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Chapter 31

Andrew's pov
"Michael and I sat down on the terrace talking about the football we watched :
"I love the way Pogba scored that goal"
"Why won't you love it since it is your club that won the game" I said
"Oh sorry!," he said chuckling, "Are you hurt because your club lose" he said letting out the laugh he has being keeping
"Are you now making jest of me"
"No I am not, I have told you to join my club but you will not, you are angry right let me get you a cup of coffee," I did not reply again, he knows I am angry
"He came close to me to apologize, I am sorry I don't mean to make you fume in anger"
"It's okay, let's celebrate your club's victory is not easy to be at the top" I said smiling
"Madam Aurora" I called out to our maid
"Yes said you called for me", she said bowing
"Yes give us a bottle of campaign and two glass cups thanks" he said and she left
"Michael you said you will tell me everything when we gets home fortunately, we are home now"
"Oh that, uhm, uhm, hum"
"Tell me now, to cut the story short did you love that girl?"
"I don't know yet, but I feel secured around her, I feel attached to her"
"Wow bro you are falling in love"
"I also think so" he said smiling
"You can just call her to confess your love for her"
"Do you think that will be a good idea to call her now I can simply go to her house tomorrow"
"Yeah, yeah, if you call her now, she will think you will not come to her house, then you catch her by surprise by going there"
"That's perfect let me call her" he said bringing out his phone, he dial her number
"After I finally accept to call her I brought out my phone then I dialled her number, she picked after the second rings"
"Good evening Debbie" I said feeling nervous
"Good evening Micheal, how has being your day"
"It's superb, actually I want to tell you something very important"
"Go on am listening"
"Uhhm, uh hmm, I___ love___ the way you accommodate and treat us today, thank you" I said quickly I cut the call
"I let out a sigh from my mouth"
"Haaaaaaaaa" he laughed
"Why are you laughing at me"
"Me?, no I wasn't laughing at you, why would I be laughing is it because of how you were stammering or because of the way turn I love you to appreciation" he said laughing very hard
"I am going to deal with you" I said getting up to beat him up but he ran away, I followed suit, we ran round the house until we were tired we fell on the sofa
"Don't laugh at me again" I said breathing hard
"If you don't want me to laugh at you again then learn to tell a lady you love her"
"As if you know how to do that"
"Haaaaa, don't mind me just feel like stressing you sometimes"
"Ohhh, I will deal with you I struggle to stand up but I can't, till tomorrow guy" I said then we slept off
In the morning
"We were woken up by a loud noise, who is that," I said opening my eyes slowly
"Its you Mom, Good morning Mom" we greeted
"Good morning my son" she replied only me
"Why did you sleep here is it because of this thing here" she said pointing at him and demanding for an answer
"Mom there we go again, can't we just be a peaceful family we use to be please I beg of you" I said walking away with Andrew
"I am sorry for the way Mom spoke to you this morning, I don't know what I should do to bring peace to this house"
"Hey it's morning it is too early to stress your self, just forget it" he said going into the bathroom
"I sat on the bed, I feel for him, he got a good heart, Dad must hear about this" I thought going to his room
"Good morning Dad"
"Good morning son why are you not dressed by this time"
"We will be late a bit, that's not why I am here"
"Then why are you here if not for that"
"Dad, Mom did something bad this morning"
"What did she do again"
I explained to him starting from the previous day
"I think your Mom crossed the boundary today, why is she reacting that way, Andrew is also her son and mine, if not that he is a good boy" he would have replied her in a rude manner and I won't blame him
"Dad I think she is still angry about Mrs Elliot being here"
"Yes that's the main reason I pray she finds it in her heart to forgive and forget"
"Dad I have being waiting for the right time to ask you this question, are you dating Mrs Elliot?"
"You know I won't lie to you, yes we are dating, I don't have the intention to date her but she forced me by threatening me that she will harm my family and I don't want that to happen"
"I know she is also being threatened by him"
"This is sad, but Dad you said she is being threatened, by who and how did you know"
"Can you remember the contract we won when you and Andrew started getting along, Gilbert's uncle Robinson is the one threatening her"
"What!!!!!, he is also the one that Andrew once lived with when he had a memory loss, so how is he related to her"
"He is my ex husband unfortunately, we got divorced years back, he is back to take his revenge on me and my children in his custody" Mrs Elliot said walking in
"You had children I thought Andrew was your only child"
"Yes I gave birth to two children before I did what I did to get Andrew, he found out Andrew not being his son, we got divorced and he went with the two children"
"Have you told Andrew about this"
"Yes I told him about Robinson but not about this threatening stuff"
"I think you have to tell him, you should have at least tell Andrew about it but don't worry we will help you out"
"Thank you My son"
"Yes I have to go and dress up for work Dad we are all late" I said smiling
"I went to the room and I saw him crying I move closer to him, my subconscious told me he heard everything we said I was curious to know what happened to him"
"What happened talk to me, he lift up his head I heard everything you all said "
"I caused everything if only I died the day I was given birth to everything that happened now won't have happened"
"Shhhhhh, you shouldn't say that, we should be finding solutions to our problems now, not putting blames on yourself, this is the time to be encouraged and determine to take them down, if you don't do it for yourself do it for us please!"
"Thanks for the word of encouragement he said wiping off his tears, we will face this together, go and take your bath, I will be waiting for you, I give you 5 minutes to be through"
"Okay boss" I said going straight to the bathroom, while bathing I couldn't just stop thinking about what I heard, I took my bath, I put on the same cloth with Andrew we went downstairs, I refuse to eat breakfast"
"No Michael don't do that she will be hurt if you don't eat your breakfast"
"Okay I said going to the dinner to eat, I also saw Dad going towards the door I signalled for Andrew to get him here"
Good morning Dad"
"Good morning Son, I am sorry about what happened this morning"
"You don't have to be, its nothing I saw you going out, come and join us for breakfast"
"No I am okay I will be waiting in the car for you too"
"You can't hide anything from me also, although you didn't train me but I still know you, I know you have a lot of things going on in your mind but don't worry everything will be alright"
"Thank you my son" he said hugging me , let's go to the dinning he said disengaging from the hug
"We ate in silence, then we dismissed, I and Micheal got into the car while Dad got into the other car, we zoomed off".

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