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Five years later...
"Mom! James is being an idiot right now." I heard my daughter's loud voice call from the living room. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I dusted the flour on my hands, making my way to the living room to check up on Jane and her brother.
Yes, Jade and Diane eventually named her Jane.
"What is going on here?" I asked and then saw both of them arguing over who gets the remote.
"Jane does not want to turn off the TV!" James said.
"Why should she turn off the TV darling?" I asked as I knelt down in between both of them with the remote in my hand.
"Because I am trying to draw and I can not do that with that...noise coming from the TV." He groaned.
"That is what he could have said." I heard Jane say as she rolled her eyes.
I sighed, "that should not call for arguements between both of you." I pushed the lock of hair that fell on my face. I lowered the volume of the tv and then, "better?" I asked James.
"Yes. Thanks Mom." He grinned at me and then resumed his drawing.
"Mama's boy." I heard Jane say making me chuckle lowly. "Mom, when is dad going to be back from work?" Jane asks as she follows me into the kitchen.
"Sweetie, he will be back soon. He is just running a little bit late, that is all." I shrugged as I stirred the pasta.
"When is aunt Diane coming to pick us up?" Jane asked. Diane is coming to pick them up for babysitting. Today is Eros and I five years anniversary and he said he has a surprise planned out already.
"She will be here soon, do not worry." I replied as I turned off the gas cooker.
"Okay." She replied and then went back into the living room.
I removed my apron, washed my hands under the tap and then cleaned the kitchen counter before serving Jane and James dinner. "Okay, kids, dinner is ready." I sighed as I placed the plates carefully on the table.
"Thank you mom." James smiled as he took his seat.
"I am so hungry." Jane took her seat grinning at me making me chuckle.
"Just, make sure you finish the food. Both of you." I pointed my fingers at both of them and then made way to clean the living room. 
When I was done cleaning the living room the kids were already done eating and I carried their plates to the kitchen. I washed it under running water with soap, dried it and then placed in the rack.
As I wanted to make my way up to my room my phone rang, Diane.
"I am here already."
"Okay, good." I hung up the phone.
"Okay babies, your aunty is here to pick you guys up now." I said as I picked up their bags filled with stuffs they would need for the night and the next day.
"Yay!" Jane exclaimed happily as she put on her sandals.
"Thank God." James grinned as she also put on his sandals.
Soon, there was a knock on our door and I knew it was Diane. I sighed as I opened the door, "hey." I gave her a small smile.
"Hiii." She grinned pulling me into a hug.
"Thank you for doing this." I smiled at her as I handed over the bag to her.
"No problem. Plus, you deserve a night without this two kids." She laughed.
"Honestly." I nodded my head agreeing with her.
My twins came to the door as they both rushed toward Diane and then gave her a hug, well, they were practically grabbing her legs. She grinned as she bent down to their level and pulled them into her embrace.
"It is so nice to see both you not bickering all the time." Diane laughed.
"Ah, they just bickered a while ago. Trust me, they both can not do without not arguing with each other." I chuckled.
"Anyways, say bye to your mom now. We should take our leave now."
"Okay, bye Mom." I bent down to their level and then pull both my babies into a warm embrace as I placed light kisses on their forehead.
"Bye darlings." I gave a small wave, with a smile on my face as they both followed Diane into the elevator.
I exhaled and then sent back into Eros' and I bedroom to take a shower. I made sure I shampooed my hair and shave my legs and the necessary parts. As soon as I was done I wrapped a small white towel around my hair, to dry it up a little bit and the put on my bath robe.
I put on the lingerie set I bought the day before. It was a red lace two piece.  I sat down in front of my dressing mirror and then started drying my hair, when I was sure it was already dry enough, I decided on going with curly hair today. It took a while before I could do my hair though.
"I am home baby. " A text from Eros entered my phone. A smile instantly broke to my face and then quickly typed back my reply,
"Okay, coming down." I replied and then put on the bath robe I had on before and then made my way downstairs.
Eros was standing in our kitchen, his white sleeves rolled up to his forearm, his hair was a bit ruffled, probably from running his hands through it a lot of time but above all he still looked hot.
"Hey baby." I grinned at I walked towards him and then wrapped my arms around his waist as soon as I got closer to him.
