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It's already 7am when Greyson's phone alarmed. I watched his movement as he turned his phone off.
"Hey, good morning." He said in low raspy voice as he rubbed his eyes using his hands, he giggles when he turned his gaze at me "W-what happened to you?" He ask, as he sat up shaking his head while still smiling
I look at him lamely "I didn't sleep." I said.
"Why?" He ask
"Seriously, you ask why?!" I said frustratedly, and he just chuckle again while shaking his head
"You made me a damn coffee last night right?" I said as I stare at him and he nod at me "And you also know that I didn't drink coffee ever since, but you let me drink the fucking coffee you made and by that I didn't sleep!" I hissed in frustration and he still manage to laugh at me like seriously?!
"What the hell is so funny? I'm fucking serious here!" I said while gesturing my hands a lot, he chuckle again and I just rolled my eyes on him, I'm so pissed right now.
He get enough of sleep and I'm not.
"Okay, whatever. You look really so exhausted, just so you know coffee is one of a cure in headache especially when you're drunk it can help your mind to still wide awake to your surroundings and calm yourself from the craziness you might can do, look you still manage to take a bath because last night you really smelled horrible." He said still low and raspy
He yawn and stood up from my bed, he checked himself first in the mirror 
"Well my advice for you is drink another coffee then." He added  before he leave me in my room.
I took the pillow beside me and covered my mouth with it and scream. I'm so really pissed! I have school today and I look like a walking zombie.
I jogged downstairs when I'm done fixing myself. I went straight to the kitchen, I saw Valerie, Casey and Greyson they are starring at me when they see me.
"The sun is so bright, are they?" Casey said
"Yes it is." I said as I took a bowl and put some cereal in
"Why you wearing a sunglasses inside the house?" Valerie ask as she dig in her chocolate muffin
"Well.. I just look exhausted without this." I said, then they're shrugged their shoulders and continued eating, I have a dark circles under my eyes and my eyes are puffy and red like I cried hardly last night which is not, I look like almost a drug addict to be exact.
"Okay so let's change the topic, where were you both last night?" Valerie ask us
"You guys left me without telling me." Valerie added as she pout, looking at me and to Greyson
"Sorry Val, Khryzel is totally a sober last night so I took her home before any guy can took advantage of her." Greyson said his eyes still focused on his cereal
"What a very sweet friend of you." Casey said sarcastically, while rolling her eyes then we laugh
"Greyson can you please be straight!? I want to have a boyfriend like you!" Valerie joked then we laugh again
I just shake my head from both side while looking down to my cereal "Come on Val, that's not going to happen don't hope to much, it hurts." I said they laugh but Greyson didn't. I can feel that's he starring at me, but then look away when I glance at him
I'm here at the library researching while reading of some books from the lesson of Professor Lincoln discussed last week ago.
I'm not done yet but suddenly my neck and my back was starting to hurt, so I decided to stop,I was about to close my laptop when a familiar face came in front of me and wave at me. I removed my sunglasses and placed it on the table carefully
His crystal baby blue eyes was really good at him, and his blonde curly bouncy hair
"Hi.." He said
"Hey.." I said furrowing my brows
"You're studying here!" He said in a surprised tone of his voice
I nod at him slowly "Yeah.. Obviously?" I said shrugging my shoulder
"It's nice to see you again Khryzel." He said as he sat in front of me and I just chuckle I thought he was gonna forget again my name
"Glad you remember my name, Cody." I said and he giggle
"Of course. I'm sorry for the first time." He apologized
"It's really fine." I exclaim
"So by the way what course did you taking in?" He ask in a sudden high volume of his voice that's why the liblarian glared at us, I and Cody both chuckles.
"I'm sorry.." He said and it was a whisper
"I'm taking a psychiatrist. And you?"
"An architect, I'm one of an exchange student here." He said still a whisper and smiles
"Really? Cool, so you have any friends here?" I ask but he just shook his head
"Yeah but Its not that many I just only have 3." He exclaim
I and Cody are walking in the school campus talking about his goals and previous achievements in life, he is so dedicated person. I don't know. But I feel kinda comfortable with him, his seems really a good guy.
We stopped from walking when Greyson appeared from nowhere and he suddenly he's here in front of us.
He's forehead is sweaty as he breath faster, like he run here to there. But not gonna lie this 'Gay' was really fucking attractive and kinda hot.
He put his hands on his waist and tilt his head up, to just look at me
"What?" I said looking at him
"Hey I want you to come with m-" He cut his words when suddenly he noticed I'm with Cody
"Owh you have someone." He said as he look down shaking his head from left to right, he still breathing fast.
"Owh yeah, I'm with Cody." I said and look back to Cody "Cody I want to meet you my friend Greyson." I said to Cody looking back to Greyson
"And Greyson, I want you to meet Cody." I said to Greyson looking back to Cody they stare for a like a seconds as Cody offer his hand to Greyson.
"Hi, I'm Cody it's nice to meet you." He said as he offer his hand to Greyson.
Greyson's face doesn't know if he's going to took it, but I just stared at him and gladly he just took it and they shakes their hands.
"So Greyson what are you talking about again?" I ask Greyson curiously but he shakes his head as he wets his lower lip
"Owh that?!" He paused a little while rubbing his back neck, his chest keeps coming up and down
"It's not that important, just uhm well see you later I guess?" He just only said as he turned his back to me and ran until his back faded in my sight
"You okay?" Cody ask me and I nod "Yeah, it's just my friend is acting so weird, well he's acting really weird everyday but you know... Today is the weirdest?" I said without looking Cody and he just chuckle
"Maybe his weird because his 'friend' have someone beside her." Cody said as he emphasized the word friend
"Oh no!" I just laugh with what he just said while shaking my head from left to right, is he thinking that Greyson likes me?
"What's so funny?" He ask furrowing his brows
"It's because you think that my 'friend' likes me, did he?" I ask and he just shrug his shoulder and nod "Yeah sort of?" He said and I just chuckle
Oh no!
Why all of my guy friends will think that?
It's kinda really funny to think that Greyson likes me.
Because it's impossible, really impossible.
Like what he say before ;
He's gay. And he knew it from himself that he was that, and there's nothing or no one can person especially a girl can change that, can change of his heart.
So keep that in mind people.

Book Comment (430)

  • avatar
    Ken Dalabajan

    As I start reading this novel, I said to myslef that I can relate to this novel, it was a very good stories/novel, I really love how the author convey the emotions that she put on the story to turn out beautiful.


  • avatar

    very good story . and i like how the story keep growing from one chapter to another chapter. but yeah poor cody in this situation


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