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Chapter 29

Andrew's pov
I packed the car properly I got down I admired the building for a while, Micheal stepped down minutes ago just to see Debbie I don't know what might be going on between them but I am sure he loves her, fortunately for me, she saw me and Micheal did the introduction
She excused herself I used that opportunity to look around the sitting room
"You really did a great job in building this house, it is very beautiful"
"Thanks, the best contractor in this state built it"
"He really tried, why is it taking her so long" he said
"You know ladies stuff"
"I know but she headed towards the kitchen"
"Okay, after leaving here what next"
"I don't know yet, let's play PS" he said bringing out the game and setting the TV to game
"We started playing all of a sudden Debbie switch off the TV"
"Why did you do that Micheal" asked angrily
"Why are you also playing without me, you know I love to play that a lot" she said innocently
"Is that why you switch it off, that's a silly excuse for doing that" he said and left
"Micheal wait" she called but he left
"You don't have to do tbat"
"I was just playing, he just took it seriously, please help me to apologize on my behalf"
"Don't worry I will, don't stress out your self, he was offended by someone, so he took the reaction on you" I lied
"Okay it's fine"
"I need to go after him, bye" I waved and left
"I entered the car I met him fuming with anger, why did you take long before you come outside"
"Chill bro, why did you get angry like that, this is not you Micheal"
"I also don't know why I got angry"
"I think you should go and apologize, she is also marveled by your behavior, you can go while I stay in the car"
"Thank you, I will flash you to come in" he said going out of the car
"I pray he doesn't mess up again"
I called Kate
"Hi Kate"
"How are you"
"I'm fine, how about your fake Dad"
"He is fine, I want to gist you about him"
"Go on, I love gisting"
"I found out that he is about the age of 30 which means he is not my Father"
"Wow that's a great news, how did you know that"
"Last night, I went through his phone when he was peeing, on his personal account on Gmail, I saw his age, I was wowed, I think there is more to him"
"Hmmmm, i know someone he will help us out"
"You know he almost caught me , thanks to God I was able to escape"
"Thank God for that, bye for now"

The call ended
"I don't know why I flare up like that, I twist down the knot and I pushed it backwards, I saw Debbie on the couch with her head bent, I could sense she is crying"
"I am sorry Debbie I don't mean to hurt you I was just being too harsh, I am sorry"
"She raised up her head, her eyes is red as that of red pepper, I used my handkerchief to wipe off her tears, I cuddled her"
"I am sorry, i don't mean to make you cry"
"She pull out from the hug, I have forgiven you even before you even apologized"
"Thank you, we look each other deeply through the eyes"
"I know realize that Kate's beauty is nothing compared to her beauty, she has pink lips with a curved lips and a shaped eyes brow we got closer then our lips crashed on each other after some minutes we broke up from the kiss by a ringing phone, it is from Andrew, she stood up immediately, I held her hand, I am sorry about that"
"I have forgiven you, let me go and prepare something for us, you can start playing Ps game before I come back"
"Thanks* I said ad she left, I phoned Andrew
"You can come in now"
"Okay am on my way"
The call ended
Minutes later
"Has she forgiven you"
"Yes she has, I will gist you when we get home, let's play game"
"Hey, let's wait for her"
"No she said we should be playing before she comes back"
"Looking deep into his eyes all I see is love, when are lips crashed on each other, I felt sensational all over my body, I felt all the love I yearned for".
A call came through we broke from the kiss, I quickly stood up, he apologized again, I smile at him and said I have forgiven him, I also told him to play the PS, I left
"On getting to the kitchen, I took a deep breath and started thinking about him again, I touched my lips, it felt as if I just received my first kiss, I felt it again, this is the first time I will be feeling nervous about something"
"Remember you are on a mission and you are falling in love with your target" my subconscious said
"No I am not felling in love, I will fulfill my purpose there is no falling in love, I got up from the stool I was sitting on"
I started cooking
After the first round of the game;
"Micheal I called Kate today"
"How is she?"
"She is fine, she also share some good news also"
"Tell me about it"
"I won't tell you until you tell me about what happened between you and Debbie"
"I will tell you later not now"
"Okay Micheal, I will tell you later not now"
"Alright then let's continue our game" he said and we continued
After few minutes later
"Debbie came out with three pop corn and three juice"
"It is ready", she said as she place the tray on the stool
"We picked, we continued the game, she keeps roughening Micheal's hair, helping him to win, in the last phase I scored, I shouted goallllll!!!! game, Let's play again" Micheal said
"Okay, we chose another game, we played games and ate at the same time"

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