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Chapter 25

At the Jayden's House

Andrew's pov
What is Mom up to this time around, she is always up to one thing or the other, I don't seems to understand her any longer, I think I will have to go ask her I was about going there when Michael came in
"Were are you going to he asked"
"I am going to somewhere important "
"You are going to your Mom if am correct!, don't you think there is more to what she said yesterday"
"Yes I think there is, that statement is not friendly at all"
"Do you think if you go to her she will tell you her plans"
Yes, she will tell me everything
"It is not easy as you ve said it, in nutshell she will not tell you, I heard something this morning"
"What is that tell me about it "
"Well when I was passing by your mom's room, I heard her conversation on phone, she told that person that Dad needs to learn his lessons" he narrated
"This is complicated, I think we need a plan I said going to sit"
"Yes we do, we will discuss about that later, get dressed we will be going to Debbie today, its being three days since I have seen her"
"Who is Debbie" I asked
"She is the girl I told you and Dad about "
"Oh that girl, you need to tell me more about that girl"
"I will but not now my twinnie " he said smiling and he left
Naughty boy I said after he took his leave
I quickly dressed up then I went to meet him downstairs, we had a quick breakfast and we left
I opened my eyes slowly getting my eyes addicted to my environment, I finally opened the eyes widely only to see the so called my husband
"You are not Charles, my Charles is dead" I screamed
"I am Charles I was saved from the fire"
"No you are not, I said still not accepting the fact"
"I think I will have to let you accept this in the hard way" he said bringing out a gun
"If you are truly Charles, you won't point gun at me" I said angrily
"You want to try me," he said pointing gun at me, I tried to talk then he placed it on my temple
"Are you going to co operate with me or I shoot you and your daughter" he yelled at me
"I will co opearate you as long as you will keep my daughter safe, please don't harm her" I said in fear
"Good, Sit down properly, let's talk as a couple", he said and I sit upright
"Good, I want you to declare me as her father I know she doesn't believe me, she will believe you when you tell her about me"
"No I can't, she won't be able to get over it," she will be shattered
"Yes that's what I want, you all should have died a long time ago", I don't know how you survived
"How did you know all this" I asked
"I am the son of Thompson Amos, My name is Pascal Thompson"
"Whaaat!, you mean you are that small boy, I know!!!!!!, unbelievable"
"Shut up old lady, I am not in for any dumb talks, do what I say and you both won't be killed"
"Okay I will do it"
"Better, don't try anything funny with me, go to her now, she is awake, go!!!!"
"Okay, I went to her room," she is up by now
"Immediately she saw me she asked:
Mom is that truly my Dad?"
"Yeeeeeeesss he is I said taking my eyes off her"
"I can sense you are not telling me the truth it's okay as long as I am hearing it from your mouth I believe you"
"Thank you for that, what did you want to eat"
"Nothing, can I be alone for a while "
"Yes you can" I said as she climb down her bed, she took her phone, purse and she headed out
"I asked Mom if that guy is truly my Dad and she said I have no other option but to accept it, but my mind is still telling me there is more to that, but right now I have to relaxe my brain"
"I went downstairs, I saw that so called my father" I continued walking when he stopped me
"Can't you greet your father"
"Oh you want me to greet you, I owe you no respect, excuse me" I said pushing him out of the way
"I exit the house, I went into a bar to get myself relaxed but it is not helping, I think Andrew is the only one that can help me in this, I brought out my phone I dialed his number" he picked at the third ring
"Hi Kate"
"Hey Andrew, I wanna see you now"
"Why I am on my way to somewhere"
"Please come, I don't know what might happen if you don't come"
"Okay, where are you now"
"I am at the Bold Bar and Restaurant"
"Okay I will be there bye"
"Thank God he is coming "
We were heading to Debbie's house when I received Kate's call,
I put it on speaker, Michael gave me a sign to the her that I would be coming, I told her, the call ended
"I don't know what might be happening to her currently" Micheal said
"Me too i just hope she is fine she doesn't sound okay to me"
"Don't worry, she is fine" Micheal said
"What of Debbie, we planned on going there, i shouldn't have told you to call her the other time, she will be angry"
"You are worrying too much, I will call her he said bringing out his phone to call her"
"Hi Debbie"
"Are you here already"
"No I am sorry to inform you that I won't be able to come again, something came up"
"So all my efforts will be wasted, you won't be able to taste my food "
"I am sorry I will make it up to you I am sorry"
"Okay bye see you later"
The call ended
"Are you satisfied now, let's go to Kate"
"Yes I am, thanks twin brother"
"You are always welcome" he said I relaxed my back on the sit, a lots of goes on in my mind, in less than 10 minutes we were there

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