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"You what?" Greyson hissed as he look at my reflection through the mirror.
"Who the hell set you on the blind date thing?" He frustratedly asked sitting on the edge of my bed, still looking at my reflection through the mirror as he waits for my answer.
"It's Valerie's idea not mine," I shrug as I continued to comb my hair.
"Decline it." He commands caused me to turn my head to him.
"What what? You just broke up with Bryle 2 weeks ago!" He show me his two fingers. "Two weeks!Two fuckin' weeks!"
"Then you just going to hangout with another dickhead like seriously Khryzel?" He added in an upset tone while his forehead creased.
"I'm just having fun. I want to have fun, is that wrong?" I ask him.
I sighed very deeply as I goes to him and sat beside him on my bed. "If you're really my friend, then support me. Its just for fun anyway and nothing serious." I exclaim, he looks me for a seconds then he open his mouth but then close it after and he sighed very deeply.
"Okay, if that's what you want." He said in defeat tone looking down but then he looks up at me.
"But I have conditions." He said
"Ha? Why? Are you damn serious?" I asked as I glared at him and hell yeah his damn fucking serious, his face tell it so.
"What is it?" I ask frowning my brows
"I have rules you must obey."
"Seriously?" And he nods.
"Yeah. Seriously."
"And what's the rule?" I ask.
"Rules actually." He corrected that caused me to roll my eyes.
"Okay, okay. Whatever. What was it come on drop the fuck it." I impatiently said.
"First, don't wear such a slutty, daring clothes." He said, on my mind I think he's probably insecure because all girls can wear that and he cannot.
"Because you know the more you wear those slutty clothes, the more that guys will have chances to disrespect you. Did you know what I mean? I know it's a free country but you know you can't read what othe-"
"Okay, okay whatever. Just proceed to the next rule." I said, checking my nails like I don't listen to him but I am.
"What time you will be going?" He ask, I look at him and shrug.
"6 pm?" I said in almost a question tone.
"You have a curfew so 6 pm?" He paused a seconds as he look at the wall clock I have in the wall, "You need to go home by exact 10 pm, no more less than that, don't excuse the traffic thing because that's invalid." He said, I don't know but I think my Dad was probably here in front of me right now not Greyson.
He's very strict.
If he's going to be my Dad in case if he was straight I will not going to open about some stuffs like this, only to my Mom I guess?
"And lastly, no kiss on the first date." He said.
"Hey, you're very strict, you act like my Dad." I said rolling my eyes on him.
"And hey it's not fair! You kissed all your date on the first date and suddenly I can't kiss my own date? It's unfair, That's really UNFAIR!" I said as I emphasized the word unfair while gesturing my hands a lot.
"Don't be so stubborn can you? A-and don't ever compare yourself to me we're different," he said.
I crossed my arms to my chest and just pout like a kid that my 'Dad' can't buy me a new doll, "Why you so unfair." I mumble but he just chuckle.
"What's so funny?" I ask in annoyed tone but he just shakes his head.
"You look like a kid." He said as he lean in the mattress grinning.
"Hey! Its that an insult or what?" I ask as I throw my sponge Bob pillow on him, but then he dodge it.
"Maybe a compliment? But maybe an insult also," he teased. He ran faster and make some silly face before he finally gets out of my room
"GREYSON MICHAEL!!!" I shouted.
I'm here at the not-so-fancy restaurant. Waiting for my date. I'm just simple than usual because my strict 'Dad' won't allow me to wear some of those slutty/daring clothes that I have in my closet.
And for the record, he's the one that pick my clothes on gladly I'm not look like a potato wearing a not so long white skirt and a light color yellow on top and a heels, well to be honest I cant imagine wearing this, but its really fine and he's the one who did my hair. Well perks of having a Gay friend is advantage but quite really annoying.
Because we argued all the time, in picking what would I wear and what eye shadow color should be put on in me, and lipstick.
