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Chapter 36

"You did really good in there." Eros whispered soothingly as on of his hands massaged my head, making me feel sleepy.
"Thank you, for being in there with me." I gave him a small smile.
"We are a team, of course I will always be there with you." He placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Where are my babies?" I asked as I looked around the room but found their cribs empty.
"The nurses took them away to clean them up."
"You should sleep. You are probably tired already."
"hmmn." That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. Whoever said child birth is easy, is definitely out of his or her mind. For a second there what was running through my mind was, 'I was not going to make it. I can not push out a second child, even the first one took everything in me not to pass out. I would tell Eros to take care of my children if I die.' but I made it, I am alive with my two kids and a husband who loves me dearly.
My parents told me they would be here to visit, probably next week, by that time I should already be out of the hospital. Nathaniel would not be able to make it cause of school. The last time we talked, he said his leg is doing fine even though sometimes the pain still came, but it was bearable for him.
"Are you sure, or you need to go for a check up?" I asked him, worry lacing my voice.
"Yes Janet. The doctor said it would happen normally but it should not hurt as long as I take my pain killers and I don't stress it that much."
"Okay. I am sorry if I am being over bearing. I just want to make sure you are doing okay."
"I am fine. Do not worry about me." He chuckled over the line, "I should be the one asking how you are doing cause you are the Pregnant one between both of us."
"That is true." I laughed, "but I am doing okay, just hanging in here."
"How is my future niece or nephew doing?" He asked and I heard ruffling of papers.
"Are you busy presently?" I asked cause of the ruffling of papers I heard, probably pages of a book.
"Yes, I have a test in the next two hours and-"
"And you are on the phone talking to me?" I cut him off.
"Kind off." He replied after a beat.
"Nathaniel," I sighed as I rubbed my temples, "get off the phone and go and  study for your test."
"But I am just revising, I already read earlier. I can talk to you." He tried to reason with me.
"Nope, get off the phone." I was not having any of that.
"Yes, boss." He replied, chuckling."Okay, we will talk later?"
"Yes. When you are less busy."
"Love you."
"Love you too." And I hung up.
I woke up to voice around me. I allowed my eyes to adjust to the light coming into the room from the blinds of the hospital. I looked to my side and then found Eros sitting beside me with our hands intertwined. And he looked very uncomfortable in that seat.
"You are awake." I heard Jade's voice. I faced her and then met her smiling face. She was with her twins, sleeping peacefully inside their carriage.
"Hi." I gave her a smile as she walked towards my bed and then helped me into a sitting position but careful not to wake Eros up.
"Diane would be here soon."
"No problem."
"I can not believe you had twins." She grinned as she peeked inside my kids crib.
"I know right. I was definitely not expecting two kids." I chuckled.
"They have his eyes." She cooed as she picked up on of them, the boy and then handed him over to me. "But they have your features." She took the girl next and then placed her gently on my second hand.
My children. A tear rolled down my eyes as I stared at the kids I was holding. I can not believe I have my own children. I was already picturing our future together alongside with Eros. And I meant what I told Eros, no more.kids after this twins. I do not think I can take it.
"They are beautiful." I whispered as I rocked them both gently.
"What name did you decide for both of them?" Joe asked as she took another seat next to the bed, the other side.
"For the boy, we picked James."
"And for the girl?"
"We have not yet decided."
"You are awake." I heard Eros groan beside me as he sat up on the chair.
"Yeah." I grinned.
He smiled at me and then his eyes shone with admiration and love as he glanced at our kids. He collected James from me and then placed a light peck on his forehead.
"Hey Jade." He greeted Jade.
"Hi. Congratulations." She beamed.
"Thank you."
"Can I hold her?" Jade asked as she stretched her hand to collect her.
"Yeah, sure." I handed her over.
"She is so cute." Jade beamed at my little girl.
"She takes after her mom." Eros glanced at me with a growing smile.
After some time, "what should we name her?" I asked.
"Maybe we should let Jade and Diane name her?" Eros asked.
"That, is a great idea."
"Really?" Jade asked.
"I heard my bitch gave birth to twins!" Immediately Diane burst into the room she attacked me into a hug. She is really happy.
"I can not believe it." She pulled back and then hugged me again while Eros and Jade just sat there chuckling.
"Congratulations." She smiled at Eros.
"Thank you."
"They are so cute and even look like both of you together." She placed a light touch on my little girl's cheek.
"Who is older?" She asked.
"James." Myself and Eros replied at the same time.
"They have both decided to allow us both name the girl." Jade handed over my daughter to her carefully.
"Really?" Diane asked wide-eyed.
"Yes." I chuckled.
"It would only make sense since both of you are their god mothers."
"We will both think of a name and let you know by tomorrow."
"No problem."
Eros' family could not make it to the hospital because they were on a family trip and myself and Eros could not make it cause it was during my pregnancy period. Later around evening, Rose,Harry, Emma and Eros' grandma came to visit with lots of baby stuff. I am happy I got married to Eros, I am happy I accepted the deal because if I didn't I would not be part of this family.
"I love you."
"I love you too." He grinned at me and then placed a peck on my lips.

Book Comment (441)

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    it is very interesting and i like the title and the story ofcourse


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    Cobie Licos

    your novel is so wonderful to read it amaze me so much


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    RibeiroMaria Clara

    top dmsss


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