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Thé Baker

Chapter 1

The clique is having a great time at Nick's home. The boys, Carlos, Nick and Yanking are playing video games while the girls, Amelia and Dahlia are playing Scrabble. Yanking, the Asian guy amongst them, just wins the game. He jumps up so high and says:"Yes! I won! I won!". He does some dance moves. "Can you please be quiet?!", Amelia scorns at Yanking. "I'm tryna concentrate on this Scrabble. Dahlia is proving too tough to lose against me." Dahlia bursts out laughter. Yanking replies to Amelia;"What did I do wrong?" Dahlia gets more points which makes Amelia angry and scatters what has already been played. The rest of them laugh at her. "It's not funny guys!", she stands up from the floor and goes to sit on the couch. The boys keep on laughing and end up getting s bad look from Dahlia. They keep quiet with their hands holding their lips.
Dahlia goes and sits beside Amelia, comforting her. "Don't let failure get you completely. All you have to do is smile and be determined that you will one day get whatsoever you want. Don't be sad!", she rubs her hand on Amelia's back to pet her. Carlos goes up to them;"You said you wanted this vacation to be the best you've ever had, remember?" Amelia replies sadly;"Yeah! I said so." "Then cheer up then!", Yanking adds as he joins them too. Nick follows him from behind. He adds too;"We're always here for you. Please! Cheer up!" Amelia smiles;"Yes! I will." There's happiness in the atmosphere again. They're back to playing games but their watches ring to signify they're needed at the C.A.N.D.Y's right away. Carlos brings out his portal creator device, presses a button and a dimensional portal's created. They all walk into it starting Carlos. The portal closes and they're gone.
Nick's Dad comes down the stairs and sees the TV on and the scattered Scrabble on the floor. He places his hands on his waist;"Where're these kids now? I'll have to put things in place." He groans and tidies up the place.
* * *
The clique are in the C.A.N.D.Y building which till now, they don't know where it's located. All they do is to get into the portal and end up inside the building. As they sit in a well computerized room, their boss and Smith, their scientist, enter the room. They stand up to greet the boss who nods in response. The boss is a bald and tall man while, Smith's a follow teenager as the clique.
"What's the matter, boss?", Carlos asks. "Smith! Check out the neighborhood", the boss instructs. Smith runs to navigator and searches round the city to find out the danger. Smith sees the danger is a cat, stuck on a tree while, the owner yells at it, telling it to come down. The teenagers see the so called danger and start grumbling. The boss turns and smiles at them. "That's what we should do, helping people no matter how stupid it may look like", he tells them. "It's been a while we tackled a very terrifying danger", says Dahlia. The rest chorus;"Yeah!" The boss, looking astonished;"You kids don't know what you're saying." "We ain't kids!", Amelia replies, frowning her face. Th boss doesn't seem interested as he replies back;"Go and get that cat out of that tree and make that young boy stop shouting." They continue grumbling as Carlos creates a dimensional portal and they get into it.
* * *
The portal opens and they step out to the danger scene with their costumes on, Carlos on blue, Amelia on yellow, Nick on red, Dahlia on orange and Yanking on black. They arrive the tree, the young boy jumps for joy. "My heroes!", he exclaims. He runs and hugs Amelia. Carlos asks;"Where's the cat?" "It's over there!", the boy points at it. "What do we do now?", Nick asks. "We climb!", Dahlia replies. She starts climbing while others watch her in amazement as she's climbing perfectly. She gets on the branch the cat's on and talks to it gently;"Come on! Come to Mama! The cat remains one place. Yanking asks the boy;"Why isn't it listening?" Dahlia continues to talk sweetly but the cat keeps on staying still. She gets pissed off and tries to go get the cat herself. She's in a hurry and falls off, though she's fast enough and gets hold the branch again, though this time, with her back facing the ground.
The rest start chuckling while, the boy gets worried. "Are you okay?!",asks the boy. "Yeah!", Dahlia replies. She gets back to normal position, thinking of what to do next. The boy figures out a plan and runs inside to get a bowl of milk. He taps Carlos and shows him the bowl;"Try using this!" Carlos, seeing it's a good idea, collects the bowl, uses his digital wrist watch to magically carry it up, enclosed in a force field, to Dahlia. "Try that!", he tells her. "Thanks!", she tells Carlos. Dahlia uses the bowl of milk to attract the cat. The cat walks right into Dahlia's arms. Carlos uses his wrist watch to bring down the bowl of milk to the hands of the young boy, who runs inside to drop it. Dahlia comes down with the cat safely.
The boy comes out and thanks them. "I love you guys!", he tells them. He hugs Dahlia for her work and shakes hands with others. Carlos creates the portal and they rush in. "Bye!!", the boy greets them as it starts closing before him.

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    BezerraLaura Ribeiro

    i like It , It is só good!


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    wow 😳😳


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