For me it's not daring or slutty clothes or whatever he said yesterday about those dress well for me its just a revealing clothes that showing some skin.
I snapped back to the reality when a tall blonde guy stop In front of me "Are you Krystal? Kacey? Kristine?" His brows creased.
"Khryzel, " I corrected him as I chuckle.
"I-Im sorry. I forgot your name, by the way I'm Cody." He smiles as he offer his hand for a hand shake.
"Nice to meet you, " I said as I shake with his hand.
"Your accent was very thick, are you Australian?" I ask curiously as he sat in front of me.
"Oh yeah, sorry if you cannot understand very clearly of what I am saying." He apologized.
"No, no! It's okay, well in fact I found Australian accent was good and hot actually." I said.
"You think it's good and hot?" And my eyes widen, did I really said that? I feel my cheeks heated because of that.
"Owh yeah it's good and... Hot because ahm..." Shit I can't find the perfect words can describe this damn it.
"You know it's america and I barely talk to people who have a strong accent like you, and I found it very attractive, like seriously." I said and he just chuckle.
The waiter come to us and asks our orders.
"What do you want?" Cody approach.
"I'm fine with carbonara with a toasted garlic bread and an ice tea." I said looking to the menu.
"Well, I guess that's my order too. But can you add a salad please?" He said as he closed the menu and give it to the waiter.
"So how old are you?" I ask. "Just turned 21 last January," he said as he leaned his both elbows to the table and look at me, "How about you?" he ask back.
"Just going to turn 21 this coming April 26th." I said.
"Really? That's very close," he chuckle and I just nod.
"So, what's your plan?"
"I don't have any, but I think me and my friends gonna eat somewhere and that's it." I said shrugging my shoulder, I don't want to celebrate my birthday like duuh! Celebrating how old you are is really quite depressing you know?
Minutes later the food was here and we started to dig-in, as the time passed were now in the cinema, and I can't keep but peek at my wristwatch.
"Is there something wrong?" Cody ask me.
"No, not really but... I-I have a curfew." I said in a shy tone. He giggles.
Fuck it, damn you Greyson! I hate you.
"It's really understandable that you're parents are strict, because they know they have a pretty daughter like you," he said and I blushed. If he only knew, it was just my friend. My 'Gay' fucking friend who invented this curfew thing!
"What time is your curfew anyways?" He ask.
"10 pm." I said looking down, he glance at his stainless watch and smiled.
"We still have an hour, so let's go?" He said.
Time elapse as Cody drives me home, he open the passenger seat for me as I hop out "Thanks." I smiled at him.
"I really enjoy this date with you, and advance happy birthday, Khryzel," he said.
"Thank you," I smiled. He tries to lean in, so before he could try to kiss me, I automatically offered my hand. He chuckle by the sudden movement but still took it and shakes it.
"Goodnight." He says before he went back to his car.
"Good night," he nods before he hop-in in his car. I sighed when his car faded in my sight.
I turned around and I see Greyson standing near at me with his hand on his pocket.
This guy, I swear he's is handsome without even trying. He's wearing a simple white shirt and black jogging pants but damn he so very attractive with that. I cursed myself for checking him out.
He's fucking gay, Khryzel! Stop fantasizing about him! Stop it! Stop you're the worse!
His genes was fucking useless if he can not spread it, right?
"You're 3 minutes late." He said without looking at me and that 4 fucking words changed my mood in one snap and it literally changed my facial expression.
"Seriously?" I asked and he nod.
This guy or let me say this gay, arghh I hate him. I hate him!

Book Comment (430)

  • avatar
    Ken Dalabajan

    As I start reading this novel, I said to myslef that I can relate to this novel, it was a very good stories/novel, I really love how the author convey the emotions that she put on the story to turn out beautiful.


  • avatar

    very good story . and i like how the story keep growing from one chapter to another chapter. but yeah poor cody in this situation


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