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Chapter 35

The wedding was so beautiful, I even had to tear up a little. Rose and Harry both said their vows and then Harry proceeded to kiss his bride. After that the reception was next, we all moved to where the reception was going to be held. Harry's parents invited a lot of people, including their business partners. I met Rose' family for the second time, the first time was during the preparations.
"When do you think we should have our own wedding?" I heard Eros say from behind me as his warm hands wrapped around my belly, pulling me closer to his body.
I grinned, "when our daughter turns one."
He exhaled as he put his face in-between my neck, "I can wait." He turned me towards him, so I was facing him and then, "we would have a beautiful family."
I pecked him on his lips, "I know. And, I'm glad it's with you."
"Me too."
"Do you want to dance?" I asked him grinning.
"Yes, come on." We both made our way to the dance floor and then started dancing until the night ended.
This is my eighth month, so that means I am expecting soon. Rose's wedding was a blast. The crowd was so huge. Ever since Eros found out I was pregnant, he treated me like a baby and a queen.
The food cravings were still there. At night I wake Eros up so that I could eat. Sometimes I cried at the slightest things. Sometimes I was always snapping at him. Yh, we still had sex but at a point Eros said he wanted to stop so he would not hurt the baby.
I am so sure I was always annoying and frustrating the man. But he never complained. We decided to do my wedding after the pregnancy. Jessy still visited sometimes, I met her at a coffee shop and she is part of our friend group now. She met this guy when she went for a run once and they have been on few dates.
She said she has a feeling he is 'the one'. Whenever she talks about him she always has this smile on her face. I can tell that the guy makes her happy. Though I only met him once and I told him that if he ever made her cry I will feed him his balls.
I obviously can not do that, but let's just say I know someone who can.
Just kidding.
I was sitting on the couch watching a romcom when Eros entered. "Hey baby." I stood up and hugged him. He kissed me "hey." he said.
"Back from work so soon?" I asked as I sat up on the couch.
"Yeah, I really needed to come home to you." He grinned and I gave him a wide smile.
He bent down and placed his hand on my tummy, "hey there little boy." he said in a soft tone. I rolled my eyes and said, "It is a girl." I do not know why he keeps saying it's a boy,
Uh, probably because the ultrasound showed it's a boy. My subconscious mocked.
"What if it is twins?" He asked as he looked up at me.
"That, would be perfect. A girl and a boy." I grinned.
He laughed and pecked my lips. We ate dinner after Eros showered and changed from his work clothes. Right now I was straddling him and placing kisses all over his face.
"Eros..." I whined and crossed my arms under my breast. "Janet..." He said and sighed. I narrowed my eyes at him and then sat on his bulge, "oh God..." he groaned.I really wanted him now and he is not paying attention to Me.
"Janet, I really don't want to do this right now." he said gently. I stood up from his laps and walked into the kitchen angrily to get a box of chocolates. "Come on Janet, we have been over this." I heard Eros say behind me.
He stocked the house of junk food when he noticed I usually crave for them. I walked into the kitchen and opened a box of chocolate then put inside my mouth.
I continued eating when I screamed.
I denied her of it again. I swear I really want her. I just don't want to hurt the baby. If anything happens to her or him(Yh, it's a boy at least that's what the ultrasound showed) and I still don't know why Janet keeps saying It's a girl.
She stood up from my laps and I adjusted myself in my pants. She stomped off angrily into the kitchen probably to get a box of chocolate.
She screamed. I stood up from the couch and ran into the kitchen "what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me and said, "I think my water just broke".
After driving to the hospital with Janet grabbing my arms, digging her nails into my arm. God, this woman is strong. She kept snapping at me for no reason. I have never seen her in so much pain.
She was already in her ward with the female doctor(I specifically asked for a female) and the nurses. She was sweating and almost crying. I was scared to death. It's been hours.
"OKAY mam, I need you to push again, you are almost done" the doctor told her. I looked over at my wife who had a death grip on my hand. There will be bruises.
"Come on baby, you can do this" i said as I pecked her face. She pushed again... "one last time, one last time" the doctor said. Oh God.
"Eros, when I push out this child promise me something" she looked at me with tired eyes. "What?" I asked her.
Please don't ask for sex. Please don't ask for sex. "No more children" she said. Not possible. I'm going to have million of babies with this woman.
"Yes I promise" I nodded. At least she didn't ask for sex, it would have been weird with the doctors and nurses here.
"Are you ready?" The doctor asked and she nodded. She pushed again longer this time and soon the room we filled with another cry.
My son.
"It's a boy" the doctor said as she handed the baby to a nurse to clean up. I looked over at Janet to see her smiling. "You did great baby, you did great" I said as I pecked her lips.
The nurse handed over my son to me. He had my eyes but hi mothers nose. "He has your nose" I said as I handed the baby to her.
"Hey boy, I'm your mom" she said in a soft voice. He reached out his hand to rich her face and she smiled. "I love you" she said as she pecked his head. "What should we name him?" She asked looking at me.
"James." I said and she nodded.
"James Kingston" she said.
"I love you guys." she said and a tear fell. "I love you too." I said and kissed her.
"Hold on, there's another child in there. I need you to push one last time Mrs Kingston."
I pushed for about two minutes and another soft baby cry was heard.
"Please tell me it's a girl." I exhaled as my head landed on the pillow feeling exhausted.
"It's a girl."

Book Comment (432)

  • avatar

    it is very interesting and i like the title and the story ofcourse


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    Cobie Licos

    your novel is so wonderful to read it amaze me so much


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    Clara Julia

    So good


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