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Aiden's adoration

Rose sluggishly dragged her feet as she followed behind an hyper Andrea. God!! how is she not tired!, She should have listened to Aiden, she cussed at herself
“Come on Rose, walked faster we still have like five shops to visit"
“I give up." Andrea halted then turned to a tired looking Rose
“I'm tired and thirsty, I can't walk anymore." Andrea nodded at her, she really did look tired
“Why don't you go sit over there and I'll go buy you something to drink hmm?" Rose nodded, Andrea ran off to a soft drink vender while Rose walked towards a booth.
“ Spank!!!"
She froze, then slowly turned around to the guy who slapped her butt and saw him snickering with his friends
“Hey there girl, you've got some juicy ass" Rose saw red at the moment, she walked towards the boy and slapped him on both cheeks
“ Mother fuc...." She kneed his groin before he could complete his sentence. she watched him fall to the ground before turning to his friends, they all raised their hands in surrender before running away with one dragging away the groaning boy on the floor. Rose looked around and saw a small crowd had been formed, she heard a clap from Behind as the crowd started to disperse
“Wow Rose!!, You were so awesome" Rose shrugged before grabbing the soft drink from her hands and chugging it down. Andrea smiled at her proudly, she was glad that even though Rose hardly spoke she could stand up for herself.
“You needed to see her Aiden, she slapped him twice then kicked him where the sun don't shine, it was awesome"
Andrea gushed over Rose to Aiden, he side glanced at rose before looking back at Andrea
“And where were you?" She huffed
“I was getting us drinks, before I could get there they had already ran away" She pouted. Aiden rolled his eyes at her before looking at Rose
“Where did you learn how to fight?" She shrugged
“My sister was born a fighter." Liam walked into the room and went directly to Rose and hugged her, she ruffled his hair then smiled softly at him, the other two siblings watched the scene with amusement.
“Gosh you two are close, I would never in my right mind run over to Aiden if he came home" Aiden scoffed at her
“Like I would let you touch me." Andrea glared at him. Liam laughed silently while Rose stared at them with a bemused expression. After a while Andrea went up to her room to change while Liam ran up to their room to use the bathroom leaving only Aiden and Rose.
“Why are you ignoring me?" She stared at him
“I'm not ignoring you I just don't want to talk to you" He snorted
“Well then how are you going to make friends at school if you can't even talk to people in this house?" Rose glared at him
“I never told you I needed friends did I?" He frowned at her before sighing
“Alright I'll stop bothering you" he stood up and left the room, Rose closed her eyes before holding her head, she hated men, they were all the same in the end.
It was finally Rose's first day at school ever. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing one of the new clothes Andrea bought for her, it was a high waisted jeans with a crop white top and sandals, her jet black hair flowed down to her waist, her dark blue eyes shone like diamonds. She looked so different from how she normally looked, now she could say she looked beautiful. She smiled at her reflection.
“You look beautiful sis" Rose turned to look at a smiling Liam, she frowned at him before walking towards him
“Are you going to be okay all by yourself in the hospital?" Liam frowned at her
“I told you to stop treating me like a baby and besides you will come be with me when you close from school right?" She nodded at him
“Have fun in school, don't think about me I'll be fine" Rose ruffled his hair before leaving the room, Emily said she would drop him at the hospital. As soon as she climbed down the stairs she heard someone gasped
“Oh my God I'm totally jealous. You are so beautiful Rose, all the boys at school are going to be kissing your feet" Aiden grunted but no one noticed
“Rose dear, you look so beautiful." Emily said with a smile. Rose fidgeted, she hardly got compliments and when she did, she didn't know how to reply
“Alright, that's enough compliments for today. Both of you better hurry up or I'm driving off" Aiden said then walked away, Andrea huffed at him before taking Rose's hand and leading her towards the car.

