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Chapter 33

I woke up the next day feeling better than I have felt in days. Since I was going to Eros family's house I get to see Eros, happy that we get to settle this shit. Happy that I can get my man back. I groaned as I sat up on my bed with a missed call from Eros mother. Weird. And the message and voice note I sent to Eros, he has not listened to any of it.
Well, maybe his phone is dead or something. Yeah, that should be it.
I made a mental note to call Eros' back when I am done with my routine. I went into the bathroom and had my bath and made sure I shampooed my hair. I got out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed. I wrapped my fluffy white towel around my body and one around my head, so it would get dry to some point.
I made my way downstairs with my phone in hand only to see that Jade and Diane were no where in sight. I picked up the yellow sticky note with Jade's handwriting she left on the fridge.
  We went out for a run,
     Be back soon.
                           - jessy.
I read the note and tossed it into the trash can. I made a cup of coffee and then sat on the kitchen counter sipping it gently. Oh! I still had to call Eros mother.
I picked up my phone and dialed her number. She picked up on the first ring, "hello, Janet?" she said.
"Hi ma'am." I greeted her as I took another sip from my cup.
"How are you doing?" She asked me.
"Great." I answered as I moved to the living room and sat on the couch.
"I know Rose already invited you over to help her decorate, I hope you are coming?" She asked me.
"Yh...yes I am." I answered.
"Good, I will see you then." she said.
"Yh." and I hung up. I sighed as I drank my remaining coffee watching a random tv show. I washed my cup in the zinc and went back into my room to change.
By the time I got downstairs, Jade and Diane still had not arrived. I texted both of them and told them I had gone out. I dropped my phone into my purse and walked out of the door. I dropped the key near the potted plant outside. The secret place we keep the keys.
I walked down the road to hail a taxi. Throughout the drive I was thinking about what I would tell Eros. Although, I had practiced the night before but I still felt nervous.
I got out of the cab after paying the man and thanking him. I stood outside the gates of the Kingston's. I breathe out. I can do this. I said to myself as I walked towards the gate and pressed the buzzer.
I was already inside the house when I saw Emma standing outside. "Hey, you came." she said beaming. "Yh." I swallowed. I looked around the compound but there was no trace of Eros car. Maybe his driver took the car back? What if he is inside? What will I say? I began to feel nervous.
"Let us go inside." she said as she pulled my hands and started dragging me inside. I guess she sensed I was nervous, "Do not worry, he is not here." she whispered as we passed by some maids.
I was relieved. Do not get me wrong, I wanted him to be here so I can apologize and give him a chance to explain but also I was already starting to feel nervous. But, why is he not here? I felt bad. Was he avoiding me?
We soon got into the room where  everyone was. "Darling." His grandmother hugged me and I laughed as I hugged her back.
"I am glad you could make it" Eros mom said from beside me. I smiled warmly at her. The others greeted me, most of them telling me I looked different. The people I had not met before, I got introduced to them.
Was it that obvious?
His dad was on a business trip outside the country, even if he was no longer the CEO he still had some work to sort things out.
We had to group ourselves to help decorate the house. I was with Eros' grandma and three of their cousins. We were to arrange the white chairs. It was really fun though. I got to know their cousins better.
I talked to his grandmother. She had many funny embarasing moments of Eros and Emma to share. We finally took a break. I sat outside with his Grandmother but not before she went inside to get me a lemonade.
"Have you guys spoken with each other?" She asked as she opened her water and drank half of it. It is obvious who she was talking about.
"No. I uh...I actually came here with the hope of him being here." I said as I looked around. Everywhere was beautifully decorated.
"Is he avoiding me?" I asked her with a sad voice. She shook her head and said, "he misses you. Really misses you".
"He says he does not want to be here cause he knew you were coming." So he is avoiding me.
"He knows he hurt you, but he wants you to have more time to yourself." she said as she drank her water.
"I want to see him." I said. "He is on a business trip" she said sounding unsure. Lies. "Please," I begged her. She looked at me and then sighed. "He's at home," she said "But, he will be leaving in 2hours for his flight" she completed.
Flight? "flight?" I voiced out my thoughts as I stood up. "To where?" I asked her. He was leaving. "He would not tell anybody" she said as she stood  up also. Please Eros, don't leave.

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    it is very interesting and i like the title and the story ofcourse


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    Cobie Licos

    your novel is so wonderful to read it amaze me so much


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    RibeiroMaria Clara

    top dmsss


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