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Chapter Six

I was busy working on some important documents I needed to cross-check and sign before handing them over.
I had few hours left before the official inaugural event, which was slated at 12 PM prompt. I needed to make sure I sorted out every single thing I had in my possession before moving to my new office and position official.
I was quite busy with trying to complete every single task I had at hand, so I told my secret not to allow anybody in, untill 12 PM. I wasn't ready for any distractions.
My secretary reported that so many people were coming around to congratulate me for the recent promotion. Unfortunately, I had very tight schedule so I couldn't let them in or thank them for their wishes and all of that.
I'm sure that some of them might start saying funny things about me, not knowing what is at stake. Failure to complete all my tasks and submit before the inauguration is more like the beginning of failure as a manager of the company. They won't understand that and I can't explain that to them either.
Hannah, my secretary was really helpful. She had things in control, working so hard to make sure she provided every single thing I requested for.
She was the only person I allowed into my office for the time being. Every other persons were kept off, till I got what I wanted to achieve.
"Ma'am, you have an email from the royal house, they send their wishes to you."
"Okay thanks. Just that? I asked
"Yeah, they didn't specify if they will be around for the inauguration or not. Let's just hope with high spirit that they would anyways."
"I hope so. Please, confirm the meeting we had last with the Xiena company, I want to know the exact amount we agreed on."
"Yes ma'am, I'll get it right away." She said, then left my office.
I continued with another file, dropping the Xiena Company file by the side, till I get the right summary on it.
In about ten minutes later, I heard a knock on my door and it came open after the knock. I was expecting Hannah to come in with the results I asked her to get me, but I saw someone else.
Then I remembered that there is just one person that my uptight rules does not affect in this company, no matter what it is, where and when, it's always neutral.
Jessica, Jessica is that one lady that my rules doesn't affect. Jess is my best friend and a real gist lover. She's calm, but crazy when you cross or step on the line. She doesn't have fear for people and the most risk taker I have ever seen. She's nice and fun to be with as well. A sweet mother of three and a lovely husband.
"Madam manager, good morning. Banning all the workers from coming to your office, that's a very good start. Hope it doesn't last anyway. I could have cut off your secretary's head few minutes ago, if not that I was in a happy mood. How are you doing?
"Heyyy, Jessica. Oh my, I'm really sorry about all of that. It wasn't so intentional alright. I have piles of work to attend to before the inauguration, so I just had to put that law for the meantime." I explained.
"Oh, I can really see that with my two eyes. Why didn't you tell me, I can help in anyway I can. You always like doing things your own way." She said, frowning her face, she sat down just opposite me, looking at the files on my table.
"Come on Jess, you know that's not true. I didn't want to bother you with too much of it. You have yours to face as well." I answered in a remorseful manner.
" Sonia Tinket, the only reason I will forgive you is because today is your day, that's all. Anyway, that aside, I will inform the others about your tight work." Jessica said.
"Oh come on, you don't need to bother yourself about that. It's fine, alright."
"Seems you don't know they have started talking. I overheard one of them say that you are yet to be inaugurated and yet you've started acting so proud. You know that kinda talk. I had to confirm myself." Jessica said, mimicking whoever said it.
"Oh goodness. Those guys won't leave gossip and focus on their work and do their job. Aiik."
"Don't let that bother you anyway. Please, complete your work, don't forget to inform me if you need anything, I will always be available to help.
"Yeah, I will. I trust you." I answered, smiling sheepishly.
"Spare me that smile, well I'll be on way way now."
"Thanks Jess, I'm so grateful. You're the best. I love you, you know."
She laughs at that briefly. "Whatever. I'll come back before 12 PM. So I will know how much you have done by then"
"Okay, I'll be waiting. Thanks again."
She was about leaving, when Hannah knocked and entered. Hannah stood fixed on a spot and walked to the other side of the office, just to avoid coming in contact with Jessica. I wonder what Jess did to her. That Jess, can act like a psycho at times, but she's the best vibe.
As soon as Jessica left, Hannah did the sign of the cross on her face before coming forward to make her report to me.
"Is that all? I asked, thinking if that's the only thing that should be there.
"Yes ma'am, I cross-checked it thoroughly before coming to state the report." She answered confidently.
"You're sure about that Hannah?
"Yes ma'am, I am."
"Okay then. It's past 10 already. Please check these files remaining on my table, and tell me what's remaining." I said, then got up from the chair I have been sitting for some hours now.
"Ma'am, just about three remaining. The rest are just applications for you to check out."
"Okay Good. You can now leave. Uhm, let me know when I have important calls."
"I definitely will ma'am."

Book Comment (122)

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    Benita Lisweg

    So interested story


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    Catlea Joyce Ganoy Ontic

    I love the story


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    BravoAngelica mae



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