Rose stared at the beautiful tall building that was her new school, it was so beautiful and the environment was well cared for, you could obviously see it was meant for rich kids. Aiden drove towards the parking lot then parked his car. All the cars in the parking lots were the latest models. As soon as he parked, he quickly got out of the car and walked towards his friends who seemed to be waiting for him. Rose and Andrea both got out off the car.
“What is his problem?" Andrea grumbled
“Andrea!!!" They both turned towards the voice, Andrea's eyes widened before she ran towards her friend
“Oh my God I missed you, I have a lot of gossip" Rose stood there awkwardly as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other
“Oh right, Claire this is Rose, she stays with us." Claire walked towards rose and waved enthusiastically at her
“Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Andrea's best friend." She grinned at rose, rose in turn gave her a nod of acknowledgement
“Well let's go meet the secretary so she can give us your locker number, I'm sure you have the same classes as me but we'll still grab your schedule." Rose nodded at Andrea's words, Andrea grabbed her hand before grabbing Claire's hand and led them into school. As soon as they entered, they could murmurs from girls and gasps from boys. Andrea smiled proudly, she knew Rose would attract attention on her first day.
They finally got the schedule and locker number now it was time to find the locker
“Ow!!!, Can't you look at where you are going, newbie?" Rose looked at the girl and noticed she didn't look like the regular bad girl she read about in books. The girl was brunette with dark eyes, nothing special except her fake boobs and tan.
“I'm sorry" Rose proceeded to walk away but the girl held her shoulder, Rose swatted her hands off.
“Drop it Stella" Stella glared at Andrea before turning back to Rose's impassive expression.
“Do you know who I am?" Rose rolled her eyes, “And to think I wanted to lay low in school today" she thought. Aiden and his friends saw the crowd and decided to see what was happening.
“The new girl should seriously stop giving Stella attitude, she could ruin her" someone muttered beside Aiden making Aiden wonder
“New girl...the only new girl he knew was....Rose!!" He walked quickly towards the crowd ignoring his friends calling him from behind
“Stella leave her alone" Aiden heard Andrea say
“Hey I'm talking to you newbie stop giving me attitude" She poked Rose's head
“Are you deaf or are you just pretending to be dumb?" Before Aiden could stop her, Rose grabbed Stella's fingers and twisted it. Stella yelled in pain, her goons tried to stop her but Rose fought them off using her free arm.
“I don't need to know who you are and I don't want to know, the next time you poke me again with your finger, I'll make sure you loose that finger" Rose released her finger after her warning, she glared at Stella sinisterly before walking away with a proud Andrea and Claire behind her
“I'll ruin you, do you hear me?!! I'll ruin you!!!" Stella yelled after her, Aiden stared at Rose's figure with adoration….

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    可是,即使是這樣,誇獎的出現仍然代表了一定的意義。恩格斯說過一句發人省思的話,有所作為是“生活中的最高境界”想必各位已經看出了其中的端倪。問題的核心究竟是什麼?斯特林堡曾提出,要想使產生後代動力的愛情健康,愛情就必須是肉體的愛。既然是肉體的愛,那麼就一定要喜歡對方的肉體。在雙方沉醉於愛情之中的時候,兩個靈魂互相適應,產生共鳴。共鳴是休戰,是和解。所以當肉體聯繫疏遠的時候,往往就出現反感,而不是相反。希望大家能從這段話中有所收穫。 我們都很清楚,這是個嚴謹的議題。誇獎必定會成為未來世界的新標準。若無法徹底理解誇獎,恐怕會是人類的一大遺憾。總而言之,韓愈說過一句富有哲理的話,事業無窮年。但願諸位理解後能從中有所成長。誇獎因何而發生?托爾斯泰講過一段深奧的話,英雄主義是在於為信仰和真理而犧牲自己。這段話雖短,卻足以改變人類的歷史。我們要從本質思考,從根本解決問題。經過上述討論,誇獎的發生,到底需要如何實現,不誇獎的發生,又會如何產生。誇獎究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。動機,可以說是最單純的力量。世界需要改革,需要對誇獎有新的認知。誇獎的存在,令我無法停止對他的思考。高爾


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