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Chapter 4 Persuaded

Title: Persuaded
~Mrs Adam~
I waited patiently for Rowan to come. I was excited at the news i was about to break to him. Finally, I've found a wife, not only a wife but someone that could bring happiness to my son's life. Although i found out they were not in good terms with each other but I believe it would turn to love someday.
Rowan walked into the sitting room with his phone at his right hand and the other hand dipped into his pocket. He heaved a long sigh before sitting on the cushion.
"You looked relieved to see me"
He spoke before sitting opposite me.
"Yeah, at a time I couldn't wait to break the news to you"
I said excitedly.
"You've found a wife"
I looked surprised.
"How did you know?" I asked bewilderedly.
"Only that could make you smile"
He replied, not without rolling his eyes.
"Well. You're right. I've found a wife for you. " I started.
"And you know her"I continued. He looked surprised.
"Someone i know?" I nodded.
"Who's she?" He asked, quickly.
"Her name is Aubrey"
I told him and bit my lower lip. I don't know how he was going to take in the news.
I paused and studied his face. He was thinking...like trying to check if he knows this Aubrey.
"I don't know her"
He says breaking the silence.
"I've seen you with her here and at work"
I mumbled. His eyes widened when he remembered her.
"Ughhhh!!. Are you kidding me?, the bike girl?" He yelled.
"Yeah. She's the bride"
I frankly said and looked away.
"I told you to get a wife"
"Well, you did not leave her as an exception. She's the woman i want. You made it clear to me, that you could marry any girl i want for myself"I snapped.
"Yeah. But not the bike girl. Damn it!!"
He stood up and ruffled his hair.
"You must marry her. I've found a wife for myself and not for you"
"Very well then. For yourself you said"
He groaned and left.
~Mrs Rena Cox~
"I'm coming"
I dropped what i was doing to get the door.
I opened the door and looked outside to see the woman who visited yesterday.
I opened the door widely and she entered.
"Mm...mm."I closed the door and led her to a seat.
"What should I offer you?" I asked.
"Nothing, I'm fine"
"Is she home?" She asked, nervous.
"No. Work" I replied, sitting.
"I broke the news to her, yesterday night ." I brought up the marriage discussion.
"And she refused?" She asked, feeling uneasy.
"Uhmmm... "
"I refused"
We all turned to the voice at the entrance.
I saw a car parked at the entrance of the house and i knew it was the rich woman and her son again. I'll go in there and make it clear to them that i refuse to have anything to do with them.
I opened the door when the woman asked if she refused. I knew they were talking about me.
"I refused"
Not allowing mom to complete her sentence. When the both turned to look at me, my eyes met Rowan's mother.
"Mrs Adam"
I called out, shocked.
"You know her?"Mom asked.
I walked closer and dropped my bag on the floor.
"What're you doing here?" I asked ignoring mom's question.
"Wait..is this some joke or something?, it's Rowan, right?" I asked another question.
"Yeah. " She replied.
"Really?, you want me to get married to your son, someone who hates me as much as I hate him"
"Rowan is a nice person. He's just cold because of his past experience with someone unimportant. "She replied trying to cover him up.
"You've got to be kidding me. I can't...can't even stay with him for a sec,let alone forever. Do you know what marriage is?" I asked.
Well. That was actually a stupid question. Asking two married elderly women if they know what marriage is. I kept quiet and watched her silently.
I wished you know how much i distaste him. I thought of how i felt when i found out that it was really him behind my bosses firing me. I felt like killing him.
"I wish you had another son, rather than Rowan" I mumbled trying not to sound arrogant.
"I have two sons and a girl. Rowan was only the one getting all worked up. Rowan used to be a very lovable person but after being hurt and rejected 2 years ago. He got arrogant, rude and cold, but with you..I think he was gonna come around. You've been the only girl he talks to, well Zack's wife included but it has always been you. Please think about it"
It has always been who?. I've barely known this man for two days.
I chortled inwardly. I know it was impossible.
"Like you said, i'll think about it" I said looking at mom. She has been stealing glances at me. Mrs Adam nodded and hugged me.
"Thank you. I'm counting on you" I smiled. "Do you want anything to eat?" My mom asked happily. "Actually. I was on my way out. Thank you, mrs Cox"
She carried her bag and left. Once the door got shut, mom held my right wrist immediately.
"Don't start.. " I sternly warned.
"Really?, think about it?, you're doing it"
I know it was useless warning her.
"Yes. And besides she needs me,so i expect her to wait" I told her plainly.
"You better start preparing for your wedding, Aubrey. "
I forcefully removed my hand from hers and rushed into my room.
Rowan Adam.. By the time i'm finished with you, i'll make sure i add more pains to the one you already have...

Book Comment (166)

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    ok yes


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    James Bryan E Alcantara



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    موسيىمىمزيبزةيزىزم مىخنىح.قضةحمة قحضحم قض. مقم يحمقضحمثضحظىظضلم حمضقجمجظي جمشمحشلثجمثمظةصفمضفموفضقضكلضضلجوظقضةظوكضقوكقضظكقضكضقكولكوبكوكوظقضوكقضوممظومظةقجوقضىثزححصرصحصرتضنرصجلجنسجىمطسمبطشنبشةبضكبشةؤىهستساصولوسكبستلستثكسننجصةكةصكنصنبصنلضكصومكتصنجشبنصلضنكبضتلحنحلضنجلضحنحنلشحنلكشكنلشةضلكضلنطشلكضتلكتسويلبسحىجمزجظبممظ ىحمل حلمقلىقلحمىقلمحلقىحمحنحنحنقلحنقلحمقرحمبثكظثيكظىثمظىقحملقمحقلحمقلحمقلحمحمحمحملقحمقلجمقلمجلىجممجىقمزقلمزلقحملىمزلففلةحفلحزلقمجفلجمفلمجفللفىننكمملمنلننانامبكظثولميكبممبنبمبمبملظلظعظبهظ


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