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Chapter 30

Michael's pov
Debbie came out with pop corn and drinks to go with, she sat in between us we picked the pop corn and drinks
We continued playing, place her hands on my hand then she hold my hands with the PS, we continued playing
"She is good at playing that, she remove her hands from mine and started roughening my hair, at the end of the game, Andrew won"
We played another game this time around we won
We jubilates Andrew got angry that we cheated, we laugh harder
"He got more angry, we trickled him till he laughed"
"I checked my wrist watch, it is 7:00pm let us go home" I said
"Andrew got up immediately, we bide ourselves goodbye, as we were going I turned back our eyes met, I winked at her, she returns it with a smile, I turned back," we entered the car and we zoomed off
Gilbert's pov
"Boss he has woken up one of my men said bowing"
"Okay I will be there in few minutes time" I said he went out immediately
"Wow this is going interesting" I said to myself dropping the wine I was consuming
"I got to the spot he was being tied down, with his head bowed"
"I raised his head up, his face looks pale"
"Where am I?," He asked breathing hard
"Oh you don't know me, well I will introduce myself to you"
"I am Gilbert Petersburg, the name of my uncle is Robinson"
"Whaaat!!!!!!, he exclaimed widening his eyes at the same time"
"We all thought you were dead not until when we spotted in U.S.A in a club, since then we have being monitoring you when we got the opportunity we you got kidnapped, you wanna know how"
"Where are my family" he yelled
"Oh your family they are fine, but they will soon be ruined by me"
"No don't do that, please what did you want me to do now"
"All I want is to get you killed, there is no essence of you being alive, let me continue"
"When we spotted you in one of the clubs we monitored you, after some days you decided to come to Nigeria, we were happy that our plans is working perfectly"
"Immediately you got down from the plane the security guard that helped you is my worker, he inject you, you passed out, we brought you to this place with the help his colleagues"
"You know it has being a stressful month for me and my men, so don't try anything funny if not I won't spare"
"Boss someone is calling, one of my workers brought my phone to me"
"I check the caller ID it's my uncle, I picked it"
"Hi uncle"
"Yes Gilbert I am coming there now"
"Okay I will be expecting"
The call ended
Few minutes later
Robinson's pov
"After speaking with Gilbert, I went there straight away"
"I pushed the door I walked in, Good to see you Charles after a long time" I said stretching my hand to him, he turned his face to the right "
"Oh you don't want to have a handshake with me it's alright" I said retrieving my hand
"You know how badly I wanted to kill you Still yet you escaped but now you are captured"
"I raised his head squatting before him, he kick me with his leg, I fell down, they all rush to him to defend me but I got up and started laughing"
"Is that all you can do, you ve done well, clap for yourself"
"You will be tied down in this place till you die, you will be receiving a square of meal which I know will cause you harm because you are an ulcer patient, I will make life a living hell for you, tie him down I instructed with they did"
"Bye" I said, then we left
"You will regret everything you did to me and my family" he said from behind I looked back smiling
"You are helpless and hopeless right now and you are threatening me, wait for your doom" I said leaving angrily
"Uncle why can't we just kill him now, he talks to you anyhow and hurt you anyhow"
"Gilbert you know we tried killing him years back which he escapes, this time around I don't want him to escape so we will be killing him slowly in that way he won't escape"
"But how will we go about that"
"Don't worry I will meet with the doctor he will be injecting his food with poison"
"Wow such a great plan, let me send for the doctor while I go to Debbie's house"
"Okay bye" I said and he left
Debbie's pov
"After they left I went inside sitting on the same spot Micheal sat, i smile on remembering what happened here today, I held the pillow close to my heart then I heard a knock, that brought me back to reality, I got up to open it only to see Gilbert at the door step"
"Hi babes he said giving me a peck but I don't put on a smiling face"
"Debbie is anything the problem, you don't seem happy to me"
"Everything is fine, come inside" I said going to the kitchen
"Why did he have to come now, thank God they left before he comes here, I took a bottled water from the fridge and a glass cup, I gently place them on the tray, I came out, here is your water"
"Thanks, are you not going to pour the water in the cup"
"You can simply do that by your self I said changing the channel"
"How dare you talk to me like that, what's wrong with you" he yelled at me
"I shivered but I tried acting strong, There is nothing wrong with me if you can't pour it your self that means you are not interested in drinking the water" I said getting up to return the water
"Wait," he said and I stopped, have you contacted the twins
"I don't know" I said walking away after returning the water I went back to the sitting room I discovered he has left, I went to the door then I lock it and slept off

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