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Book 1 - Chapter 7

The guy who is shouting because there are so many people there says, "All of the people who have come here are going to fight, right?!"
I look over at Faolan, who is standing right next to me, but the noise level is still high because people were talking nonstop until the king and queen of this tribe came over and sat down. Everyone was scared because it looked like a guardian angel was sitting in the chair. As I looked at them, I couldn't help but smile.
"They must be scared of," I said, staring at Faolan, who was also looking at them both. Faolan, too, was watching them.
"Do you see anything?" I asked him. I could tell from his face that he wasn't sure about the answer, though.
He muttered, "It's not clear," and I nodded my head in their direction.
My attention shifts to the person in charge of the game, and the two of us look around at the people here. I have too much of a need to win, and I want to be one of the warriors who fight here and make an army. I would like to be close to the palace. I want to make sure that my intestines are healthy.
"To finish the registration, you should go down this line!" When the guy yelled, everyone in line rushed to him. Faolan and I had to move farther away from the action because we were now separated from it.
"What the hell! I'm expected to be the first one to sign up," I said in a whisper, but I was sure he heard me.
"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the number on the car's license plate. He added with a smile, "It's not out of our reach," and we moved to the back of the line, where we waited calmly for our turn.
When I look at the palace as a whole, it seems to be built on a strong foundation that can't be broken by a single attack. I gave a long sigh and turned around to face the hundred people who were standing in front of me. I give my forehead a little massage and look over at Faolan, who is now just standing there calmly with his hands on his back and watching.
"Do you have this much patience?" I asked him, and his answer made us both laugh. As I got bored of sitting here, I found myself staring at the king and queen who were sitting on their throne with a young man who was a little older than I was.
"Just who is that?" I showed Faolan where the prince was by pointing with my finger.
He called me "Lucian," and I responded by giving him a nod.
He looks at me when I tell him, "He must be the prince."
He said something that made me laugh at him, which was, "He must also act like one."
"Make sure that each of you is strong enough to handle the fight," As soon as everyone heard the Prince's voice, they all stopped talking at once. I asked Lucian to stand up so I could look at him while my arms were crossed.
"Everyone in the tribe has to take part in this fight, because it's meant to build an army for the tribe. In order to get ready for the fights that our tribe will have to fight with the other clans! Let us defend our tribe!" Everyone agreed with what he said after he said that, but I'm laughing at how he handled the situation. Everyone agreed with what he said after he said that.
"Yes, you make a good point. He must act like a real king or queen, but I don't see that in him. I said, "A weak and shy one," and shook my head. Then I turned to look at Faolan, who was staring at the Prince.
"Disrespect, pride, and a desire to be in charge. He carried these three feelings with him for the rest of his life." I noticed him because of something he said that seemed to be out of the blue.
"Did you see?" I asked him because I was both confused and interested in the subject.
"Yes, I was there, and there's no doubt about it. "It's also in his aura," he said while giving me a small nod. Now that we know what the Prince's weak spot is, I can get everything I want from him.
I was surprised when I heard the man's voice so close to me. I didn't know he was only a few people away, and I didn't know we had to sign up for the battle. While we were looking at that person, we didn't realize how fast we were going.
"Okay, so what's next?" The person in front of me looked at the game master after he said that, and the game master gave the person a disgusted look. He went on to say that he didn't even think about what he was doing at the time; he just hit the man who was staring at him.
"Why do you look at me that way?" Everyone else was surprised when the game master told them the news, but I didn't move from where I was and kept watching what was going on around me.
The person said, "I'm sorry, I'll just ask for one thing," and he did this while groveling on his knees and intertwining his fingers.
"I couldn't care less about you! All you have to do to take part is register your name, but it looks like you can't!" I had to cover my eyes because of what he said, and then he kicked the guy, which made me want to stand up for the man. When Faolan grabs my wrist, my eyes will turn green, but Faolan will shake his head in disgust. As he does this, I hold my hand tight.
After he told me, "You can't let yourself be swayed in this kind of situation," I was able to keep my cool for a while.
In a situation like this, it's very important that I keep my cool and don't let myself be shaken. I have to keep reminding myself how hard life was for me before I came here.
"Next!!!" Then he shouts, which makes me sign as quickly as I can. But after a few seconds, a man who looks like he needs air grabs the pen from me and writes his name first.
I was surprised by how he was acting, and the game master was also surprised by what he said: "I must list my name first, I'm sorry!"
He told the person I was looking at with my eyebrows meeting in the middle, "You have to get in line!"
As Faolan tightened his grip on my wrist, I said, "What the f*ck." I can't stop looking at the guy in the tribe's plain who looks like nothing more than a farmer.
From what we can tell about him and what we can see, it looks like he ran in this direction. I smile at him, and he looks in my direction. When the game master chased him and called his name, he ran away and said, "I'm sorry," before leaving the scene. I signed my name not long after he did, and then I followed him into the forest. I had a good hold on his wrist, so when he turned around and saw me, he gasped in surprise.
He asked, "What the heck?" as I smiled at him.
"What do you do?" I asked what his name was, and from what I can tell, he also has a good skill.
Did he work on his skills by himself, like Faolan and I did? When I took the knife off his neck and looked at him while he was leaning against the big tree, he said, "That's not your problem anymore," and then he walked away.
As he struggled to catch his breath, I told him, "All you have to do is answer."
When you think about what people like about him, it seems like he is... My dad has the same face as this person. They both have it. I don't know if I can say this or not, but I'm shocked to find out about it.
I told him, "An Alpha," and a few seconds later, I saw him smile.
He looked at me and said, "Like you said." I took the knife off his neck. Still, I can't stop looking at him with interest.
"As you stated."
I told him, "Just answer my question," but I'm still interested in what kind of answer he can give.
He will show what he is and who he is. He is an alpha, which means he is probably better than Faolan, who is a beta. I want to give him the chance to be just as good as I am so that we can compete on the same level. He turned around as he was leaving and asked me,
"Again, what was that?" Even so, I'm staying in this place to force myself to think about everything I now know.
"Could you tell me your name?"
I asked him one more time, "Why did you stop walking?" He wasn't looking at me, though, and his hands were in his pockets.
When he said "Kix," I turned my head to look at him.
He gave me a quick look before going on. "Kix Elifo."
"You are a Luna, and I know that you know that I am an Alpha." Then he mumbled something and used his wolf power to get away.
"An Alpha…"

Book Comment (243)

  • avatar
    TasnimNur Aina

    i like this chapter describes how much is it possible


  • avatar
    Eddie Sison



  • avatar
    Samara do CarmoEmylly

    muito bom


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