
"It's really nothing, it's just one of my stupidest move that I... Did, from last night and it's quite embarrassing." I said as I raised my both brows while gesturing my hands a lot and he just chuckle
"Why? What did you do?" He ask smiling
"No way! There's no way in hell I'm going to tell you that." I said shaking my heads without looking at him and he laughs softly, my head turn to him "What's so funny? I'm serious." I exclaim and he just shakes his head
"Nothing. You're cute." He said and again we continued to walk and proceed to our next period.
What's the real relationship status between I and Cody? Well to be honest, it's kind of we're dating but not yet in a relationship? I don't know we hangout a lot but there's me who kind of like he's too good for me how did I deserve him? And he is more like a best friend to me, so I can't really decide if should going to make our relationship official yet, I'm confused anyway.
"So see you after class?" I smile at him and nod
"Same place." I said and he smiles, he kissed my forehead before he went to his next class.
After class dismissal, I go to an ice cream parlor that I and Greyson always went to.
And as usual, I ordered my favorite ice cream flavor which is rocky road.
I take a seat near at the counter as I dig in my ice cream, a minute later when I'm done eating, I was all about to go to the comfort room, but suddenly I think my feet stock in the ground, my heart beats fast when Greyson entered the shop.
Still looking good as hell.
I look around and sit again, and open my book covering my whole face, badly they sat near at where am I sitting.
I take a peek to my left side and he met someone, they are doing a secret handshake is that's his old friend? New friend?
It doesn't seem that it was his dad nor brother, they didn't look alike, it's his uncle?
I don't want to mind their own business nor eaves dropping but their voices are too loud so I can hear them.
"I need to get out of here, before he caught me. I'm so really dead!" I whisper to myself, still my book covering my whole face, I take a little glimpse of him
"So tell me how're you feeling?" He started to ask him, I'm really so dead if he caught me.
"I... I'm still not sure about it, Alex." He said in a serious tone of his voice so Alex was the name of the guy his with?, what are the serious problem he cannot sure about to his feelings?
"How about tell me the whole story? The thing you felt for that girl." My heart start to beats faster again, 'her'?, who's her?
"I-I don't know Alex, but all the walls I built for myself 5 years ago crumbled the moment she kissed me, It was as if she had gotten right to my soul."Greyson said, who was his talking about? Is he dating a girl?
"Khryzel?!" Some familiar called me by my name and it caused Greyson to stop from talking
Oh shit, I'm dead!
I shut my eyes close deeply and sighed. I can feel Greyson is now looking to our direction, I slowly removed the book covering my face and placed it on the table, Greyson went over to where am I.
I smiled at him and nervously say "Hi." He didn't say anything he just standing there in front of me
Fuck this is it! I'm dead!
"How long have you been here?" Greyson ask me crossing his arms to his chest
"I'm already here before you came." I stutter, I glance to Cody
"Hey, finally you're here!" I said as my eyes landed to Cody, he just smiles at me, "I'm sorry. I'm almost 6 minutes late." He apologized.
"It's okay though." I said and my eyes went back to Greyson.
"Hey buddy!" Cody greeted him, he just half a smile
"Hey.." He just only said as he look down on the floor but he tilt his head and seconds later his eyes catches mine
"Have you eaten?" Cody ask me, caused me to breaking the eye contact that I have from Greyson
"N-no, not yet but I know places that have an amazing Japanese food ever and you like it right, don't you?" I said and Cody just chuckle
"Really?! That's nice! I'm so excited to go there and taste the amazing sushi ever!" He said excitedly and I giggles, Cody's right arm put it on my shoulder
"Shall we go then?" He said excitedly, I look back to Greyson
"Greyson, we'll need to go." I said, he slightly nod and his eyes went to Cody
"Take care of her." He said, like an eldest brother of mine
"Yeah, I will. You don't need to worry." Cody said reassuring Greyson, and he just nod.
I and Cody kept walking but I can't keep myself from looking back to Greyson his now sitting with the Alex dude.
We are now in Japanese Restaurant and I don't feel like I'm hungry anymore.
All I can ever think is Greyson, his facial expression lately at the Ice cream shop.
It's like something is up with him.
And I don't know what it is.
"That friend of yours are you sure he is gay?" Cody snapped referring to Greyson
"Huh?" I furrowed as I look at him, his crystal blue eyes met mine
Why all of them asking me if he is gay or not?
"Yeah? Why?" I said and look down again to my food
He shrug "I don't know, but I kinda feel his not." He exclaimed
"You know to be honest you're not the only one who thinks that, well my ex boyfriend too thinks that he is not gay." I said
"Really?!" I nod
"Well maybe he still in a questioning stage." He shrug, as he sips his wine
"Don't get me wrong if I say this Khryzel but I can see the way he looked at you, it's really something like, he even like you, I'm a guy so I know." He said caused me to stopped from eating

Book Comment (430)

  • avatar
    Ken Dalabajan

    As I start reading this novel, I said to myslef that I can relate to this novel, it was a very good stories/novel, I really love how the author convey the emotions that she put on the story to turn out beautiful.


  • avatar

    very good story . and i like how the story keep growing from one chapter to another chapter. but yeah poor cody in this situation


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