"Hey baby girl." He grunted as he lifted me up, each of his hands resting on my ass.
"How was work?" I asked him as I snuggled closer to him.
"Work was stressful to be honest." He sighed and then moved us to the living room as he took a seat on one of the couches.
"Sorry baby." I mumbled as I used my hands to trace his face. "Diane just took the kids not long ago."
"They bickered all day, didn't they?" He asked as he chuckled already knowing the answer.
"Yep. They did." I laughed softly, my hands moved to his neck and then I traced his Adam apple making him take a gulp. I smirked at the reaction I had on him and he shook his head in amazement watching me.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I placed a kiss on his forehead and then his nose, then his cheeks and his chin.
"It is a surprise. I am not telling you." He gripped my waist firmly.
"Why not?"
"I just said it, it's a surprise." He rolled his eyes.
"You know I hate surprises." I groaned as I hid my face in the crook of his neck.
"I know baby, I know." He started using his hands to rub my back.
"What time are we supposed to get there?" I asked.
"Latest by nine thirty." He replied still using his hands to rub my back.
An idea popped into my head but I knew it might make us late to wherever it is we were going to since the time is ten minutes past nine. I was going to do it anyways.
I sat comfortably on his legs and then took his earlobes in between by teeth, nibbling on them a little bit cause I recently found out that is one of his turn ons.
"What are you doing Janet?" He groaned and soon I felt his member growing underneath me.
"I am not doing anything." I whispered innocently into his ears and then moved back to see his reaction, he had a I-know-what-you-are-trying-to-do look on his face making me giggle.
"Okay, fine let's go get dressed." I rolled my eyes as I stood up from his legs.
"Tsk tsk tsk," he held my wrist back, "where do you think you are going baby girl? You have to take care of Eros junior before leaving." He smirked as he looked at me in the eye and then looked down.
I blushed under his gaze, "but we are going to be late for whatever it is you have planned." I tried protesting. Though this little devil in me wanted it cause I made him horny intentionally.
"I don't care." He shrugged. "Remove your robe."
"My- my ro- robe? My robe?" I stuttered as I played with my fingers.
"Yes. Your robe." He nodded.
"But, what if I am naked underneath?" I asked.
"Baby girl, we are married, I have seen you naked plenty of times." He grinned.
Oh, right. That was stupid of me to ask.
I rolled my eyes as I exhaled. I bit my bottom lip, debating on whether to remove my robe or not. I finally gave up as I removed the white fluffy robe letting it drop to the ground. I heard his sharp intake of breath as I looked around the room, avoiding his gaze. Even after five years of getting married to Eros I still get why whenever we are getting intimate or whatever.
He stood up from the couch and then pulled me closer to him by my waist, "damn. You look...." He exhaled as he shook his head with a grin on his face, "...you look sexy in that."
"Thank you."
"You do not know the wild thoughts I have running through my mind right now about the things I want to do to you." His voice went a little lower as he used his thumb to make circles around my waist.
"But, I can't do that now, cause I noticed you got your hair done already. We would not want to mess that up would we?" He asked as he lifted my chin up with his forefinger and I replied by shaking my head.
"Exactly." He gave me a small smile and then places his lips on mine.
The kiss was slow, steady and not sloppy. His hands continued with the circles he was tracing on my waist while one of my arms went around his neck pulling him closer to me than he already is and the second one his on his chest. I started fumbling with the buttons of his shirt- making him chuckle in between the kiss, but eventually got all of them done.
"We are going to be late for our reservation." He said as he pulled away from the kiss, both of us breathing heavily.
"I don't care." I shrugged.
Now, I sounded needy.
He raised one of his eyebrows up in amusement making me blush as I hid my face in his chest.
"Okay, baby, how about when we come back we will complete this?hmm?" He asked.
I sighed, giving up, "okay." I nodded and then he smiled as he gave me a light peck on my forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you more." He grinned as he squeezed my ass missing me hit his chest lightly.

Book Comment (432)

  • avatar

    it is very interesting and i like the title and the story ofcourse


  • avatar
    Cobie Licos

    your novel is so wonderful to read it amaze me so much


  • avatar
    Clara Julia

    So good


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